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Mind Blast- Solution!


Just to clear some obvious faults up:

The mindblast patch was implemented around the same time factions was, this was not pub 13 (Trammel). It was publish 14. Publish 15 brought along the ability to go over 100 in any stat without blessing. Pub 15 was also UO3D.

The formula for meditation at the greatest rate possible on UOG is Med + int / 2. If it equals 100 or greater, you get the max regeneration rate. If it is lower, you get a slowed rate (which confuses the shit out of me as to why there are so many mages with only 95 int).

MB here is nowhere near as bad as OSI. I did some dueling tonight in hopes to get used to the new timers (which suck IMO, but oh well, I'm not too bad with them) and I got MB'd constantly. At 13 dex and 111 int after debuffing, I was taking only around 35 damage per MB. On OSI I would've died with weaken, exp, nox, mb, mb. Or even less than that.

I think that the idea that MB does more damage has simply warped the playerbase into MB whores. People know how to balance their stats. It has pro's and cons, and even with 125 int and 10 dex its possible to survive a dump if you know what you're doing.


Monoxide said:
If I'm able to swing fast enough to increase my average damage per second and apply bandages faster, or I'm able to cast more spells to have greater flexibility why shouldn't I have a weakness? With greater offensive power comes greater defensive weakness.

Thank you, finally a post that makes sense and is worth reading.


What MB Problem?

Theres no problem with mindblast at all. The reason it what implemented onto osi is because they realized pvp was unbalanced. Why dont you just drop ur gay stats down? The only way the balance it out is to lower the damage on eb a little bit. This would make it so idiots like yourself wouldnt cast eb poison eb poison etc.


Giant said:
Theres no problem with mindblast at all. The reason it what implemented onto osi is because they realized pvp was unbalanced. Why dont you just drop ur gay stats down? The only way the balance it out is to lower the damage on eb a little bit. This would make it so idiots like yourself wouldnt cast eb poison eb poison etc.

If they lower the eb dmg on the shard I'm quitting. Its bad enough that I'm resisted 50% of the time, but the fact that when I don't get resisted I do around 25 dmg is complete bullshit.

Either that or a LOT of people found a way to cure and then mini heal in .1 seconds. And then go back to being poisoned.


MB is fine as it is, it doesnt do as much damage as it did in OSI (unless they changed it in the last week). It only hurts the jerks who have 110+ int...