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[pre] fall of the thirty harrowers - the reign of hz


You aren't all busy, all time. It's not dinner time across the globe, no, you aren't all going to bed at exactly the same time. Can you just admit the truth? lukin did:

[10/18/2012 6:33:26 PM] Lukin (Demise): heres the deal: A: you win at these fucking organized fights
[10/18/2012 6:33:36 PM] Lukin (Demise): almost every one weve done, youve won
[10/18/2012 6:33:41 PM] Lukin (Demise): its just not really fun man

fact is, you don't want your ass served to you on a platter

tap out, you're done
well I don't know bout Lukin but I do recall participating at these multiple time and I believe out of 8 we got 1 or 2.
I would not say all of Hz dont find them fun its just I stoped caring and so others in Hz its not that we are afraid to loose its just we stoped caring.

but when times comes will be there screaming once again fuck barcode.

It has nothing to do of being afraid nor thats its not fun its just I don't feel like it right now. and thats the bottom line.

Mister Dank

Your guys' schedules all changed as soon as there was a guild that could match or exceed your numbers, a real shame you couldn't do any more harrowers

but hey, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt

I mean, that's just a coincidence, right? LOL

Aegian Rayth

I have credibility, I just stoped caring. I have proven mahself I have been beat down and am still here screaming fuck barcode :p

Why won't you sign up you and a couple buddies for some 4v4 or 5v5 in moonglow then? I think it would be a blast. Or battle underneath Bucs. Or on boats. I can think of all kinds of places it would be sweet to battle.


Why won't you sign up you and a couple buddies for some 4v4 or 5v5 in moonglow then? I think it would be a blast. Or battle underneath Bucs. Or on boats. I can think of all kinds of places it would be sweet to battle.
I agree right now am in the middle of building a suit abit more par to fight you guys and that wont take too long, once I am ready trust me ill be there.
my 50 resist suit is par for your meatshield but tbh to fight the actual barcode I need abit more.


Your guys' schedules all changed as soon as there was a guild that could match or exceed your numbers, a real shame you couldn't do any more harrowers

but hey, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt

I mean, that's just a coincidence, right? LOL
our scheduled was never changed. We had the numbers and mid month people started not logging in, has nothing to do with you recruiting the whole shard. It was a vision and as time goes people started having a life. our numbers went down while your numbers kept increasing, now we could of kept going but why give you scrolls when we don't really need to since our point was proven the minute you guys had 20+ numbers at one raid. we were short what 8 harries and lost 1 scroll not too bad tbh.


You aren't all busy, all time. It's not dinner time across the globe, no, you aren't all going to bed at exactly the same time. Can you just admit the truth? lukin did:

[10/18/2012 6:33:26 PM] Lukin (Demise): heres the deal: A: you win at these fucking organized fights
[10/18/2012 6:33:36 PM] Lukin (Demise): almost every one weve done, youve won
[10/18/2012 6:33:41 PM] Lukin (Demise): its just not really fun man

fact is, you don't want your ass served to you on a platter

tap out, you're done

Is all you do Copy And Paste Conversations ???????


Is all you do Copy And Paste Conversations ???????

I dont understand this thread anymore it started with 'Hey HZ is going to do 30 harrowers in 30 days' to Barcode recruits mass players to prove what still dont know,,, something around the points of Shit we just have to make HZ look bad, we know they wont come out to 40 people cause they're like max 15 people that even gives a shit of fighting barcode, to likes Copy and paste every freaking conversation I have with all HZ members to prove what NOTHING. It's a waste of time reading this thread, So what they didn't complete it you guys made sure they wouldn't so why come here a bitch about field fights that's not what the thread is about.

Mister Dank

well I don't know bout Lukin but I do recall participating at these multiple time and I believe out of 8 we got 1 or 2.
I would not say all of Hz dont find them fun its just I stoped caring and so others in Hz its not that we are afraid to loose its just we stoped caring.

but when times comes will be there screaming once again fuck barcode.

It has nothing to do of being afraid nor thats its not fun its just I don't feel like it right now. and thats the bottom line.

