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PlayUO Update


Re: PlayUO Update

I might start playing again now that I can look at something that doesn't make me want to gauge my eyes out.

Nice work staff people.


Re: PlayUO Update

Plz make it so we can bind Mouse 4 and 5 in this one :( only thing that kept me from using it before.


Re: PlayUO Update

Ophidian;1414940 said:
Suil Ban, normally I would viciously attack you for not seeing that this is truth. Your first language isn't English and I respect that. What I am saying is that they need to address cheating as a whole. I know that they have removed features such as plugins. There will still be plenty of features that go beyond the normal UO Client in the new PlayUO client.

Having mares that stay 7x and suddenly teleport away when they get more than a screen from the user because of infinate pet summoning balls is cheating.

What must be understood is cheating is cheating reguardless of who you are. Some players act like its a god given right for GMs to cheat because they are GMs. Someone once told me "They work so hard with this shard, who cares if they cheat". The Truth? Players care.

Still waiting in faith.

my opinion to this.

Ryan (along with others) Runs this server... he decides who is GM and who is not it is his/there server they can do as they please. dont like it? stay away from them, see them and run away. they call you a noob? so what so does 99% of this server get used to it.

my opinion is this

There server they pay the bills it is theres to do as they please they are giving YOU a free server to play on and have fun. dont like it? go back to EA/OSI im sure they will gladly take your 15 a month for a horriable game. so please before you go complaining that you think ryan or any other Game Master is cheating think of this.. they pay the bills


Re: PlayUO Update

Suil Ban;1417138 said:
it will be able to view packet videos, on the condition that you've got to relog after viewing them

it can't record them yet as far as i know
That's good enough for me. Don't plan on doing a lot of recording myself, just watching PVP videos.


Re: PlayUO Update

LilGuy;1417393 said:
So Razor is obsolete then? Is KUOC that much better? I like razor...:(
No. People will use PlayUO because it's pretty. Imo, Razor will still be more funtional.


Re: PlayUO Update

the high res screen shit, where u can see more is amazing, i think thats great idea

as well as the circles beneath people

is public testing gonna be limited?


Re: PlayUO Update

krrios is a pvp client.
but since you can not record any macros, the exp pot eq pvpers will probably keep using razor.
and for banksitting, char training and muling razor is better.


Re: PlayUO Update

is sallos vista compatible? it wont run on my vista pc.

I have the vista direct x 10 or 11 or whatever, and the .net framework installed
Re: PlayUO Update

so in Kuoc there is no way to create a hot key to dismount and remount? thats bout the only macro i can think of that i use often enough to care about.
Re: PlayUO Update

JesseJane;1418645 said:
so in Kuoc there is no way to create a hot key to dismount and remount? thats bout the only macro i can think of that i use often enough to care about.

lol i don't even have that... Double click ftw!!! In less of course i am in war mode... which in case.. GUARDS!!
Re: PlayUO Update

Mystical-hybrid;1418746 said:
lol i don't even have that... Double click ftw!!! In less of course i am in war mode... which in case.. GUARDS!!

no wonder u suck so bad at bolas


Re: PlayUO Update

Ok i got sallos running on Vista, but it crashes bout every 5 min. especially when i move to other open progs. or windows.



Re: PlayUO Update

no beau it prolly has to be approved by someone high up, but i really doubt they would let ya.