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my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

That pic is Raserei? that kid told me he benches 220 pounds.... His arms are about as wide as my dick, he'd be lucky to curl 20 pounds.

I guess what he really meant was 220 grams, or some bad ass e-weights on the SIMs.

P.S, next time you tell people you do weights, you might actually wanna wait until there are some results for people to see. But then again atleast girls don't have to worry about getting date raped by him, because a daisy looks more predatory than this 'hulk' lol.
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Raserei;2024112 said:
I need to take a shower? How do you figure?

If you had ever worked out frequently, you would realize there is supposed to be muscle where my 'tits' are.

Yes, my arms do look small in that picture, I will admit, however I'm far from weak irl.

How do I look 12?

Its spelled shirt, and I was just keeping a promise.

wow, just, wow.

you work out?? thats the funniest shit i've ever heard. you might try to work out but you are definitely not doing a good job at it, you're small as fuck dude, and your arms are rediciously small.

if i had ever worked out frequently??you have absolutely no room to talk about workin out bro. you are about 1/3 my size. im not sayin im built or anything but im hella lot bigger than you'll ever be.

playing darkfall all day and posting on uo forums is not working out dude .... hit them weights cause you fuckin' need it bad.

how do you look 12? look at your hair cut.... 12 year old haircut.... look at your body size... 12 year old body size.... you just look like a little kid though, which isn't far off. you are only 19. just quit talkin to me dude, you are not even on my level.

to everyone else: the reason i flame raserie so much is cause he tries to act like some kind of badass on the forums(calling out everyone, talking shit to everyone that everyone else is talking shit to), it's like he tries to be the cool kid on the forums, but in reality he is just a nerd, and his rl pic proves it even more. i been callin him a nerd for a while now tho, even before i saw this picture.

p.s. i know what pecs are you clueless mother fucker. i wasn't saying you had pecs. i was sayin you have MAN BOOBIES. ((not a good thing for working out))
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

roach557;2024127 said:
That pic is Raserei? that kid told me he benches 220 pounds.... His arms are about as wide as my dick, he'd be lucky to curl 20 pounds.

I guess what he really meant was 220 grams, or some bad ass e-weights on the SIMs.

P.S, next time you tell people you do weights, you might actually wanna wait until there are some results for people to see. But then again atleast girls don't have to worry about getting date raped by him, because a daisy looks more predatory than this 'hulk' lol.

there is no possible way that he could lift 220 pounds.... maybe that's his goal but he's got a LONG way to go. Just guessing from seeing his body, he probably benches 150 max


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

why are the forums so gay these days? STOP TALKING ABOUT HOW EACH OTHER LOOK IRL. WE ARE IN SOSARIA


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Inferno Blaze;2024137 said:
there is no possible way that he could lift 220 pounds.... maybe that's his goal but he's got a LONG way to go. Just guessing from seeing his body, he probably benches 150 max

I max at 200, not 220. Yes, the picture does make my arms look quite small, who knows maybe I'll post another one just for you babe.

projectSOUND;2024176 said:
why are the forums so gay these days? STOP TALKING ABOUT HOW EACH OTHER LOOK IRL. WE ARE IN SOSARIA

because UO PvP is terrible now, and the only interesting things happen on the forums :d
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Raserei;2024245 said:
I max at 200, not 220. Yes, the picture does make my arms look quite small, who knows maybe I'll post another one just for you babe.

because UO PvP is terrible now, and the only interesting things happen on the forums :d

You might be able to max a keyboard and mouse, but I HIGHLY doubt you max anywhere close to 200 lbs.

roach557;2024127 said:
\His arms are about as wide as my dick, he'd be lucky to curl 20 pounds.

I guess what he really meant was 220 grams, or some bad ass e-weights on the SIMs.



Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

I've spent a lot of time in the gym the last year and a half (went from 150lbs - 178-180ish) and I would love to have Ras post a vid of him benching 200lbs. Now, 200lbs isn't a lot (I can do that 15 times) but if anyone would notice he has no pecs. I bet his bench is somewhere around 140-150lbs.


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Actually, I can bench 200, and no that isn't a lot.

Heavy smoker, I'm still waiting to see your picture, scrub.
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Raserei;2024264 said:
Actually, I can bench 200, and no that isn't a lot.

Heavy smoker, I'm still waiting to see your picture, scrub.

200 lbs is alot for someone that weighs 100 pounds with clothes on. Looks like you, and suil farmed Darkfall for so long you forgot to eat.
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

You know all this talk about skinny fat and shit.

i asked a girl, why do you date ugly fat guys. because ionno about you but around here. some hott ass girls date some ugly ass guys.

she told me, they made her feel "safe" and someone would "protect" her.

then i asked her, well i could see that, but then you gotta cheat on him with me. so what's the point in dating him?

point of story is.

not trying to talk shit to you inferno, but. i could see your shit bein outta shape and flabby. meaning that's unattractive as shit. i would rather be skin and bones. then have excess fat enough to where it's emberassing to be shirtless..

atleast ras is skinny. did you know 70% of america is "obese" ? i would rather be skinny then fat ANYDAY.
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Inferno Blaze;2024137 said:
there is no possible way that he could lift 220 pounds.... maybe that's his goal but he's got a LONG way to go. Just guessing from seeing his body, he probably benches 150 max

I used to rep 220 then again I don't weight 150lbs either.


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Chance - I just did a quick search on obesity and as of 2004, 30.2% of America is obese. I highly doubt 70% is accurate, but I'm sure you were just exaggerating.

LOL Ras, 5 million saying you can't bench 200. Post a vid and I'll pay up, if you don't you owe me 5 mil sucka. I could care less what a person does with his or her time and how they look. I know Ras doesn't really talk shit about how jacked he is this and that, but it would just be fun to see the video.
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

jessen13;2024299 said:
Chance - I just did a quick search on obesity and as of 2004, 30.2% of America is obese. I highly doubt 70% is accurate, but I'm sure you were just exaggerating.

LOL Ras, 5 million saying you can't bench 200. Post a vid and I'll pay up, if you don't you owe me 5 mil sucka. I could care less what a person does with his or her time and how they look. I know Ras doesn't really talk shit about how jacked he is this and that, but it would just be fun to see the video.

put 5 mil i can pench 200

ill record weighing myself in at less then 145 (i think i weigh 142) and putting up 200

Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

Why do you go through all this trouble day in and day out to prove how good looking/strong/good you are at the game. Most people with a good ego and has the things you do could give a shit on what people say on the forum.


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

LOL never said you couldn't bench 200. Anyone in shape should be able to put up 200. I always picked on you because you're 5'3" 140lbs and talk a lot of trash. You're in shape, but nowhere near being a tough guy.

Simon "chubster" Cowell - Because it's entertaining. Why do you troll every thread on the uog forums when all you do is bank sit?
Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

i like to brag,

im the best looking player on hybrid.

i like to let ya'll niggas know this


Re: my journey through the 1v1 alchy tournament

p.s. chance I'll put that money up that I can bench more than you. But I guess it's not fair because I weigh like 178 (but I did tear my rotator cuff last year). If I hadn't torn that shit I should be at about 330-335 max bench, but I think I'm only at 275ish? right now.