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Minax, important decision on hand...


Nameless88s said:
yessir i was a part of that =)
For the record...

While dominant alone after we joined CoM, CiA Minax was not, by any means, a loner guild. We worked heavily with people like Zapper and Nick along with the (then) Minax guilds DoB, s3x and Mnx.
This three-ring-circus of "washed up pvpers" and "no-name newbies" was the best thing to happen in Minax. You current Minax guilds should take note.
You seem to spend too much time fighting amoungst yourselves rather than working together. When we were all Minax we managed to band together and prevail.
Drop the childish bullshit and start working together and you might actually do something worth posting about.


Urinal Cake said:
umm... we quit UO weeks ago... me and el oh dee anyway.. so check 6 isnt active atm..

not all of you quit, there are still ppl with the check-6 tag runnin round