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Should Dynasty have its own faction?

Should Dynasty have its own faction?

  • Yes

    Votes: 69 32.1%
  • No

    Votes: 146 67.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

as much as i didnt read ne of the other 10 pages of rubbish on this thread dynasty is crap and ne one who thinks there good should go play runescape
Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

I'm down for 4v4ing Ju Sak and whoever else he can get.
Dendei hit me up and we'll set it up.

Honestly I don't even know how this thread got so big..

Whatever Dynasty is the best.. Blah blah blah. The only thing this thread is going to rage them more when they die. You guys are ridiculous with your posts.

Lafable seriously let me break it down for you. (2legit)

Your the whiniest little shit I've ever heard in vent. You rage over the littlest stuff, and no fun to fight with. When I did used to fight with you guys you'd rage so bad that you'd insta log, to leave the rest of the group to die because:

1. You were our fucking caller
2. You'd be our 5th man

I really don't know how the rest of the guild stands you....

Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

Dendei;1330079 said:
Wow, you must have downsyndrome. Heres who you had k, you had: Concept of mind, 613, Uamek, Daz and Teknique.
I had: Dendei, Bob Barker, Lament, Cipher Pol 9 and Odium.

so which one are u gonna deny being tehre and which one are u gonna add to my 5? Its actualy kind of funny because after we killed you someone in channel said "watch, they are gonna say we zerged them" and look what you guys are saying.

Not just that you guys use Krrios, you should be able to kill us 2v5 with all them autoheals n shit.

You guys are SUCH trash. Its times like this when i wish i recorded a packet video to shut you the fuck up.

god... this guy is raged hard... and btw if the people you listed were there then there was only 3 in vent... other 2 aren't in our vent..

ps.. you always know your better than someone when you get accussed of cheating... Deal with it... Thx for the confidence booster!!! we will get you an autograph soon...


Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

Teh Money Shot;1330175 said:
I'm down for 4v4ing Ju Sak and whoever else he can get.

Dendei hit me up and we'll set it up.


yay, finally a set up. didnt have one in ages.
ill definitly aim u
Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

Paranoia-hybrid;1330111 said:
Dude, you guys fucking suck.
Dynasty rapes your fucking ugly ass faces.
None of you have ever been good at UO who just started playing.
The only people i have any UO respect for is people that i've played against a long time ago, and no not anyone in E. or di. sorry stides. Fuck you jessejane, you suck at UO jesus christ you were in what David Gilmores turret guild with a gy house who vanished once it was demo'd?
(this comment doesnt pertain to the people i have played against and thought had skill, just ask me ill tell you)



are u a retard? >!< still has that GY house, i have my own GY house, and there is another that everyone in >!< is friended to. the design was changed. I am still in David Gilmores guild. :) you sound a bit raged about somthing? or are u taking over where ODB left off with these epic posts?


Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

coldblood;1330073 said:
what the fuck.... i dont rage when im drunk, im very relaxed when im drunk, except im in james vent and make fun of him :)

i know what umean man............i know what u mean
Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

Mystical-hybrid;1330353 said:
no he didn't...



Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

Dendei;1330079 said:
Wow, you must have downsyndrome. Heres who you had k, you had: Concept of mind, 613, Uamek, Daz and Teknique.
I had: Dendei, Bob Barker, Lament, Cipher Pol 9 and Odium.

so which one are u gonna deny being tehre and which one are u gonna add to my 5? Its actualy kind of funny because after we killed you someone in channel said "watch, they are gonna say we zerged them" and look what you guys are saying.

Not just that you guys use Krrios, you should be able to kill us 2v5 with all them autoheals n shit.

You guys are SUCH trash. Its times like this when i wish i recorded a packet video to shut you the fuck up.

Tell Cipher Pol 9 that if he doesn't change his name, i'm gonna go gear 3 on his ass.

He'll understand.


Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

DementedJester;1330409 said:
Tell Cipher Pol 9 that if he doesn't change his name, i'm gonna go gear 3 on his ass.

He'll understand.

HAHA DementedJester got derailed at del pond. DT Style. HAHAHA. And then 3 minutes later he got derailed again. Forum warriors should not be talking shiet TBH.


Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

Mico;1330416 said:
HAHA DementedJester got derailed at del pond. DT Style. HAHAHA. And then 3 minutes later he got derailed again. Forum warriors should not be talking shiet TBH.

One of me.

How many of you?

I got gang raped a 3rd time too outside Del Pond.

Do you think i cared?

Vent just prior to first death:

Bubba: I got a gate out for you at sand pit
Ruiner: Aw shit... I'm fucked... Para'd... dead. Ahahahaha and they're talking shit. Awesome.

Second time, after you wasted a good 10 minutes trying to boat 613's mare and failed:

Ruiner: Oh fuck, i hit sandpit.... *Scream*.
Hazok: Oh... err you're gonna die.
Ruiner: [laughing]Fuckitall.[/laughing]

Third time:

Playmaker: Gating Del pond.
Ruiner: *Gin goes through the gate hidden
Ruiner: Aw fuck, they dispelled it.... and they're revealing.
Playmaker: Lud, why the fuck would you go in the gate?
Ruiner: You can't fish without bait.


Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

DementedJester;1330419 said:
One of me.

How many of you?

I got gang raped a 3rd time too outside Del Pond.

Do you think i cared?

PWN 1v1 tbh. Like I said, uninstall the game, make a shortcut to www.uogamers.com/forum, mr. Forum warrior. Damn I hate no namers! SHIET!


Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

Suil Ban;1330422 said:
no offense ludderz, but it looks like you did care

Only thing that bothers me about dying right now is that i need to scrounge up loot due to my house getting looted.
Mico shit talking me about killing me in that situation shows that he cares a hell of alot more than i do.

When was the last time you saw me shit talk on the forums about killing someone 14 v 1?

Mico;1330425 said:
PWN 1v1 tbh. Like I said, uninstall the game, make a shortcut to www.uogamers.com/forum, mr. Forum warrior. Damn I hate no namers! SHIET!

I like how i asked for an even number set up last night and got refused.


Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

DementedJester;1330432 said:
Only thing that bothers me about dying right now is that i need to scrounge up loot due to my house getting looted.
Mico shit talking me about killing me in that situation shows that he cares a hell of alot more than i do.

When was the last time you saw me shit talk on the forums about killing someone 14 v 1?

I like how i asked for an even number set up last night and got refused.

I do care alot. I enjoy stomping on Forum warriors' face once it's landed in the dirt. It fullfills all my fantasy.

We were out cleaning trash in Del. Court's order.

Set up.
DT always have a group running around, Step out of the pits and fight and stop gating out. (GROUP FIGHTS)

1v1 . I just promoted myself to be DT 1v1 acceptor. Anyone wants a 1v1 Dream team will face me. Ruleset PVM: Where you are the player vs me, the monster.


Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

Ive never seen dynasty rolling tbh. so piss on them. I think the orcs should have their own faction though. how cool would that be '=/ seriously.


Re: Should Dynasty have its own faction?

Dendei;1330079 said:
Wow, you must have downsyndrome. Heres who you had k, you had: Concept of mind, 613, Uamek, Daz and Teknique.
I had: Dendei, Bob Barker, Lament, Cipher Pol 9 and Odium.

so which one are u gonna deny being tehre and which one are u gonna add to my 5? Its actualy kind of funny because after we killed you someone in channel said "watch, they are gonna say we zerged them" and look what you guys are saying.

Not just that you guys use Krrios, you should be able to kill us 2v5 with all them autoheals n shit.

You guys are SUCH trash. Its times like this when i wish i recorded a packet video to shut you the fuck up.

Concept logged off after he died at SL base. That gave us 4. When I died at TB base it was because R2D2 stunned me. That gives you 6.

I really don't care if you say I'm lying or not, your just gonna post the one time you acctually beat us because really, it only happens once or twice a year and you gotta cling to the wins right?


And as far as dream team goes we offered them 4v5 (them having 5). Declined. We offer 5v7. Declined. They get 15 people on, and all of a sudden they are too busy to do setups, and then talk shit about how two of them can kill our guild. You guys sure are tough kids.
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