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[pre] fall of the thirty harrowers - the reign of hz


Yes i'm sure you did. Like when you where at brit 5 or 6 of you and we came face rolled you guys, except 1.. he goes by the name MB. He is known for hiding behind his guildies, using them as meat shields and when they die he runs away, invis himself somewhere then recalls back to his house and never comes back out lol


Enrique and Paul where have you learned to count? last night it was me and mb who rolled on Tea and duck then 3 more bc cam in esk joined us while us 3 were looking for you guys lukin logged in we found you guys at fire entrance now bc had like 8-9 with them was a good fight at coon, then you all vanished again we looked around for you guys then i recalled back to coon to go into star room to get rolled by 7 of yous while you were talking to me. was kinda funny to see so many random spam instead of a good drop, I had guest, so I had to leave also that I am at work today and needed some beauty rest.
we were well aware that you guys pulled a harry last night at 1am or so.

Nance came and ask me how many we had online told her to check the roster, she counted 15 I had 2 char training and some others she never said that 15 replied.

what were you expecting to see at 1am ?


how can you drop if they entrance to coon was fielded + poison fields plus a bola fest and withers?? are you insane?? ....


sorry i just remembered when we rolled in coon we also had ld and Lt making it still under the ammount u guys had, but reguardless by the time u guys spawned the harry there was only 4 of us remaining.

not sure what your trying to proove or cause here paul but reguardless of the ammount of people nance claimed we had online if 10 out of 13-15 people were actully online playing and 7 out of those 10 are doing a gaunt run cause thats what they wanted to do, then there is only 3 of us to pvp we aint gonna rage and tell them to get there. Hz members are free to do what they want when they are online.

just dont wonder why lukin and br ignores your pm


how can you drop if they entrance to coon was fielded + poison fields plus a bola fest and withers?? are you insane?? ....
I am insane am canadian, we killed the first 5 or 6 that came in then figured it was over then notice how many more came to follow, funny you might of killed some us us but some others did survive and manage to walk away from that fiasco.


yea the exactly because you can't stand and fight you just run like chicken shit
there is a fine line between being stupid and being smart, what we did was no where coward.
if what we did in the last fight was coward then you all must look back at your own self and every member of your guild since even some of you core members are smart anough to recall out if the fight comes out of hand. our last 2 left to regroup and by the time we came back coon was empty, I came back and met paul in star room and when I was asking where everyone went he said they are around 30 sec later you all rolled up on me and paul's convo with shitty spams. I went back to res and like I said by then I had to go back to my guest at home and get some sleep for work. reguardless I have no regrets of what we did last night. it was fun and sadly it was too late at night for me to stay on to see the harry.


LOL, i went to bed immediatly following the despise fight. At that given moment there were 6 of us on, the 6 you saw in despise. As for nance. Its bullshit and shes being an idiot.

hz everyone.


Frost stick with the original story as far as members running gauntlet and those training. As opposed to changing the story and making yourself look like an idiot.


LOL, i went to bed immediatly following the despise fight. At that given moment there were 6 of us on, the 6 you saw in despise. As for nance. Its bullshit and shes being an idiot.

hz everyone.

This coming from you........ Feels good man, Thanks !
You guys all concerned on how this stupid forum makes Hz look but go ahead and trash me, really appreciated


Frost stick with the original story as far as members running gauntlet and those training. As opposed to changing the story and making yourself look like an idiot.
Brandon once you can actully kill me in my 50 resist suit stay at luna bank k tkx my story has yet to change, just shows how many idiot there are on this shard, my numbers were example its not because a guild has 200 members online that the 200 member wants to fight or raid or not in the middle of doing something they wana do, its not because barcode and there meatsheild wana do a harry that our whole group will drop what they are doing irl or in game to pls some idiots in a different guild. You all being fucking douch this morning am going back to work and hope you all enjoy your pixel. fucking blue da trash.


Who the fuck is blue you degenerate. I'm the one who dropped your bitch ass in the starroom last night and I was the only one casting god forbid you even try and heal yourself.


Who the fuck is blue you degenerate. I'm the one who dropped your bitch ass in the starroom last night and I was the only one casting god forbid you even try and heal yourself.
awwww poor baby getting all upset because his being trolled on some forums ahhhh am sorry ....

fucking pathetic if you think you were the only one that droped on me in star room. like you said yourself god forbid I even heal myself like I stated earlier there is a fine line from being smart and being you i rather just stand there and laugh while I see 6-7 rushing in to dump on one guy while talking to one of there guild mates.


Since you say there is a fine line between being smart and being retarded? Where do you fall into things since you chose not to heal and not to run? Sounds like your guildmates set you up for failure leaving you alone like that....
Lukin Remove my name in that video you got ... I'm ashamed to say I was in Hz.
Sit down and shut up, the past happened. Deal with it.

Frost stick with the original story as far as members running gauntlet and those training. As opposed to changing the story and making yourself look like an idiot.
There arent multiple stories, just different views of the same one, both the one nance and the one frost relayed are true. Way to jump to conclusions.

awwww poor baby getting all upset because his being trolled on some forums ahhhh am sorry ....
fucking pathetic if you think you were the only one that droped on me in star room. like you said yourself god forbid I even heal myself like I stated earlier there is a fine line from being smart and being you i rather just stand there and laugh while I see 6-7 rushing in to dump on one guy while talking to one of there guild mates.
Frost just shut up...

Since you say there is a fine line between being smart and being retarded? Where do you fall into things since you chose not to heal and not to run? Sounds like your guildmates set you up for failure leaving you alone like that....
Frost is very Kamikaze, its his playstyle. Back when he had a decent suit that wasnt 6 garbage runics and an rbc he could pull it off, not so much now.

Who the fuck is blue you degenerate. I'm the one who dropped your bitch ass in the starroom last night and I was the only one casting god forbid you even try and heal yourself.
I dont see why you of all people are running your mouth, you went down even faster than frost did in star room at coon. Nobody xhealed you. You didnt heal yourself. I cast lightning 9 times through interuptions to kill you and you still died.

And Phelon, next time you want to talk shit, have the balls to keep your post up.

This thread is full of nothing but whiny complainy bitchs. I had hoped that it woulda turned out at least somewhat better.

Im kinda glad this event is over. Everyone go back to doing what it was you did before.


And Phelon, next time you want to talk shit, have the balls to keep your post up.

I wasn't talking shit man. I was just caught off guard that my name was in Lukins video thingy considering I was in Hz for about 6 minutes. That's exactly what my post said but I didn't even want to participate in this thread so I deleted it.

Your guild sucks and is full of cowards though. Now i'm talking shit. See the difference?

Mister Dank

Enrique and Paul where have you learned to count?

Read my post. I got on and was told there were several of you on. Proceeded to pop a harrower hoping to get a fight. We have been holding this oaks skull for a few days, waiting for everyone who worked it to be on AND line up with several Hz being online. This seemed the best opportunity.

what were you expecting to see at 1am ?

What did I expect? Absolutely nothing. But that expectation isn't dependent on the time. Oh, and it was 10:30 (PST) when we started it. I operate on Pacific Standard Time.

I don't give a shit what time it was in your, or any other, part of Canada. No offense meant.

Try PM'ing a different guild next time, then. Surely we aren't the only ones?

Isn't this supposed to be the reign of Hz (LOL)? Just trying to give you a chance to back up your guild's shit.

PS: respect to brunus and frost for showing up to even fights

PPS: see you in-game everybody!