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New Duel Rules.

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Re: New Duel Rules.

Tribal;1562757 said:
im sure all the kinks will be fixxed when they get the time to fix them

yeah, but this is trail... so who how long before they make their decision on the new dueling system before its been exploited to hell and the dueling list is bullshit again! Like before, when i left the first time.

also, someone made a refrence about afk'n in your house.... my first point here is:

1.) Not all people on this shard have a house...

2.) If they do purchase a hosue where will they put it?


3.) Your not safe even in your house nowadays!!!! unless you own a castle

unless yall add on to the map, where can anyone have there on safezone to afk???


Re: New Duel Rules.

Magic_Cow;1562773 said:
yeah, but this is trail... so who how long before they make their decision on the new dueling system before its been exploited to hell and the dueling list is bullshit again! Like before, when i left the first time.

also, someone made a refrence about afk'n in your house.... my first point here is:

1.) Not all people on this shard have a house...

2.) If they do purchase a hosue where will they put it?


3.) Your not safe even in your house nowadays!!!! unless you own a castle

unless yall add on to the map, where can anyone have there on safezone to afk???

actually ive killed many people in castles

u can be safe in a 7x7 just stand in the middle of it and place a box over the door


Re: New Duel Rules.

Zippy;1562640 said:
So people joined the 24/7 PvP portion of the game and now they are sad because they have to be ready to PvP 24/7? Shouldn't it be obvious? The whole point of factions is that the only way to "escape" PvP is to log out. Duel Safezones were hurting that idea by making little trammels for factioners to go to insted of facing up to the fact of faction life. Its a "put up or shut up" situation... Either be in factions and take the PvP like a man--always ready to fight--to be a little girl and don't be in factions at all. There is no middle anymore.

Are you in, or are you out?

What you guys fail to understand is these areas promote pvp not take away pvp. These places are hot spots for people looking to duel or have a faction fight.

People cant avoid fights because of them persay. You cant run away from a fight into one of the duel pits. Once your flagged youre flagged and have to fight. No safe zone saves you.

People cant watch duels now because of this change. Lots of times opposing factions like to throw down and have a 3v3 or something between opposing guilds. Now no one whos not the duel can watch.

I guarantee this change will make less duels and less faction action.

I know a lot of people bitch to you guys about the duel pits but to be quite honest with you they really are mostly no namers (people bad at pvp). Most good pvpers on this shard like that the duel zones are safe just for the fact that you dont got to look far to get a fight.

Also if why is it such a bother to people sitting somewhere afk? Its nice to have somewhere to idle for a minute if you have something to do irl. With the faction tracking you basically gotta log off to take a shit.


Re: New Duel Rules.

Stides;1562792 said:
What you guys fail to understand is these areas promote pvp not take away pvp. These places are hot spots for people looking to duel or have a faction fight.

People cant avoid fights because of them persay. You cant run away from a fight into one of the duel pits. Once your flagged youre flagged and have to fight. No safe zone saves you.

People cant watch duels now because of this change. Lots of times opposing factions like to throw down and have a 3v3 or something between opposing guilds. Now no one whos not the duel can watch.

I guarantee this change will make less duels and less faction action.

I know a lot of people bitch to you guys about the duel pits but to be quite honest with you they really are mostly no namers (people bad at pvp). Most good pvpers on this shard like that the duel zones are safe just for the fact that you dont got to look far to get a fight.

damn no namers


Re: New Duel Rules.

Stides;1562792 said:
What you guys fail to understand is these areas promote pvp not take away pvp. These places are hot spots for people looking to duel or have a faction fight.

People cant avoid fights because of them persay. You cant run away from a fight into one of the duel pits. Once your flagged youre flagged and have to fight. No safe zone saves you.

People cant watch duels now because of this change. Lots of times opposing factions like to throw down and have a 3v3 or something between opposing guilds. Now no one whos not the duel can watch.

I guarantee this change will make less duels and less faction action.

I know a lot of people bitch to you guys about the duel pits but to be quite honest with you they really are mostly no namers (people bad at pvp). Most good pvpers on this shard like that the duel zones are safe just for the fact that you dont got to look far to get a fight.

Also if why is it such a bother to people sitting somewhere afk? Its nice to have somewhere to idle for a minute if you have something to do irl. With the faction tracking you basically gotta log off to take a shit.

There weren't that many duels going anymore, anyways. At least now the duelers don't have to worry about getting ganked the second they are done with their duel. As far as less faction action is concerned, you've got to be kidding me. If faction action means sitting in a safezone, I hope we see a lot less of that, because that's pretty stupid.

