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Publish 75 - 5/13/07


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

What happens if you use friends' accounts as well? Like both people play the accounts, and you hop on it occasionally. How will that effect the IP ownership?


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

So a house which went IDOC at server up will go down in 14.4 hours? Or does this not go into effect until June?


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

If people are inactive for a few weeks at a time, who needs em. If this was a pay to play server people wouldn't just log on once every 2 weeks to refresh their houses then log out again.

This server is plagued with inactivity. People who log in their 3 characters before they leave for work in the morning, just in hopes of getting a random free hand out item. They should add something like, if you dont move for 15 minutes you are automatically disconnected. Or stop giving out blessed items randomly.

I think you should only be able to get items like "Hybrid rocks sandles", etc. is by participating in events. But then you would see people joining events then going afk and not participating... i'm surrounded by scavengers.


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

Hydrofiend;1422214 said:
If people are inactive for a few weeks at a time, who needs em. If this was a pay to play server people wouldn't just log on once every 2 weeks to refresh their houses then log out again.

Well lets see, some people have to travel unexpectedly for business you know the thing that pays bills called work, also some people may be unable to login due to an unexpected death in the family, maybe someone has to go for chemo treatments for a couple of weeks. I support what they are trying to accomplish with the housing limitations but sometimes things come up and people for reasons I listed may not be able to refresh their houses. These people you call a waste of time also donate $$ to help with server cost so I would hope they would be worth something. This is a very difficult situation and there is no easy solution as you mentioned some people do just login and refresh their houses every 2 weeks then log right back out. I hate to see people lose everything when they may have a good reason for not being able to login though
Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

Hydrofiend;1422214 said:
If people are inactive for a few weeks at a time, who needs em. If this was a pay to play server people wouldn't just log on once every 2 weeks to refresh their houses then log out again.

This server is plagued with inactivity. People who log in their 3 characters before they leave for work in the morning, just in hopes of getting a random free hand out item. They should add something like, if you dont move for 15 minutes you are automatically disconnected. Or stop giving out blessed items randomly.

I think you should only be able to get items like "Hybrid rocks sandles", etc. is by participating in events. But then you would see people joining events then going afk and not participating... i'm surrounded by scavengers.

Thats ridiculous. Everybody is inactive at times. I have played for spurts, and then taken breaks, should my houses get dropped because of not being able to login for a couple of weeks after I've been playing for months regularly? I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of the population isn't actually playing regularly (daily/weekly). So you are saying its ok to drop the houses and loot of those that don't logon regularly all the time? Do you really want to see the active player base drop at Hybrid?

Guess I have to bring my laptop with me on any trips I take from now on that are 2+weeks and hope I can get internet access wherever I'm staying, just to make sure I can login and refresh my houses on Hybrid..


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

I am hearing a lot of bitching about the 2 weeks deal... I think it's totally fair, it takes less than a minute to logon and recall to 4 houses how can people actually call that a chore... there are tons of players who play hours a day and have no houses why should that land be taken up by someone who doesnt even use it, if you dont stop by your house ONCE in two weeks, you should just give it to a new player anyway.


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

WTF complicated with 1 UNO UN IP =4 Houses --- how many language you need to understand *Cry More* Guy's that what you all say to Newbie Muhahahaha !!! Now we get a chance to place a house .......
Ok now what you need More then 4 Houses for anyways !!!.
For the over you have that means after 4 so 5 and more you sell em, give em Drop em ..Who care Move that way you wont lose em Geez Retard not understanding
For the Guy that has A Fatser home with 22 Kids what wtf you get time to play all those Yea
lol its a petty
Anyway i join 10 Days ago so ahha!! rigth good timing Thx Admin Gratias !!
Comprendo !


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

AndrewDoK;1422232 said:
I am hearing a lot of bitching about the 2 weeks deal... I think it's totally fair, it takes less than a minute to logon and recall to 4 houses how can people actually call that a chore... there are tons of players who play hours a day and have no houses why should that land be taken up by someone who doesnt even use it, if you dont stop by your house ONCE in two weeks, you should just give it to a new player anyway.

You guys are missing the point, sometimes things will come up in your life when you have to go out of town for a period of two weeks, or you may not have access to a computer is it fair that you lose everything because you can not login? HELL NO it's not fair, does it mean we play less than yourself, NO. I’m not talking about a person who is not active I’m talking about the person who may not be able to login for a period of two weeks for whatever reason.

Friends oh yea I told Pete to refresh my shit but damn he was totally blown when I asked him so he forgot, quit tossing around the friend card. Not everyone trust or has in game friends they can rely on to refresh their shit.

This is a simple debate about what we like in the patch and the things we have concerns about.


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

Gaiden;1422245 said:
You guys are missing the point, sometimes things will come up in your life when you have to go out of town for a period of two weeks, or you may not have access to a computer is it fair that you lose everything because you can not login? HELL NO it's not fair, does it mean we play less than yourself, NO. I’m not talking about a person who is not active I’m talking about the person who may not be able to login for a period of two weeks for whatever reason.

Friends oh yea I told Pete to refresh my shit but damn he was totally blown when I asked him so he forgot, quit tossing around the friend card. Not everyone trust or has in game friends they can rely on to refresh their shit.

This is a simple debate about what we like in the patch and the things we have concerns about.

