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[pre] fall of the thirty harrowers - the reign of hz


I see you notice I left reefer out of your group :p

and just fyi if your comment was towards me then it is funny since apart of you and bile am pretty much par with any other original barcode members. and again I never claimed I was the best but I was always able to hold my own vs you guys and always enjoyed fighting you or even playing with you guys for so many years.

nah u bad

Aegian Rayth

This is likely the part of the story where Barcode is met with harsh criticism from the HZ regulars who are downright OFFENDED by Barcode's recruiting practices, zerg-like numbers, choke-point tactics, and flaunting and flaming on the forums.


This is likely the part of the story where Barcode is met with harsh criticism from the HZ regulars who are downright OFFENDED by Barcode's recruiting practices, zerg-like numbers, choke-point tactics, and flaunting and flaming on the forums.

Dispersed ground is fools capture. You'll hear no complaints from us, you've conformed well to our tactics. All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.

Aegian Rayth

Dispersed ground is fools capture. You'll hear no complaints from us, you've conformed well to our tactics. All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.

Uhhh... did you read Pride and Prejudice today or something?

'Though thine own men may fall heavily at thy feet, thou shalt try not to be awakuna matata to the thought of bitter defeat, as it be mere gold coins that fall from thy purse. Be it not for insurance, however, likely thou to have never stepped foot on the field of battle at all.'



This is likely the part of the story where Barcode is met with harsh criticism from the HZ regulars who are downright OFFENDED by Barcode's recruiting practices, zerg-like numbers, choke-point tactics, and flaunting and flaming on the forums.
Rayth like I said earlier I think it is great that you guys mass recruited all these meatsheild, It was the next best thing that you guys could have done, Now I don't see why Hz should come out and talk shit because of zerg-like numbers, fight fire with fire, Now we are fighting most of your meatsheild I just can't wait to see the top 5 Cajones be part of there guild then shit will hit the storm. right now its just a big fiasco of insurance money being spread between both guild.


Rayth like I said earlier I think it is great that you guys mass recruited all these meatsheild, It was the next best thing that you guys could have done, Now I don't see why Hz should come out and talk shit because of zerg-like numbers, fight fire with fire, Now we are fighting most of your meatsheild I just can't wait to see the top 5 Cajones be part of there guild then shit will hit the storm. right now its just a big fiasco of insurance money being spread between both guild.
I loged in the harry made 130k died twice net profit yes

Aegian Rayth

Rayth like I said earlier I think it is great that you guys mass recruited all these meatsheild, It was the next best thing that you guys could have done, Now I don't see why Hz should come out and talk shit because of zerg-like numbers, fight fire with fire, Now we are fighting most of your meatsheild I just can't wait to see the top 5 Cajones be part of there guild then shit will hit the storm. right now its just a big fiasco of insurance money being spread between both guild.



Rayth like I said earlier I think it is great that you guys mass recruited all these meatsheild, It was the next best thing that you guys could have done, Now I don't see why Hz should come out and talk shit because of zerg-like numbers, fight fire with fire, Now we are fighting most of your meatsheild I just can't wait to see the top 5 Cajones be part of there guild then shit will hit the storm. right now its just a big fiasco of insurance money being spread between both guild.

if i kill ur ppl more than u can kill me i dont think about my self as a meath shield.
And stop that tone that looks like "im so proooo i was pro even before uo launch''.
Ahh and if barcode recruits ppl and u call them meatshield ( yeah we know u were pro before uo launch) then they / we can say same about HZ and they meatshields that goes down fast.
Same goes for China ... they always come back what is nice cause pvp wont die then, but always with 2x numbers if failed, again 2x more and again again.


We can see here that diffrence between barcode members and hz members is that the 1 group is not using some #@$#$ stools and other shits to block entrence and anyway can defend harrower from hz.


if i kill ur ppl more than u can kill me i dont think about my self as a meath shield.
And stop that tone that looks like "im so proooo i was pro even before uo launch''.
Ahh and if barcode recruits ppl and u call them meatshield ( yeah we know u were pro before uo launch) then they / we can say same about HZ and they meatshields that goes down fast.
Same goes for China ... they always come back what is nice cause pvp wont die then, but always with 2x numbers if failed, again 2x more and again again.
Ok now please tell me are you retarted or slow or you can't read or maybe you just don't know right from left.
I never once claim to be pro I just claim I can hold my on VS some of the original members of barcode.
Like it or not you are nothing but meatsheild to barcode they have prooven over the years that they are well organised and that they can clean sweep most of the shard with there small group, since they have been for the past year or so.
I said it was the next BEST thing to mass recruit to fight fire with fire <---- get it
you obviously need to take Math 101 since you can't add worth shit, last night harry was close to near numbers and you idiots could not even keep us out long anough to kill the harry not once but twice and the last time the harry had like 5k hp left and to boot we took our harry twice by jumping your lines 5 hz vs your group,
the bottom line is barcode does not need you for skill they need meatshield and that is the reason why you and them are there.

and I wont even start talking bout the pvp at the GH that was just funny.

again I don't see where any HZ are complaining bout numbers or loosing IT has been said its all for fun.

so for the answer to your question , YES I AM PRO like marshall said before barcode might win at this game but I WIN AT LIFE. ironic that he said that to bile and now is back on the same team lol

OH almost forgot bout the stools , are you retarted? we use them yes but why were there a bunch of bag balls in mid dungeons? oh wait it was there creat a choke point but you all forgot how to hold one.
ill see you all tonight at our harry
Enjoy trolling