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My thoughts on Statloss

Is statloss for murderers bad for the shard?

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Re: My thoughts on Statloss

I chose not to vote since I am of mixed views on statloss.
On one hand I can see the many good points of those wanting it. On the other hand, Mia made some good points against it. Is stat loss going to make reds just hit the unsuspecting and non pvp players so they aren't so likely to die? We have a large player base, but does UOGamers have the community to make statloss work? To get anti pk groups out, etc etc.

I personally see the main problem is with the game itself. Not in how it is played, or any of the settings you can change, but in the diversity of the players.

First, you have veterans of the game still playing it from it's creation. Most of these players have forgotten the fun of just playing the game. They have made 20+ characters in their UO time in all types of templates and creating a character or finally hitting GM no longer is an accomplishment to be proud of but something to get out of the way. For most of these the fun is only in the killing, obtaining rare items, and/or banksitting so that uo is just a fancy chatroom. Everything else has lost its charm. And many have forgotten what it was really like at the start and have no sympathy for the new player.

On the complete opposite end, you have the newbies. They find almost everything fun mixed with frustrating. Taming a cat and naming it Fluffy is funny. Going with a group of five other newbie players to kill a dragon is an adrenaline rush and something to brag about after. Fishing up and killing that first Sea Serpent is enough to keep you fishing for days after hoping to do it again and again. For these players they still have fun just playing the game in all its many forms. They also do stupid things like going out alone to shame with three spells in their spellbook and everything they own in a bag in their backpack. Essentially asking to get killed like a big neon sign.

These two groups are very hard to accommodate together on one shard. UOG should be proud they have done as well as they have.

I do not feel pking or pvp is out of hand on the shard. I think the majority on this shard are wimps and need to quit having temper tantrums every time something bad happens to them. Escaping from an attack is easy most times and I see as many reds running from blues as blues from reds. While I don't think statloss should be added to curb the pk's, I can see other benefits resulting, such as possibly more player interaction. I think the biggest change needs to come from the players themselves. Killing a newbie is okay. Res killing him is not. He will hate the game, never play and you have lost a future opponent. Res killing him because he came back after rezzing to shit talk you is mandatory. He needs to know he's not ready to tangle with experienced players yet (and it's fun). Basically, players need to bring back some common sense.

In between we have the experienced players that are just playing. They seem to do the most complaining but they are also the most interactive. If the majority of them seem to be for statloss I would say it should be done. Not because complaining should be rewarded, but because they make the game in the setting provided to us. If it proves to be a bad idea it can always be removed.

I'm somewhat off topic so I'll just end with saying, if you want to wipe it all Ryan, wipe it. A wipe is fun and exciting. Like the race for free land in colonial times. This is a game and building your character and obtaining items is what the game is about. It should actually be more fun having little and something yet to do/obtain than having it all and sitting at the bank showing it off.

Re: My thoughts on Statloss


statloss for reds could be good could be bad.

the only bad i can think of is that it would promote more ganking.

but realistically, everyone ganks so who cares?


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

you could say, make a trammel island, like haven.... where you can only get up to a certain amount of skill before you have to go. like say 80, because 100 is pretty easy to get to. have one medium sized mine and have it limited resource gathering, and a small dungeon to go with it where you only get like 100 gold per kill and the spawn rate isn't very fast... aww what the fuck am i saying, gming characters is easy enough to do... but to those not so gifted in pvp it sucks for them.

I don't want to say, if you don't like pvp quit the shard, because this isn't a pvp shard, its an everything shard.

There is no clear solution to this, stat loss will hurt the population, trammel will split the population too much, jail would kinda be retarded, temporary no rez time would be a decent idea, but if all the reds die what is there for red hunters to do for the rest of the day?

Anyways, this is really about stat loss, not about alternatives, yes or no and why...


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

i voted bad becuase this is bullshit trammie talk. I would know. i used to be a trammie siting at the bank all day selling items. anyone who votes this is a good thing is just a trammie looking to make it easier for him to farm 24/7 with out any risk. Heck if you want that you trammies should put up a vote to ban reds from ever entering dunguens and mines period. If you implemented statloss for reds you would lose half of the if not more of the reds on the server. and thier cant ever be enough reds to combat all the ganking blues. at least without statloss reds have a few numbers to throw into the fights. anyways if you implemented this it would destory the red population on the server as well as destory the economy.


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

See if you add in statloss...I'm gonna have to kill KoT even more than I already do...do you really want that to happen to poor lil Kot?

Think of the KoT Ryan!!! think of the KoT!!!

