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Tamer Balance

How should taming be balanced?

  • Remove bonding

    Votes: 237 17.0%
  • Reduce pet speed

    Votes: 138 9.9%
  • Reduce pet damage

    Votes: 182 13.0%
  • Heavier bonded pet skill loss

    Votes: 145 10.4%
  • Remove recall with bonded pets

    Votes: 193 13.8%
  • Its fine how it is

    Votes: 822 58.9%

  • Total voters
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Ankoku15 said:
all kill might = no skill to all of you people but quite frankly, corp por is becomming a bore

2 tamers with 7xgm pets are supposed to be extremely powerful, and i recomend hide recalling and especially do not reccomend that your rune your red towns at their banks... those are the highest area of traffic, and pet spell are already nerfed insanely! they cast FS 1 out of every 10 times they normally did and pet damage to players was halved as well as much more difficult gains and now an ethy takes up a slot

bolas and parry is being thought out, but there really isn't any reason as to why you couldn't just rapid fire bolas, its cheap but if they use the bolas then they will dismount you
you can use bolas 2, then people can't run away, especially so if you kill their horse (should they be riding one) or if they got an ethy they are gone, lol

and pets always used to open with FS, so at full mana, 1 out of every 10 opennings will include that spell, i almost never get it, so tamers are fine right now, you might want to consider my ideas on discouraging their use in pvp because we can't just keep nerfing them out

whether or not they are supposed to be powerful is not the question here. tamers throw pvp balance out the window. they're not supposed to be used in pvp, hence why theres no M in PvP. corp por is becoming a bore? then learn how to pvp and use more spells :/
nightshark said:
whether or not they are supposed to be powerful is not the question here. tamers throw pvp balance out the window. they're not supposed to be used in pvp, hence why theres no M in PvP. corp por is becoming a bore? then learn how to pvp and use more spells :/

my idea would make using tamers in pvp highly discouraged and a lot more difficult, and in factions it would make them more even while not screwing the pvm tamers


if u nerf tamming too much than it already is people will dump the skill and take up a melee or magic class. it would be pointless to nerf the class, rather than nerfing the tamables them selfs. making pets still formitable but killable rather then making the class harder to master/do ect or weaker ect
taming is already having enough of a hard time

they hit hard but they are easy! its like facing a very large, very strong, but very slow person!
you'd be an idiot to sit there, so hit and run! and if you can't handle tamers then run from them


Don't know if any posted this idea yet, didn't have time to read through all 13 pages but...
You reduce the damage of pets done to players, (and only players) and increase the damage of players done to pets. That way you still have your taming for farming, but keeping those pets out of PvP. You should be able to 1v1 a tamer and still win, not have to lure his pets away. Basically in PvP pets would just act as an undispellable EV or BS. I'm fine with bonding, but I do like the idea of increased stat loss. Uhh, think that's about it. Glad the Admins are addressing the taming issue, it's gotten annoying.


lowering tammers is a bad idea period no matter how you try to lower thier abilites. like the above post says just run away its common sens DUH run from something bigger than ya, and its slow so youll get away. Thier is a point to them not being like player charactors, and this is the reason.

besides if u kill the tammer befor he utters the kill command the pet will just sit thier (unless its in guard mode)

in ol school youd beable to tame pets, and thier was no max slots or stable max slots. but thier wasnt bonding so you could loose it to something gay like a phoenix.

just ba happy that it is like it is and it needs no adjusting



ok here's wut i think...its ok if you turn this down...

i think that pet bonding sould still be there but i also think that pets skills sould be lowerd but that would cause problems umong other players therefore i think we sould just say that when a pet attacks another player (pking) the pets attack souldnt be as strong or alot weaker or they just cant cast on other players....but i also think that pets sould take off the same amount on other monsters...in other words when a pet attacks another player less damage is dont to the other player but if your pet is to attack another monster the attack shall remain the same....


Don Montana said:
I think the best solution is what that guy( don't remember his name either) suggested. Make it where, if your an aggresor, your pet loses it's bonded status for, say, 5 minutes. This way if you attack some fool, and he owns your's and your pet's ass, you can't bitch an whine about your (now unbonded) pet dying, since you attacked him. Obviously if someone attacks you or your pet, the bonding status remains.

