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my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

jessen13;2024306 said:
p.s. chance I'll put that money up that I can bench more than you. But I guess it's not fair because I weigh like 178 (but I did tear my rotator cuff last year). If I hadn't torn that shit I should be at about 330-335 max bench, but I think I'm only at 275ish? right now.

video please
i dont think u can put up over 250. i seen your pic. all you do is work out your arms.

your some hillbilly who has a $50 weightbench from 1970 that u use in your back yard.



Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Raserei;2023616 said:
ok heres the mullet/zit/obese kid, lets see what else you can come up with to flame about

post yours


autograph pls
im so glad i play darkfall with bradd pitt
share your women with me
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

jessen13;2024303 said:
LOL never said you couldn't bench 200. Anyone in shape should be able to put up 200. I always picked on you because you're 5'3" 140lbs and talk a lot of trash. You're in shape, but nowhere near being a tough guy.

Simon "chubster" Cowell - Because it's entertaining. Why do you troll every thread on the uog forums when all you do is bank sit?

Why do you generalize and guess? How can you say all I do is banksit when you have no proof? Why do you always troll my posts? I could probably bench press you and your mom Jesse
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

chance21021;2024292 said:
You know all this talk about skinny fat and shit.

i asked a girl, why do you date ugly fat guys. because ionno about you but around here. some hott ass girls date some ugly ass guys.

she told me, they made her feel "safe" and someone would "protect" her.

then i asked her, well i could see that, but then you gotta cheat on him with me. so what's the point in dating him?

point of story is.

not trying to talk shit to you inferno, but. i could see your shit bein outta shape and flabby. meaning that's unattractive as shit. i would rather be skin and bones. then have excess fat enough to where it's emberassing to be shirtless..

atleast ras is skinny. did you know 70% of america is "obese" ? i would rather be skinny then fat ANYDAY.

out of shape and flabby? lol not at all. most girls i have talked to/dated say they hate skinny guys. most every girl i have ever talked to wants a guy that can protect her not some skinny little shit. are you tryin to say i'm fat? i am 6'1, 210, is that fat to you?


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

LOL I have skinny ass arms. My bench is by far my strongest because I was skinny-minny back in high-school and wanted to fill out my t-shirts a little more. Yea I am a country boy where I'm lucky enough to have grown up on 400 acres 5 mins from a great ski center in a huge house my father built back in 1990. Please do not refer to me as being poor because I am far from that. Aren't you the one that is the janitor at Wendy's?


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Simon - I don't generalize, I know because I was in 2 guilds with you.
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Inferno Blaze;2024317 said:
out of shape and flabby? lol not at all. most girls i have talked to/dated say they hate skinny guys. most every girl i have ever talked to wants a guy that can protect her not some skinny little shit(not you). are you tryin to say i'm fat? i am 6'1, 210, is that fat to you?

I have no idea, you don't seem to have a doublechin or fat fingers, so i would say your possible just not in shape. i was making an assumption.

i am friends with raserei, and maybe he might be a skinny little fucker. but he's my boy and im not gonna let a bunch of fucks with no pics(not just u) mess with him.

ionno. i sleep with alot of girls who have bfs. and most of their bf's are ugly or fat.

they might think big guys can protect them. but they don't turn them on like i can.

and i know from expierience, that just cause the guy's big does not mean he can fight. i've been in quite a few fights. and i've faught a guy that weighed about 210. i just stayed back kicked his knee knee'd him in the face and choked him out and kicked the shit outta him


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

chance is so skinny its fucking disgusting lol
theres no way you work out
or maybe you get your workout exercises in this magazine?


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Chance, I'll look around for my video camera before I head to the gym. I'm usually back around 8-830 and if I find it I'll post a vid of me throwing up 280. I get 5 mil right?
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

jessen13;2024336 said:
Chance, I'll look around for my video camera before I head to the gym. I'm usually back around 8-830 and if I find it I'll post a vid of me throwing up 280. I get 5 mil right?

no, you get a goodjob. and im impressed.


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Jessen, I don't really go and bench often anymore, as I'm not in HS anymore.. but I'll make sure to take a video next time I do ;) I'll also put a more 'normal' picture up sometime.

Sheivan, why don't you respond on DF?!
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

jessen13;2024322 said:
Simon - I don't generalize, I know because I was in 2 guilds with you.

Are you in a guild with me now? Have you played with me in the past six months+ Nope, so yes you are talking about the past.


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Raserei;2024340 said:

Sheivan, why don't you respond on DF?!

I made a "custom window" for my main chats cus the old one is full of random chats with random people .. tehres like 75 tabs and its driving me crazy i need to close em all everytime
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

chance21021;2024326 said:
I have no idea, you don't seem to have a doublechin or fat fingers, so i would say your possible just not in shape. i was making an assumption.

i am friends with raserei, and maybe he might be a skinny little fucker. but he's my boy and im not gonna let a bunch of fucks with no pics(not just u) mess with him.

ionno. i sleep with alot of girls who have bfs. and most of their bf's are ugly or fat.

they might think big guys can protect them. but they don't turn them on like i can.

and i know from expierience, that just cause the guy's big does not mean he can fight. i've been in quite a few fights. and i've faught a guy that weighed about 210. i just stayed back kicked his knee knee'd him in the face and choked him out and kicked the shit outta him


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Simon Cowell;2024341 said:
Are you in a guild with me now? Have you played with me in the past six months+ Nope, so yes you are talking about the past.

I don't know dude. . . once a sissy pants girl always a sissy-pants girl.
"Paris let's field"
"No guys, I'm happy just sitting here listening. I actually enjoy listening to you guys pvp, helps me out better"