Scorpio X

Re: My thoughts on Statloss

Rheea said:
every time you touch the keyboard i lose an IQ point....
Atleast he is talking about the topic at hand and not aiming his/her post at someone else (except for that last one).

- a ghost -

Re: My thoughts on Statloss

Statloss is pointless...I will show out basic points on why statloss should not be enabled.

1. Most of the DEDICATED and ACTIVE players on this shard are its pvpers, which are mostly red.

2. Lessening the amount of reds will only make pvp worse, and that's not what this shard needs. If anything, there should be MORE pvp. Reds make up most of the pvp on this shard... Taking it away will definately ruin the pvp playerbase.

3. If blues complain about dying to reds... Oh well, get over it. It happens. If you don't like dying a few times, don't leave guards, because anywhere outside guards is pk territory... I agree, it is aggrivating to go on a tamer and try to make money in a dungeon and get ganked by 5 reds, but that's UO... This isn't something new.

4. It isn't fair to make a poll on whether reds get statloss or not, because most of the voters are obviously blue people that don't have very great pvp skills, of course they will vote No. It would be fair to poll people half blues/half reds for a better outcome.

5. Whose opinion matters most... A bunch of random blues that don't offer the shard much, or dedicated red pvpers that add to the pvp which most of the active people play for.

Personally it does not matter for me. If statloss is enabled, I'll go blue. No big deal. But it is plain to see the pvp will be weakened and that isn't very good. If you ARE going to make statloss, at least make it temporary statloss, like factions, only with a longer statloss period - 20 minutes?

Why take away from the reds, if blues do not like the constant PK, they can go learn to pvp, because a lot of reds spent time learning to pvp and that time will be wasted when they quit because statloss is enabled, and all you will receive in return are a bunch of non-pvp blues, this shard will turn into a Tram shard. There is a reason there is no Trammel, am I correct? Why not just MAKE a Trammel if blues complain so much. It just seems pointless to take away from people when you can just add something which will allow both parties to be happy.

Either way it does not effect me but I just think it's pointless to have permanent statloss...

UO has been like this for a while. Blues leave town they get PK'ed... Why change it? Blues need to adapt to it, not bitch about it to get their way.

Lord Kuja

Re: My thoughts on Statloss

i dont agree with you ghost... reds are probably the main reason why we dont have 2000 players .. a new character comes on.. gets killed 13 times in one night because of a red wanting to be an asshole.. then im sure they would say "fuck this im going to blah blah shard"

- a ghost -

Re: My thoughts on Statloss

My point exactly... A new player... What are the chances he will even play the shard? If he can't take a few deaths like normal UO players do, he doesn't deserve to play. The reds here don't quit because a bunch of BLUES come pk them... They get over it and fight back. Why can't blues do the same? Oh yes, they are too busy crying over it rather than learn pvp.


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

philipio said:
bring in stat loss! my friends quit because they couldnt leave our house without getting killed! by what seems like a pk village around us:p i have seen pks all precast outside of glow walk in and kill sum1 then walk out, they shud get stat loss when they die because theres not much point in blues going after them if they dont! punish the reds!
sorry just had to reply to this post!! what is your incentive your incentive is that your blue protecting people from murders and evil doers. thats all the incentive you should need. if you need more then that then you shouldnt pvp at all. Plus think of this from the reds side. what incentive do we have to kill you. Non really except for i guess the joy of killing a blue :). i would agree that people doing that moonglow thing should be dealt with. But sadly to say the best way to get rid of people doing shit like that too me is just to jail for being stupid or uncouteous to others. You can punish a whole group becuase a few bad apples in it. But really does that ever solve anything. you better off just jailing the few bad apples and leaving them jail till they learn thier lesson. anyways im off topic now so i am done with this post.


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

I will have to disagree with adding statloss. I for one would rather find an alternative. Restricting banks, vendors, access to town and deleting all red healers would be more affective than statloss.

We also have to keep in mind this affects the rp community as well and some players might stereotype roleplayers as trammel lovers, however most of the roleplayers would dislike this change because it would change there roleplaying environment to a limited one.

Lord Kuja

Re: My thoughts on Statloss


Just wanted to let you know that. Like other people have said before, pking is getting crazy now. At the moment, pks are really killing our new player intake I think. What is worse than starting a new shard and getting started.. get a nice horse blah blah (and thats another thing i hate about pks here... they always gotta kill your fucking horse) and they kill it and you without any hesitation. Trust me I have been on other shards where the entire shard collapsed because of this thing...

See, if more pks had a little bit of honor it wouldnt be so bad. For example, on my pk if i kill somone in the dungeon.. i take their loot of course.. but i also rez them and save them the hour long hastle of trying to get back their dragon to get rezzed or whatnot.

anyway.. thats how i feel


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

- a ghost - said:
Statloss is pointless...I will show out basic points on why statloss should not be enabled.

