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ive been to jail 3 times for profusely getting into wild fist fights with 6 year old children, i got knocked out by a 6 year old black girl named wanita, i know what your thinking 6 year olds? this was a huge nigga fuckin 220 pound baby she knocked me out via a mean left hook and screamed pwned


Phontain said:
So I was strolling around at the hippopotamous factory with my Uncle's second Wife's friend of a friend who knew this guy from college and I saw this hippo who said. WTF Phont-, i heard Folkon is very large and not very in charge. I was like WTF Hippo! you are so wise. After staring at this Hippo for a few seconds I relized it was your greatgrand son from your Third marriage. So im like WTF How are you and he says, well Im fat just like Folkon so Im kinda sad. Im like yea. he screwed you with the genes because he has excess fat chromozones which causes massive obecity in the chin. He like had fifty bazilion chins but thats how I knew he was related to you.
Tru- > All.

So I was strolling around at the hippopotamous factory with my Uncle's second Wife's friend of a friend who knew this guy from college and I saw this hippo who said. WTF Folken, Phontain is very large and not very in charge. I was like WTF Hippo! you are so wise. After staring at this Hippo for a few seconds I relized it was your greatgrand son from your Third marriage. So im like WTF How are you and he says, well Im fat just like Phontain so Im kinda sad. Im like yea. he screwed you with the genes because he has excess fat chromozones which causes massive obecity in the chin. He like had fifty bazilion chins but thats how I knew he was related to you.



Cebrious Arcane said:
You're supposed to go "Hee Hee!" like the Pilsbury Dough Boy...

Irina may be pale but most certainly isn't a boy. Girls only go "Hee Hee" when you poke them in a certain spot but I don't think you'll get it any time soon.
Obe[IC] said:
Irina may be pale but most certainly isn't a boy. Girls only go "Hee Hee" when you poke them in a certain spot but I don't think you'll get it any time soon.


But yours was SO much better! I mean, wow! Thankyou for pointing out Irina was female, I had not observed such, and the rest of it, it was just too witty to comment on. So original, so witty. Obviously you are a gifted man, easily tossing out the wittiest of phrases with the smallest of efforts. I bow to your mastery of wit, great one. Teach me your unparelleled art. You're so sharp! Like a whip! Only a cutting, quick mind, such as yours could have the depth of wit to respond in such a monumental and influential way. Thankyou sir, thankyou, Oh-Witty-Great One.[/Sarcasm]


Well... you were obviously so happy eating his cock in praise, i figured you'd like some fries to go with your 1 lbr and milkshake.
Ah, I see. Well rather than turn this into a pointless flame war, yet still to consume time, I responded in a less aggressive way by still trying to convey my point. I'll edit my post for you and put in the oh-so-neccessary sarcasm scripts. Thanks for clarifying.


I'm glad I made you waste all that time posting up a whole paragraph and not be able to put up that whole [Sarcasm] <msg> [/sarcasm].

I'm glad that I made you so furious that you had to re-edit your post just to "convey" your point - which is still asinine and so absolutely ignorant - I'm amazed your parents haven't killed you yet for being a dumb-fuck and then killed themselves for not doing it sooner.
I'm amazed you think I'm mad, and you interpret any of my responses as angry. I'm at work, as such I'm a forum warrior because we don't work more than 2 hours of our 8 hour shift. As such I was merely posting something that came to mind when I read about Irina being poked. Then rather than get angry or flaming mad or whatever, I responded in a non-aggressive way. I put the sarcasm blocks up there, again, as a joke. It seems you take life, and comments reviewed on a forum far too seriously fella. Try to relax and interject a little enjoyment into your life, then you won't feel the need to try to bring others down to your level. Rest assured, I'm far from furious, and although it's hard to convey emotion through the forums I actually am laughing and smiling, because like UO, talking on the forum is fun for me, and nothing more. And like I said, it was not a waste of time, but something rather to consume time, since I have an overabundance here at work.

Thankyou for representing our age group in the most pathetic way possible. Good day sir.