So the fights would be fun, but you just don't feel like it right now, but you are on UO (presumably to have fun? lol). I'll let you digest your own shit for a while, you make sure to have some fun in tokuno. And when that ends, maybe some halloween town? After that? After that it's dinner time. What about after dinner? Oh? Right to bed? Well what about tomorrow, or any time in the coming week, you name it? No? Busy? With what? Oh. Well shit, that's a real shame. And you say this isn't because Paul is an undefeated badass champion in even-numbered fights? You just don't feel like having fun? Ok. *buys it*


So the fights would be fun, but you just don't feel like it right now, but you are on UO (presumably to have fun? lol). I'll let you digest your own shit for a while, you make sure to have some fun in tokuno. And when that ends, maybe some halloween town? After that? After that it's dinner time. What about after dinner? Oh? Right to bed? Well what about tomorrow, or any time in the coming week, you name it? No? Busy? With what? Oh. Well shit, that's a real shame. And you say this isn't because Paul is an undefeated badass champion in even-numbered fights? You just don't feel like having fun? Ok. *buys it*

Game going up to your head much

Mister Dank

I dont understand this thread anymore it started with 'Hey HZ is going to do 30 harrowers in 30 days' to Barcode recruits mass players to prove what still dont know,,, something around the points of Shit we just have to make HZ look bad, we know they wont come out to 40 people cause they're like max 15 people that even gives a shit of fighting barcode, to likes Copy and paste every freaking conversation I have with all HZ members to prove what NOTHING. It's a waste of time reading this thread, So what they didn't complete it you guys made sure they wouldn't so why come here a bitch about field fights that's not what the thread is about.

It wasn't to prove anything, I was banding some people together so people could match or exceed hz's numbers, which had been matching and exceeding everyone else for months. The point was to get some pvp going and have some fun. I don't care about making hz look bad, if I did I'd spew out shitty videos like muscly does. There weren't 40 people vs 15, we sat there waiting for harrowers that never came, and we ended up doing our own. I post something from a skype conversation when it directly contradicts what someone is saying on these forums. I'm not bitching about field fights, I'm just trying to get people to admit why they won't participate. I've just about given up hope of solid, even-numbered fights happening on a regular basis.

Aegian Rayth

I'm just tired of Hz having it both ways. Claiming that they did this event "to create pvp and have fun" when they don't want to CREATE pvp. They only want to WIN at pvp. Their harrowers had a very high success rate. And then once Barcode produced a force capable of stopping them... well... they stopped. Eight shy of the 30 they were going to do? Not that I care, as far as I'm concerned they should be proud of rocking out 22 harrowers in as many days.

But claiming that this [PRE] was done "to create pvp" is a falsehood. If that were the case, wouldn't you guys have stuck around a bit longer to get some battles in after each harry? If it were the case, why the dodging, ducking, dipping, and distracting whenever the phrase 'even-numbered fight' comes up? We're trying to create pvp too, but you're not interested in a fair field fight.

Hz may be the VERY BEST PVM GUILD ON DEMISE, bar none... but they are not going to be 'the mightiest guild to ever reign' on Demise until they step up to the plate and try to take that crown from Barcode, to whom it rightfully belongs.

Don't agree with what I've said? Prove me wrong. We're open to the challenge.


Lol id hoped youd quote me. Don't you realize I was shutting you up because I simply don't want to give you an even # field fight? You guys are pathetically over enthralled with the goings on of hz. It's just more fun to say no and watch you seeth over our boisterous claims.

Mister Dank

You guys are pathetically over enthralled with the goings on of hz.
and this
It's just more fun to say no and watch you seeth over our boisterous claims.
seems a little hypocritical to me

You would rather watch us "seeth" than have some pvp?

The only reason I have any interest in hz is for some competition. Seems like you are the one who is enthralled.
But hey, that's okay, keep watching me "seeth". LOL

Mister Dank

I simply don't want to give you an even # field fight. It's just more fun to say no

seems pretty simple to get; you are likely to lose the fight, you don't want to lose the fight, you refuse the fight

sound logic, pathetic attitude

see you on the field, lol


And for the record. We've beaten you into the dirt on numerous occasions. And I'm not talking about barzergmeatshieldcode, I'm talking about Paul Jim reefer Alex ohen Rayth insomnia bile tony rich. Just as as we've destroyed Nya, dc, riot and whatever other random iterations of the same recycled people. Wee beaten you all into the dirt for over a year, an now at last, we've forced you all (with the exception of Nya and china) to mass into one giant guild to beat us. (On the field, not some lame setup fight). The bottom line is we've been on top for how long? And look what it took for anyone to be able to even try to stop us? Yeh...seething. Cookies. :)