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sup lardshit

i just wanted to let you know that about 3 days ago i went to the zoo with my neises and i threw a turkey sandwich at a manitee.

im still representin


So I was strolling around at the hippopotamous factory with my Uncle's second Wife's friend of a friend who knew this guy from college and I saw this hippo who said. WTF Phont-, i heard Folkon is very large and not very in charge. I was like WTF Hippo! you are so wise. After staring at this Hippo for a few seconds I relized it was your greatgrand son from your Third marriage. So im like WTF How are you and he says, well Im fat just like Folkon so Im kinda sad. Im like yea. he screwed you with the genes because he has excess fat chromozones which causes massive obecity in the chin. He like had fifty bazilion chins but thats how I knew he was related to you.
Tru- > All.


Phontain said:
So I was strolling around at the hippopotamous factory with my Uncle's second Wife's friend of a friend who knew this guy from college and I saw this hippo who said. WTF Phont-, i heard Folkon is very large and not very in charge. I was like WTF Hippo! you are so wise. After staring at this Hippo for a few seconds I relized it was your greatgrand son from your Third marriage. So im like WTF How are you and he says, well Im fat just like Folkon so Im kinda sad. Im like yea. he screwed you with the genes because he has excess fat chromozones which causes massive obecity in the chin. He like had fifty bazilion chins but thats how I knew he was related to you.
Tru- > All.

WTF...... hahaha... dude, you are smokin' some fucked up shit.......

who thinks of this stuff!!??!!??!...... WHO!?.....


you guys are so fucking 1337...

please keep making me laugh with your illiterate out of the fucking blue comments...


Phontain said:
So I was strolling around at the hippopotamous factory with my Uncle's second Wife's friend of a friend who knew this guy from college and I saw this hippo who said. WTF Phont-, i heard Folkon is very large and not very in charge. I was like WTF Hippo! you are so wise. After staring at this Hippo for a few seconds I relized it was your greatgrand son from your Third marriage. So im like WTF How are you and he says, well Im fat just like Folkon so Im kinda sad. Im like yea. he screwed you with the genes because he has excess fat chromozones which causes massive obecity in the chin. He like had fifty bazilion chins but thats how I knew he was related to you.
Tru- > All.

Phontain is and always was the fattest.


Wakiza said:
Fat People Stop Eating For Heavens Sake Omg

You want us to starve to death? WHAT AN AWFUL PERSON YOU ARE.


Lud: You so can't poke me wtf