Where the hell you live man or kid for a matter there Fu... Pc's in public Bathroom's now Come on where you live in a tree house ?


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

Clandest;1422247 said:
Where the hell you live man or kid for a matter there Fu... Pc's in public Bathroom's now Come on where you live in a tree house ?

English please, PC's in bathrooms? that's news to me. You can call me Master!

A Monkey Man

Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

hay matey i just lost a house (ingame) cause i ,moved house(in real life) and it took me 2 months to get my stuff together

my other house STAYD cause my guildmates refreshed it we all live in the same area in game its like a little guild village and whenever our numbers apear low someone runs around town refreshing them all

if you are not in a guild and dont have any friends/whatever you people are you should really consider getting some ALLSO

if your life gets busy etc im sure like me you really dont give a crap about one of your houses falling and looseing all ur loot i let 3 castles on OSI decay a little house on this FREE server isnt diddley squat and you know it ALLSO

the house famring thing MUST get sorted out its essential OSI were right on the money there with creating there little universe it worked very well and WHO REALLY needs more then 2-4 houses of any size

vendor house / storage house / guild house/ *cough* pvp house

thats 4 what else are you going to add to it people? maybe mining? like anyone here bloody really MINES anyways you guys are all automated

i believe this publish is bloody great i cant wait to witness the aftermath


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

Gaiden;1422250 said:
English please, PC's in bathrooms? that's news to me.

I was pointing out there are pc's all over these days
and dont tell me you cant trust one person On Shard that ridicules who you having fun with alone ??
dont take ppl for idiots
GOOD Job Admin's
cant log on then you dont deserve you account its a free Shard didnt you noticed ???
But ok !! give an ideal instead of *crying* ask for a 4 weeks in a row excetpion once a year that could be managed by forum pm to admin !
and this is English class teacher was typing fast so smart


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

yes i defiantly do not agree with 14 days of decay. This is an online game for pleasure, and to have fun. If should not affect rl matters. Dilema: go on vacation for 2 weeks with the family and lose ur house, or stay home to refresh ur houses on uo life... hmmm... i know i used to persoanlly go away for 4-5weeks during the summer for vacation. I can see trusting a friend for 1 refresh, but like 2-3 refreshes? er that is sketchy for sure. I am sure i woudl vouch for most people on thsi statement... if i lost my main house i would probably quit uo. there are just so many items from mega regs, to rares. that show what i have accomplished in this game. Yes i could go to brit bank and buy it all back, but its not the same as getting those items.

Also allowing only 4 houses can hurt many people. For instance... I am a gm of a guild. I have a gh for members to use, and also a vendor shop. So then i would be left with 2 house slots. That is not very many. (not trying to whine just stating) Most likely i will be forced to sell the gh/vendor shop. and just throw a guildstone in one of my main house. Maybe friend a couple guildies.... but not all of them. If you played here a while, you most liekly have more than 4 houses. My friend quit a while back, and gave me a cool bucs house, and a house right next to destard. I use those regularly..... but this rule force me to sell cool houses especially stinks when he is coming back at some point...... :( just sucks when u work hard for shit..... and have to selll it away i guess...


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

CapLoD;1422251 said:
pince estupido culero.

learn english before you start calling people retarted.

what a matter with my English btw instead of crying here go go clean up your accounts house :p Muhahahahahahaha


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

A Monkey Man;1422257 said:
hay matey i just lost a house cause i ,moved house and it took me 2 months to get my stuff together

my other house STAYD cause my guildmates refreshed it we all live in the same area in game its like a little guild village and whenever our numbers apear low someone runs around town refreshing them all

if you are not in a guild and dont have any friends/whatever you people are you should really consider getting some ALLSO

if your life gets busy etc im sure like me you really dont give a crap about one of your houses falling and looseing all ur loot i let 3 castles on OSI decay a little house on this FREE server isnt diddley squat and you know it ALLSO

the house famring thing MUST get sorted out its essential OSI were right on the money there with creating there little universe it worked very well and WHO REALLY needs more then 2-4 houses of any size

vendor house / storage house / guild house/ *cough* pvp house

thats 4 what else are you going to add to it people? maybe mining? like anyone here bloody really MINES anyways you guys are all automated

i believe this publish is bloody great i cant wait to witness the aftermath

Finally a logical post well thought out and in English to boot, for the most part I agree. I myself sometimes have to travel unfortunately for medical purposes and don’t have access to a computer when I’m at the hospital. I do have a good number of guild members who will keep my shit refreshed I’m just bitching because two weeks seems kind of short to me.


Re: Publish 75 - 5/13/07

Clandest;1422259 said:
I was pointing out there are pc's all over these days
and dont tell me you cant trust one person On Shard that ridicules who you having fun with alone ??
dont take ppl for idiots
GOOD Job Admin's
cant log on then you dont deserve you account its a free Shard didnt you noticed ???
But ok !! give an ideal instead of *crying* ask for a 4 weeks in a row excetpion once a year that could be managed by forum pm to admin !
and this is English class teacher was typing fast so smart

anyway now that the pinata has broken and Clandest is occupied.

don't sweat it so much guys. the admins are after house farmers... people with 10+ houses on an IP

Gaid, I always will have your back. if you need someone to refresh your accts and houses I'll do it daily. BEFORE i get into my nightly drunk.