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[pre] fall of the thirty harrowers - the reign of hz

Aegian Rayth

I would like to formally invite Hz to form a crew of 7 in order to field fight our crew of 7 at a location to be announced at a later time. If you all truly do enjoy the happenstance field fight as much as Lukin claims you do, maybe you'll take us up on the offer. The only thing I'm trying to remove from Lukin's 'Willingness for PVP Standards' is the one in 100 chance our group will run into your group as the stars align for a battle to break out.

So, again... formal invite. Barcode crew of 7 strong would like to field fight HZ crew of 7 strong at a location TBD. Will you accept?

If you like, we can lay down some ground rules in advance, enforce a no-looting policy, and replace any insurance gold that is lost.


Yea but it isn't complete movie :) U only show when kill a couple members, but u don't show when ur members die and we exit with all PS's ;] I see that a lot barcode members die, that is ofc normal lol... when exit prob 15 players..

Right Newton :) Hz didn't even see altar ;]


All i got from mb video was hey guys hz has a choke point and i instant died at it. Rest of barcode "omg they sounds so sick i am right behind you oh sweet dude thx for telling us we all died.

Aegian Rayth

Nice video Muscly. What's your point?

Must be trying to make some point if you'd bother to film, edit, upload, and post that video.

Aegian Rayth

I was amused at 4 necros killing 22 people.

Your numbers are off, but we definitely had a numbers advantage over you. No reason why a well-concocted wither bomb plan should have failed so terribly... unless that reason is that noobs don't listen, and are slow to react in PVP situations.

I'm gonna start recording when I play too, though... so I can post successful choke point wins and just edit out the parts where I get wiped out in the field. Like you just did.


Your numbers are off, but we definitely had a numbers advantage over you. No reason why a well-concocted wither bomb plan should have failed so terribly... unless that reason is that noobs don't listen, and are slow to react in PVP situations.

I'm gonna start recording when I play too, though... so I can post successful choke point wins and just edit out the parts where I get wiped out in the field. Like you just did.

all i see and yet ur so upset he didn't so your guys massive numbers killing 4 ppl id be ashamed if i had to take even 6+ to kill 4 ppl


Lol guys, when u killed 22 members haha :D Next time, we do choke point, waiting for hz and create good movie for all forum members.. >.< BIG LOL

Aegian Rayth

all i see and yet ur so upset he didn't so your guys massive numbers killing 4 ppl id be ashamed if i had to take even 6+ to kill 4 ppl

You should work on your sentence structure, I can really only understand the second half of your post.

Ashamed? What should I be ashamed of? I didn't die. Bile didn't die. Dank did, but then he came back and wiped you all out. I don't recall any more of our core members being there, just some fresh meat that doesn't know how to listen.

Besides... bragging about beating us at a chokepoint and then avoiding field fights like the plague is like congratulating yourself for learning how to turn on the TV even though you can't change the channels.


I don't recall any more of our core members being there, just some fresh meat that doesn't know how to listen.
I see, so the other 21 are useless to you, correct?

I'd like you to point out which of these from the harrower aren't good enough to be considered core:
You, Bile, Paul, Jim, Alucard, Marshall, Enrique, Gnar, Brandon, Prodigy, Killing for Fun, Oxycodone, AmaMai, Tanis, Bitway, Regin, Tony, Shaman, Himothep, Varloppe, Naji, Cancer, Cem the Drunk, Evy

Aegian Rayth

I see, so the other 21 are useless to you, correct?

I'd like you to point out which of these aren't good enough to be considered core:
You, Bile, Paul, Jim, Alucard, Marshall, Enrique, Gnar, Brandon, Prodigy, Killing for Fun, Oxycodone, AmaMai, Tanis, Bitway, Regin, Tony, Shaman, Himothep, Varloppe, Naji, Cancer, Cem the Drunk, Evy

Oh, that's right... Jim and Alucard were there. Was Tony Danza there?? I don't remember seeing him. Oh... you mean the character named Tony who I don't know from Adam. Well either way, for Jim and Alucard... not sure if they died or not... they'd have to tell you.

But yeah, the rest of those are not our core members (I had mentioned Bile and Paul already). It's not a matter of being good enough. Some of them might be decent players. I wouldn't know. What I'm saying is that they don't fucking listen. If you'd have been battling our core group, I'm sure your results would have been different. As is evidenced by Paul almost single-handedly taking you out, and those of us who lived through your chokepoint.

Aegian Rayth

We didn't have our core group either.

As for Paul, he only really killed me alone. The others fought more people than just him. =)

That's why I said 'almost single-handedly'.

And I'm not all up in arms. Just find it funny when/how Muscly gloats.

On another note... you guys want to organize some even numbered field fights? I'd love to get some 4v4's in Bucs, or some 5v5's in Moonglow. We could keep score, put up a bit of cash to go to the winners... sound like fun at all? Esk, Lukin, Brunus, Muscly? Would y'all be interested in some consensual battle?
My major beef currently is my sporadic at best playtimes. Between getting lead hand promotion at work, payin the bills, getting my vw jetta pimped out finally (see display pic) , and trying to figure out where ima get money to go finish school and trying to plan the perfect way to propose to my future fiance, my available time has been next to nothing. Ive been trying to free up some weekday time to play but its slow goings.

I mean i did miss the entire harrower PRE, both spawning the skulls and the harries themselves. Probably for the best though.