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Cebrious Arcane said:
I'm amazed you think I'm mad, and you interpret any of my responses as angry. I'm at work, as such I'm a forum warrior because we don't work more than 2 hours of our 8 hour shift. As such I was merely posting something that came to mind when I read about Irina being poked. Then rather than get angry or flaming mad or whatever, I responded in a non-aggressive way. I put the sarcasm blocks up there, again, as a joke. It seems you take life, and comments reviewed on a forum far too seriously fella. Try to relax and interject a little enjoyment into your life, then you won't feel the need to try to bring others down to your level. Rest assured, I'm far from furious, and although it's hard to convey emotion through the forums I actually am laughing and smiling, because like UO, talking on the forum is fun for me, and nothing more. And like I said, it was not a waste of time, but something rather to consume time, since I have an overabundance here at work.

Thankyou for representing our age group in the most pathetic way possible. Good day sir.

2 days later I see you waste another Paragraph of garbage just to vindicate your situation. Rage away, sir. Rage away.