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[pre] fall of the thirty harrowers - the reign of hz


I wish You and Eskesheir could post more often instead of less talented Hz speakers.
I like your post, but I find it a bit hypocritical - Hz, too, destroyed a number of guilds leaching their members in...

I must admit I am not particulary happy with how things are at the present.

Which guilds did we leech members from?


I left [[[]]], when he became active.
The only reason I joined this guild was to be under one tag with people I played with for the past year and more. Barcode recuited all members of the opposition with barley eny exeptions.

answer my question sir
Bom broke up w/o any hz influence. Ask sercan or clea.
And d.c. broke up because of a failed spy attempt fron malefica combined with the large portion of them being raging cheaters with broken razors.

The more you know ;)

Mister Dank

I logged in and was told 8-9 Hz had just been spotted in Despise.
Proceeded to pop a harrower.
Pmed Brunus, Lukin, and Nance, informing them of the harrower and location.

Nance replied:

[9:37:30 PM] Mister Dank: we are down for some fights
[9:37:34 PM] Mister Dank: in shame right now
[9:37:37 PM] Nance: yesterdaay they're was 2 online give me 2 mins i'll check
[9:40:32 PM] Nance: 15 online now
[9:43:04 PM] Nance: i think they figured out am talking to you guys i just asked did you guys raid barcode mb said no were 3 online not worth it
[9:43:57 PM] Mister Dank: but you say there are 15 on?
[9:44:00 PM] Mister Dank: lol
[9:45:34 PM] Nance: they are
[9:49:36 PM] Nance: well fuck it am going to bed same old shit noone doing anything so i'll talk to you tommorow if i log in lol

Hz everyone.

Aegian Rayth

HZ's credibility.



thanks for rez killing a naked alt multiple times...and for the 50k i took from one of y'all's corpse while you were dueling afterwords
I'm completely unsure where Nance pulled the number 15 from, unless there was that many afk on the roster, i dont know i didnt bother to check.

At the time it was Me, MB, and Id. And i had to leave due to girlfriend inviting people over unbeknownst to me.