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[pre] fall of the thirty harrowers - the reign of hz


Did you not see pauls post? He has been to one since the recruiting and i dont doubt it since he is in school mon-fri. I'm also sure Ohen has probably only been to a couple considering we rarely see him. So where is your logic behind core members? Why do you always act so delusional bro? I got a soultion that you wont take. Your core memners vrs ours anytime.


Did you not see pauls post? He has been to one since the recruiting and i dont doubt it since he is in school mon-fri. I'm also sure Ohen has probably only been to a couple considering we rarely see him. So where is your logic behind core members? Why do you always act so delusional bro? I got a soultion that you wont take. Your core memners vrs ours anytime.

Dude, i have screenshots of them there...just stop man, maybe they arent out all the time. But they HAVE been on. Why you always gotta make a big deal out of nothing? Who cares? Same as Tony getting all bent out of shape about my posts and taking them out of context. We dont like "organized fights". Impromptu raids and happenstance field fights are way more fun. You guys know i dont have a problem with any of you, and yet you continue come here, calling me delusional, etc. Pretty funny. We did this event to bring out some action and it worked. All these guys were in game, afraid to raid us until you recruited them. GOOD! They are actually out of hiding now that they have someone to hide behind! Thats a GOOD THING for this server!

We have zero problem with you guys recruiting all these people that we've been beating down for the past year, in fact, it is what we had hoped would happen. Just like when we started playing factions, made for great pvp vs you guys. We've tried MANY times to awaken pvp. From running all the spawns, to doing 8 harrys in one day. Didnt work. This did. Just dont expect us to try and spawn a harry when we have 8 to your 16 online, would be foolish of us.

The best part of you guys recruiting all the meatshields, is how swelled their egos are getting. Makes me smile :)

Take the pvp to the game instead of here, much more fun :) <3


How we can we take the pvp to the game when you guys wont fight in organized battles. I tried to set something up but you refuse. Let's take it to the game then Lukin. 1v1 2v2 3v3 and so on.. or is there going to be another excuse. I love how you talk how you guys want pvp but you refuse it when we offer.


I reiterate. Organized fights are no fun. Come attack me on the field, in a dungeon, at a spawn. Stop me from being able to make ridiculous claims such as "We did 8 harrowers in one day". Come on man. Its not as if we are doing this stuff in Trammel. We are taking all the risk, and gaining all the reward, because you guys just want "organized fights" and have refused to take us on head to head on the field in literally a year....


This is 2012 almost 2013 lukin "most" of barcode players have a life now. I wouldn't be surprised if i dont make it to atleast one harrower. Unless you pop it around 8:30 pm cst.


lol man, dont pull a marshall...why would you even be posting here unless you wanted the pvp. If you are too busy IRL, thats fine, dont play the game. But if your guild is gonna recruit and lay out the claims that they can beat us, do it! We want it! You cant have it both ways bro.

We all have IRL stuff going on. I make time to play shitty old game, but i still find it enjoyable. When its no longer enjoyable, ill quit and stop posting on these forums. Obv you do too...youre posting here so you must care...


So be it it then man, pop it this sat at that time.
I suggest if you are so gung hoe at setting the harry time you go get skulls and do your own :) We farmed the skulls (almost never were we raided) therfore we will do them when the people that did the work have time to log on and play. We do hope you can make it at those times but if you can't that is for you to rectify not us. And before you say it no I am not a pvper I am however a tactician :)


I suggest if you are so gung hoe at setting the harry time you go get skulls and do your own :) We farmed the skulls (almost never were we raided) therfore we will do them when the people that did the work have time to log on and play. We do hope you can make it at those times but if you can't that is for you to rectify not us. And before you say it no I am not a pvper I am however a tactician :)