1. Most of the DEDICATED and ACTIVE players on this shard are its pvpers, which are mostly red.

2. Lessening the amount of reds will only make pvp worse, and that's not what this shard needs. If anything, there should be MORE pvp. Reds make up most of the pvp on this shard... Taking it away will definately ruin the pvp playerbase.

3. If blues complain about dying to reds... Oh well, get over it. It happens. If you don't like dying a few times, don't leave guards, because anywhere outside guards is pk territory... I agree, it is aggrivating to go on a tamer and try to make money in a dungeon and get ganked by 5 reds, but that's UO... This isn't something new.

4. It isn't fair to make a poll on whether reds get statloss or not, because most of the voters are obviously blue people that don't have very great pvp skills, of course they will vote No. It would be fair to poll people half blues/half reds for a better outcome.

5. Whose opinion matters most... A bunch of random blues that don't offer the shard much, or dedicated red pvpers that add to the pvp which most of the active people play for.

Personally it does not matter for me. If statloss is enabled, I'll go blue. No big deal. But it is plain to see the pvp will be weakened and that isn't very good. If you ARE going to make statloss, at least make it temporary statloss, like factions, only with a longer statloss period - 20 minutes?

Why take away from the reds, if blues do not like the constant PK, they can go learn to pvp, because a lot of reds spent time learning to pvp and that time will be wasted when they quit because statloss is enabled, and all you will receive in return are a bunch of non-pvp blues, this shard will turn into a Tram shard. There is a reason there is no Trammel, am I correct? Why not just MAKE a Trammel if blues complain so much. It just seems pointless to take away from people when you can just add something which will allow both parties to be happy.

Either way it does not effect me but I just think it's pointless to have permanent statloss...

UO has been like this for a while. Blues leave town they get PK'ed... Why change it? Blues need to adapt to it, not bitch about it to get their way.

1. Uhm, no.

2. Uhm, no again.

3. I had introduced 5 of my freinds in real life to UOgamers. They all quit. Why? Because 15 year old unsocial fags pked them trying to get enough money to start pvping.

4. You dont know.

5. You dont know.

If you opinon did not matter why did you type so much bullshit?

The real losers of pvp are PK's now running around with 7x gm mares in gank squads. Now, I had 2 pks but 80-90% of the time I soloed. This was almost a year ago when the player base was a bit lower and things were diffrent.

The diffrence was huge groups running through the dungeons both anti's and other pk groups alike. It was fun. Yes, I ran with a 5-6 man guild. Yes, we killed tamers 1v5. But, we got killed a good amount of times in return and dropped good loot.

The bottom line is; pvp = fun. Getting killed over and over again so you can't pvp is bullshit.


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

Statloss needs to be implemented.

I'm sick of seeing reds ganking reds and reds paraganking miners and then talking shit because they think they're cool. Add statloss and the fake PKs will leave and the ones who are into REAL PKing (not this lame gank squad BS) will stay.


Re: My thoughts on Statloss

The problem is not Pk's in dungeons, i am all for that since we don't want people farming too much gold... but what is the problem is when there is a gank sqaud of 4 murderers killing miners, that is just sad and pathetic... you may want to limit the resources that miners get, sure, but there isn't that many resources at the mine by minoc because most newbie miners go there.

i believe if anything is needed to solve this problem, it is either temp stat loss, or temprorary no rez time.

On the other hand, if it only takes 1 hour for a short term murder to decay, who're the whiners now? reds or blues? i guess both...

- a ghost -

Re: My thoughts on Statloss

Antarus said:
1. Uhm, no.

2. Uhm, no again.

3. I had introduced 5 of my freinds in real life to UOgamers. They all quit. Why? Because 15 year old unsocial fags pked them trying to get enough money to start pvping.

4. You dont know.

5. You dont know.

If you opinon did not matter why did you type so much bullshit?

The real losers of pvp are PK's now running around with 7x gm mares in gank squads. Now, I had 2 pks but 80-90% of the time I soloed. This was almost a year ago when the player base was a bit lower and things were diffrent.

The diffrence was huge groups running through the dungeons both anti's and other pk groups alike. It was fun. Yes, I ran with a 5-6 man guild. Yes, we killed tamers 1v5. But, we got killed a good amount of times in return and dropped good loot.

The bottom line is; pvp = fun. Getting killed over and over again so you can't pvp is bullshit.

Bottom line, learn pvp or leave. Bitching won't solve your problems. And you are a trammy so tell me what knowledge you have on pvp? Honestly, hush.
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