If you are upset about not being able to watch duels anymore, I suggest that you rethink what the important part of duels are - the fighting or the watching? If you say watching is more important, you can always look up a player on My UOGamers and download the RPV.

Like these duels, for example...
StIdes - Player Details - My UOGamers

If you are really that concerned about staying on ultima online when you take a shit, get a laptop and wireless so you don't even have to idle anymore when you drop the kids off at the pool.

roy jones jr

Re: New Duel Rules.

Advent;1562805 said:
There weren't that many duels going anymore, anyways. At least now the duelers don't have to worry about getting ganked the second they are done with their duel. As far as less faction action is concerned, you've got to be kidding me. If faction action means sitting in a safezone, I hope we see a lot less of that, because that's pretty stupid.

If you are upset about not being able to watch duels anymore, I suggest that you rethink what the important part of duels are - the fighting or the watching? If you say watching is more important, you can always look up a player on My UOGamers and download the RPV.

Like these duels, for example...
StIdes - Player Details - My UOGamers

If you are really that concerned about staying on ultima online when you take a shit, get a laptop and wireless so you don't even have to idle anymore when you drop the kids off at the pool.

i recall there not being many duels because of the lag


Re: New Duel Rules.

Removing Dell pond (safe) was a mistake.

But removing all the duel pits (safe) is the end of uog.


Re: New Duel Rules.

I dont know whats wrong but it would let me post when i quote someone...I dont know why but..... or says others urls, even when i delete tehm, but

Advent your whole comment was valid untill you said....
"If you are really that concerned about staying on ultima online when you take a shit, get a laptop and wireless so you don't even have to idle anymore when you drop the kids off at the pool."

Not all people can have concentration your with zen like presents and contorl a wireless mouse, balance a laptop in your lap, and hit the correct macros when offensive or being defensive.....

and I agree with Roy Jones on the lag issues, becuase even with an dsl earthlink connection I would lag every combo i cast or they cast in the duel pits and in duels timing is everything and if you lag you cant kill anyone. Being on the westcosts of the united states but the lag in the pits in unbearable at points, espically when there redline and lag kicks in with lighting, harm, or poison casted already...

but the whole dueling issue

Lady Leah

Re: New Duel Rules.

How bout if your flagged you can't enter the safe zone? Really, I don't know what I'm trying to say, maybe someone could add to that?

I really don't duel but I like to watch :)


Re: New Duel Rules.

dude.. lol end of UOG?! because there is no safe spots?? cry much? jesus.. seriously its not like they removed dueling, now that might upset some people but as for factions I have seen more faction action tonight then I have since i started here.. maybe because theres a bunch of people online.. or maybe because 15 of them cant just sit at the sand pits doing nothing.. if you are THAT upset about this that you think this is going to end UOG then you my friend are a drama queen who is crying over spilled milk. Thanks to the UOG staff for making this shard a FELLUCCA shard only! never been better IMO


Re: New Duel Rules.

TonyMerry;1562819 said:
Removing Dell pond (safe) was a mistake.

But removing all the duel pits (safe) is the end of uog.

So you're saying that the end of a shard that has been consistently against trammel is going to be... the elimination of trammel, right? I just want to make sure I am understanding you correctly.


Re: New Duel Rules.

Advent;1562865 said:
So you're saying that the end of a shard that has been consistently against trammel is going to be... the elimination of trammel, right? I just want to make sure I am understanding you correctly.

you guys havent got many thanks for this.. a few but i thank you.. and its well deserved.. its natural they are going to whine about it.. there not safe now! but i think its all for the better and now there can actually be some faction fighting and ppl wont always camp the pits.. so again thank u


Re: New Duel Rules.

Charliep23;1562866 said:
you guys havent got many thanks for this.. a few but i thank you.. and its well deserved.. its natural they are going to whine about it.. there not safe now! but i think its all for the better and now there can actually be some faction fighting and ppl wont always camp the pits.. so again thank u

Thanks. I do think that duelers should be able to have thier 1v1 duels and not have to worry about a huge squad waiting for them outside of the pits, but why should their whole PVP existence be risk-free, as well? PVP is about risk and facing challenges. Not about being safe all day and only fighting when you want to fight.

If you like being safe until you accept a duel request, please go play WoW. Part of Ultima Online that makes this game unique is the liberty of the PvP. It seems like we are all gung-ho about getting rid of trammel until the moment of truth when we actually get rid of it, then some of us are like "Uhh... I didn't mean get rid of trammel..."
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