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[pre] fall of the thirty harrowers - the reign of hz


If my math is correct Hz has 4 days counting today to do 10 harrowers. (correct me if im wrong but first date on this thread was 9/20) They skipped tonight cause we had ppl online, wonder how they are gonna get em done??? Hope china is read for some 4am EST harrowers lol!


ill see you all tonight at our harry
Enjoy trolling


weve done 20 harrowers in less than a month, have we not? :) More than any other guild on demise has accomplished? Never once complained about a raid or a near loss? We did this to spur pvp, and we succeeded. We certainly dont feel bad about being behind on our goal, and we have over 70 +25s locked down on the roof, 7 artifacts gained from the harries, countless millions gained in gold, and have had a good time doing it. You jelly man, thats the only reason you keep posting here :)

You see, what seperates Hz from the other guilds here, we are actually a group. We do events like this and post them publicly, just to get a rise out of people like you :)



weve done 20 harrowers in less than a month, have we not? :) More than any other guild on demise has accomplished? Never once complained about a raid or a near loss? We did this to spur pvp, and we succeeded. We certainly dont feel bad about being behind on our goal, and we have over 70 +25s locked down on the roof, 7 artifacts gained from the harries, countless millions gained in gold, and have had a good time doing it. You jelly man, thats the only reason you keep posting here :)

You see, what seperates Hz from the other guilds here, we are actually a group. We do events like this and post them publicly, just to get a rise out of people like you :)[/quote]
Too bad most of the core members of barcode don't play nearly as often anymore including me. I got a proposal.. how about we pick the time for you to do a harrower so for once I can actually be there and some other core memners and we will see how well you do.. sound like a plan?


:)Too bad most of the core members of barcode don't play nearly as often anymore including me. I got a proposal.. how about we pick the time for you to do a harrower so for once I can actually be there and some other core memners and we will see how well you do.. sound like a plan?[/

We fended off our harry vs 14 barcode, im pretty sure you being there wont make a big difference. When we have enough people on, we spawn harry around the same time every night. between 6 and 8pm cst.


Like I said "core members" im sure the 14 there atleast 70% of them were noobs. You know how long it's been since Me, ohen,rayth,paul and his brothers have been at the same time oh and bile. I have not made it to one of those harrowere yet due to IRL shit but I can usually play for like 2 hrs after 8-830 pm cst. All im saying is before the last harrower is done Lets work out a time for both barcode and HZ.


Like I said "core members" im sure the 14 there atleast 70% of them were noobs. You know how long it's been since Me, ohen,rayth,paul and his brothers have been at the same time oh and bile. I have not made it to one of those harrowere yet due to IRL shit but I can usually play for like 2 hrs after 8-830 pm cst. All im saying is before the last harrower is done Lets work out a time for both barcode and HZ.
You had a lot of good players at that one as did we id say close to equal in the talent pool. I saw Tony danza, adon, wambulance, ian, pumpkin to name a few. Over all it was a lot of fun and I am happy we are recruiting more people to come play this server <3 for most of the people on demise. It sucks you have to miss out but we also have several members who keep missing out who really want to be there. Schedules and time zones suck :(


Like I said "core members" im sure the 14 there atleast 70% of them were noobs. You know how long it's been since Me, ohen,rayth,paul and his brothers have been at the same time oh and bile. I have not made it to one of those harrowere yet due to IRL shit but I can usually play for like 2 hrs after 8-830 pm cst. All im saying is before the last harrower is done Lets work out a time for both barcode and HZ.

Bile paul tony and others have been raiding our harrys along with around 10 meatshields including pumpkin, scratchnsniff and marshal....just missing you it seems....

Our main time is in the evening CST as most of us have jobs that either require us to work late or get up super early (me for one..), so doing them any later than this is highly unlikely.
Like I said "core members" im sure the 14 there atleast 70% of them were noobs. You know how long it's been since Me, ohen,rayth,paul and his brothers have been at the same time oh and bile. I have not made it to one of those harrowere yet due to IRL shit but I can usually play for like 2 hrs after 8-830 pm cst. All im saying is before the last harrower is done Lets work out a time for both barcode and HZ.

Your not the only one who hasnt made it. Today was the first day ive been on in months. By the time im able to get on due to my IRL Schedule with work/transit, the dust has long since settled.


Ive only attended one and at the one I was at Reefer Barcode had Danza , Paul since he claimed to some people he saw me there I personally did not see him. I saw Ohen, Pumpkin, also the best pvp'er on the shard was there wambulance as he claims to be. Adon and lots of meatsheild was there too.

I can't wait to see the 2 guild going head to head full force. will be fun and guaranteed lot's of death. both team should check corpse since I have a feeling when the shit hits the fan the scroll won't matter compares to player's mistake and suit dropin.


weve done 20 harrowers in less than a month, have we not? :) More than any other guild on demise has accomplished? Never once complained about a raid or a near loss? We did this to spur pvp, and we succeeded. We certainly dont feel bad about being behind on our goal, and we have over 70 +25s locked down on the roof, 7 artifacts gained from the harries, countless millions gained in gold, and have had a good time doing it. You jelly man, thats the only reason you keep posting here :)

You see, what seperates Hz from the other guilds here, we are actually a group. We do events like this and post them publicly, just to get a rise out of people like you :)

Bile paul tony and others have been raiding our harrys along with around 10 meatshields including pumpkin, scratchnsniff and marshal...

You guys did 20 Harrowers but most of those nobody even attempted a raid due to not being online. Every time we were online and raided you we ALWAYS broke through and killed all of you multiple times. Feel free to do harrowers when most of the core barcode members are offline and gain more worthless pixels, but don't act like you actually accomplished anything to do with PVP vs us. If you wanna talk about pvp or defeating barcode in organized events accept our numerous offers for duels 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, ect.



Mister Dank

Paul since he claimed to some people he saw me there I personally did not see him..

I've been to one, and it was before we recruited anyone. lol.

you've conformed well to our tactics

Barcode existed and used the same tactics we are using now before muscly auto-carpentered his first stool.

ill see you all tonight at our harry


remember folks, you must master the art of humbility in order to achieve terminal humbilocity


I've been to one, and it was before we recruited anyone. lol.

Barcode existed and used the same tactics we are using now before muscly auto-carpentered his first stool.


remember folks, you must master the art of humbility in order to achieve terminal humbilocity

Yawn :)