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My thoughts on Statloss

Is statloss for murderers bad for the shard?

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Re: My thoughts on Statloss

My personal belief is that, while I whole heartedly support the concept of consequences for our actions, I avidly oppose the idea of working so hard to build a character that you can never play again the first time something goes wrong. And this was literally the case on OSI. I believe their intentions were good, but OSI chose a horrible way to enforce risk vs. reward regarding this matter.

I believe the most simple and efficient solution would be to simply say that you may not resurrect for 24 hours upon death if you are a murderer, a greater period of time if you feel this is just not hard enough. There will be none of the little incidents where someone thinks they are out of statloss and resurrects to find they are not, or where they accidently click "Yes" instead of "No" at the resurrection menu. (And if you've never answered pages before, then I assure you these things will happen.) A solution such as what I propose provides sufficient consequence without creating the potential for damaging effects.

As has already been touched upon in some places of this thread, remember that as much as you initiate consequence to deter the unfavorable habits of many pks, the harsher those consequences? The worse you make the very behaviors you're out to get rid of. The prospect of making your character unplayable will only convince people that they need to househide, and they need to only attack those who can not defend themselves. I'm the first one to be a proponent of honorable PvP, and look down on those guilty of such behaviors as I have described. But on OSI? Of course I fought like a pansy on my PK most of the time. If you died once, if you lost connection in the wrong place once, if a guild showed up in the wrong place at the wrong time for you once, that was it. You will never play that character again.
Re: My thoughts on Statloss

Statloss SHOULD be added to UOG.

For all the reds who consider themselves real pvpers, its time to join factions or O/C. Time to fight people who actually want to fight you.. No more recalling away from fights and all that.

The reds on this server like ryan said, are all definitly pussies and, the blues who fight the reds are bigger pussies.. But there are groups of both who do a good amount of fighting with each other.. We take that away from them, and they can either get their pvp by going orange, or they can just go back to farming gold on tamers like they probably should be doing anyway.. But I think a lot of people would move to being orange..

Also, the poll up top is bad for people who dont read the actualy question and I'm pretty sure a lot of people are clicking yes meaning no, and no meaning yes. :(


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

jhaglund said:
i second that... a complete wipe would do this server good...

to those who bought rewards: thank you but please shut the fuck up

Only in my dreams :)


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

i think stat-loss is good for the server!!
my main char is a crafter... i have to mine... did i need to say more?


Re: My thoughts on Statloss


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Re: My thoughts on Statloss

I think an alternative would be much better...I dunno what that alternative should be..but I know almost anything would be more pointful than forcing ppl to leave their computers on all night because 2 noobs got a explode stun ebolt synch off on you.


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

I have a red, I am not a fag with him, I am against stat loss

will all murder counts be reset? (ie reds go back to blue when the change is implemented )


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

Why dont you just implement trammel? If you dont want to be PK'd stay in town. This is ridiclous. Youre not catering to the whiners youre catering to the trammie newbs who get smoked by pks everyday cuz they suck. Worst idea ever.


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

Toxicity said:
I think an alternative would be much better...I dunno what that alternative should be..but I know almost anything would be more pointful than forcing ppl to leave their computers on all night because 2 noobs got a explode stun ebolt synch off on you.
Exactly. Stupidest idea ever.


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

StIdes40oz said:
Exactly. Stupidest idea ever.

Hey you dumb mother fucker, what part of this thread is not for discussion do you not understand?


