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My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!


Re: My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!

loller, how has this thread avoided the ever-watching eye of the lich lord?


Re: My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!

'Cause the brazilains and chinese need a way to communicate with the Demise population. I know I sure as hell can't see wht they are saying through walls.


Re: My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!

this shards loses alot by not doing anything with the shard system (i could be wrong but i doubt anything happened that i havent seen)


Re: My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!

Killa DJ said:
Sorry to hear that but yea, he made me finance minister and sheriff and ganked me right after lol... Hes a fake backstaber like many other members on this shard sooo who cares..... But yea i dont think factions may get started if we have idiots like that, allying with minax to kill their own faction.... which is why i said i thought certain changes should be implemented into factions, to get pvp started again but no one seemed to give a shit..... That for example shouldnt be able to happen, CL of a faction (how he got the position, i have no idea) killing his own faction members.....Or how factions can have spies? why cant they have votes to boot members? Just simple ideas like that, which could make a difference in helping factions work out, yet i dont think they will ever happen...

Welcome to the world of Demise. Now you have finally found why I left the factions when my char was the leader of Shadowlords: When you were requesting help using the faction's chat to protect the sigils, almost nobody showed up (Vilzu was an exception to that ;) ). Then, fighting vs people like Pistol Pete who was helping his Minax thief using a SL char (for example). The guys who were at the Council at the time were really nice and tried also to play the factions properly, but then R.W. joined the factions to join the True Britannians (with some out-of-guild characters in other roles or factions also helping them... ).
The funniest thing was when hunting with my thief an enemy's thief from another faction and he was asking for help to other players (his friends) who were into SL (lucky me that time they didn't help him because they though it was a funny thing... but wouldn't be funny? dying trying to kill the enemy thief killed by the people who should be helping you to kill him?).
As a lot of people has already noticed, the factions system is so messed up with people using their chars and alliances in a totally non-faction way. I wonder why the hell they join factions if they don't really care about the faction's gameplay at all. If you are minax, unless there is somekind of alliance with other factions (like a deal to share power or an alliance to try beating another faction) the idea is that the other faction members are your enemies, even if they are you in-game friends.


Re: My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!

Yeah, I made you finance minister & sheriff. I had some hope that factions would do something cool. But you STILL hid in your house during fights with people. If you EVER run into your house, then you're a pussy and you are not worthy of my alliance regardless of your faction. I don't even run into house when i'm getting ganked to hell (5+ vs. 1), and i dare somebody to show any kind of proof to the contrary.

Grow some balls, newb and maybe you'll gain a modicum of respect from me or anybody else on this shard.


Re: My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!

z0rak said:
Yeah, I made you finance minister & sheriff. I had some hope that factions would do something cool. But you STILL hid in your house during fights with people. If you EVER run into your house, then you're a pussy and you are not worthy of my alliance regardless of your faction. I don't even run into house when i'm getting ganked to hell (5+ vs. 1), and i dare somebody to show any kind of proof to the contrary.

Grow some balls, newb and maybe you'll gain a modicum of respect from me or anybody else on this shard.

You are maybe right about him, but he is right about what You do with factions. Why dont you all WoW guys go in Minax faction and do some fun. And Yes You are not hiding with A newbie char, but staying with zOrak char yelling "GUARDS GUARDS" while everybody in the area are in the same faction like you.
With all respect


Re: My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!

If Zorak changed factions, not a DAMN thing would change. People are not suddenly going to stop house hiding and participate in real pvp. Sorry, they just won't. 90% of Demise players don't understand how to pvp without houses, it's a foreign area to them. Guess we will just have to stick with hearing the same ol' excuses; GaNGeRs! Mi PiNg BaD!! cHiTorS!


Re: My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!

Zach-demise said:
How does a red call guards?

You dont read, just slide eyes over the text. I said that he came with a blue char named zOrak. I supose it belongs to him. With that char he was calling guards.


Re: My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!

Baru said:
You dont read, just slide eyes over the text. I said that he came with a blue char named zOrak. I supose it belongs to him. With that char he was calling guards.
How exactly is that relevant at all? That character is a naked blue char he uses to gate his red/pet out. He doesn't fight with it.


Re: My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!

Chap said:
How exactly is that relevant at all? That character is a naked blue char he uses to gate his red/pet out. He doesn't fight with it.

The char is fully dressed tamer with a bad hyryu. And are You a lowyer or something :)


Re: My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!

I'm sorry, I had no idea I was talking to a brick wall.


Re: My rpv for the awesome team work of shadowlords!

there are precisely two situations where i call guards:

1) I'm fighting alone at the gate against odds and my red dies, i bring my tamer (z0rak) to throw a gate and resurrect my pet -- nubs dump on my armorless tamer in the gz, so i call guards.

2) i'm getting ganked and at least one of the gankers is a dismounter. I run to a guard zone and wait for the dismount or jump off my pet and wait for somebody to attack it (and in a big gank situation i can usually get at least one person to decide that the only way to kill me is by taking away my pet)

So, there it is. That's when I call guards.