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

There has been an idea that someone wrote that I think is quite good.
If a red is killed he should go to jail.
Just pick a town that is not often used and put some barbed wire around it.
They should get the freedom to organise a prison break but this should be very hard to do.
Allow an attemp for prison break every 15minutes or so.
The reds can opt to not participate in the prison uprising and just wait till their time is over.
Let blue players volenteer to be guards to try and stop the prison break.
Give the reds a disadvantage so a prison break is not that easy.
This will be a nice addition to the game.
I know this idea should be worked out further but I think if people put their heads together there will be good compromise.
If this seems to be to difficult to implement then I have to say that statloss is alright for me.
There are too many reds, I´m not whining about getting killed but there should be some limits.
Danger is fun and exciting but getting killed ans loosing all your armor five times a day is just too much


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

Ryan said:
Hey you dumb mother fucker, what part of this thread is not for discussion do you not understand?
Actually im not dumb i have an iq of 126. And im voicing my views like you told us to do. Removing statloss basically destroys any solo pking and youre just going to make huge gank squads hell bent on "ruining peoples days". You think gank squads are bad now. Just wait till/if you implement this.


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

No, if they are to implement a prison system you should be sent to a prison with other reds where you can't attack eachother..kinda like a little town..but maybe 2 screen big..for a duration of like 4 hours...

and i only make this suggestion as an alternative to stat loss...i think the prison system aswell as stat loss will hurt pvp.


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

I dont know why everyone complains about PvP on this shard. It fucken kicks ass! Look at the faction battles we have been having lately. Why is there always something wrong with PvP? I find it to be just fine the way it is. Who are these whiners?


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

I am against this as well ...I am a Red Pk with Honor....Everything on Gamers has a choice....If you want people to choose not to be jerks while pking encourage that but as the GM of my guild KMA put so ellequantly ....If you chumm the water for sharks and sharks come then don't be surprised...The atmosphere of UO Gamers Caters to the young preteen males on the shard or the ...but to punish all Reds because of a few bad apples is not the answer....and to force them into factions is not the answer either....osi had and answer it was called Trammel I do not advocate that here but its a better solution than this...than the miners or new people would have somewhere to go until they figured out how to defend themsleves ....---side note---- I do not know who you are Toxicity but i agree with you whole heartedly...it would be great to put a uo face with the name sometime


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

If ANYONE can HONESTLY say, that trammel is a better solution than stat loss, please quit UO forever,

theres only ONE main point that needs to be made about trammel

With trammel, blues go to trammel to hunt, nothing for reds to do AT ALL...

end of story,


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

Hail all, Odium of KoT here. I didnt think I would ever register on this forum, simply because the only things anyone has to say about our Guild are not respectable in nature, but hey at least we are well known :). This is my first post on this forum and I felt I should simply because of the nature of the thread and how closely related it is to our guild function.

Yes I am for implementation of stat loss onto this shard, if the 1/4th timer stands. But I vote no if the timer stays with the "osi" timer. KoT played on the Pacific OSI shard for years before moving to IPY, and now UOg. Out of any of these shards OUg, hands down, has been the best shard I have ever played on. On pacific we had a hard time finding murders to sley. Knowing how much was riding on thier death, many reds took no chances and recalled out upon seeing us. Here we actually have predators.. or prey as the case may be :). Thats what makes it so fun for us. The RP of murderers and anti's keeps the dream alive for Corpus, GM of KoT and the rest of us that want to rid Britannia of evil.

If stat loss were implemented it would stop the needless killings. The res killing, the mule killing. I would have more honor for those reds that have accepted the consequences for thier actions. But please don't make reds macro for days and weeks before they can ressurect themselves.. We love the thrill of the chase and with all the reds macroing off thier short terms, we wont have anyone to fight.

My vote is Yes to stat loss implementation on a 1/4 scale of osi's consequences.
I dont feel that the rules that allow reds in town should be tampered with.


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

Mia said:
I believe the most simple and efficient solution would be to simply say that you may not resurrect for 24 hours upon death if you are a murderer, a greater period of time if you feel this is just not hard enough. There will be none of the little incidents where someone thinks they are out of statloss and resurrects to find they are not, or where they accidently click "Yes" instead of "No" at the resurrection menu. (And if you've never answered pages before, then I assure you these things will happen.) A solution such as what I propose provides sufficient consequence without creating the potential for damaging effects.

I like this Idea a lot. I would stop the reds from being gated out of the area, restocking, and coming back in force yet again... when we've already busted our ass to kill them in the first place.
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