I agree with you on this! But with a slight change...if you are the aggressor and you get capped in the ass and so does your pet then your pet should lose its 'Bond' status permanantly (meaning you would have to rebond) after res. That way Tamers who dont use their pets for PvP are not affected and those that do...well its a risk that you take. Just means you can go continually rezzin your pets and attacking people.

Definately in favor of being only able to have 1 mare. Ive seen too many PKs with two mares on him and sitting doing nothing while mares do all the work. It's a bitch...I love taming, its one way to protect yourself against group PKers but at the same time I'll bitch about Tamers who use pets to PK...nothing worse that being in a cold dark dungeon pvm and suddenly have a tamer or two with there pets ready to pounce on your ass.

In reference to comments about the decline in the value of gold due to taming.....well yes bonding has had a big impact on this...but I must say so does 'Gambling'. If you think about...using the top of the brit bank as an example you get a person who wins the jackpot each day (on average approx 2mil). You now have a decline in people going out there and experiencing part of what UO is about and that is to have chars out there chopping wood/mining/making shit and selling em etc to generate gold to support your PvP/PvM...there is an unbalance I feel.

Gold is so easy to come by nowadays that a person can pretty much do without having any money making chars to support their main characters.....you can pretty much get rich by sitting in the bank all day gambling.
i don't know about you, but when a red shows up with no one else there, i'd much rather get in a pre-emptive strike then get dumped on

aggressor wouldn't help people out it'd just be an annoying complication (unless pet damages and cast rates were returned to normal, then it'd be fine)


Pets are fine the way they are. I wasn't aware that you could recall with a bonded pet however and that is definetly a cheat in my book.
I don't have any problems fighting tamers.. they seem to die just as easily as everyone else.
I am in favor of making bonded pets have higher skill loss.
A fair skill loss to me is 1-3% of all skills and perhaps a 1% stat loss for dext/str/int
but i'd say only one category loss at a time per pet death.( you either lose.. 1% dex or str or int .. etc.)
People who abuse pvp with pets would have a serious problem if thier dragons stats went down everytime the pet died.
Some of the reds that i've seen will just sick drags and mares on you and the pets die over and the pets don't seem to weaken significantly.
Lets raise stat and skill loss and..!
Make it possible to train pets to higher stat totals..
Nothing rediculus but i think it would be cool if my drag could 250 dex/stamina or 2000 hps

Also.. i'd like to see the uber bunnys again
Jack Rabbits are really easy to kill.. they have no AR and do no damage
so why not make it possible to train a jack rabbit to have 10,000 hit points and 300 dex *grin*

They can't hurt you but they sure would be annoying to mages disrupting all the time.
I mean... if someone was actually insane enough to train a jack rabbit untill it had 10,000 hit points


Tamers are counterable, Hiding can keep pets from attacking you, and forcing the red to reveal you and then retarget you with an all kill command. I figure someone is going to say something about Bolas so, You see the red pop off his mount and swing, hit your hiding skill hotkey, poof, he has to reveal you then double click his bolas then click you again, by then you should be outta there.
As to those who do not want a hiding skill on their template, that's how you counter tamers. This thread is similar to people arguing they want to nerf Magery because magic resist takes up a full 100 skill points of their template they'd like to use to use for something else.
Grogan said:
Pets are fine the way they are. I wasn't aware that you could recall with a bonded pet however and that is definetly a cheat in my book.
I don't have any problems fighting tamers.. they seem to die just as easily as everyone else.
I am in favor of making bonded pets have higher skill loss.
A fair skill loss to me is 1-3% of all skills and perhaps a 1% stat loss for dext/str/int
but i'd say only one category loss at a time per pet death.( you either lose.. 1% dex or str or int .. etc.)
People who abuse pvp with pets would have a serious problem if thier dragons stats went down everytime the pet died.
Some of the reds that i've seen will just sick drags and mares on you and the pets die over and the pets don't seem to weaken significantly.
Lets raise stat and skill loss and..!
Make it possible to train pets to higher stat totals..
Nothing rediculus but i think it would be cool if my drag could 250 dex/stamina or 2000 hps

Also.. i'd like to see the uber bunnys again
Jack Rabbits are really easy to kill.. they have no AR and do no damage
so why not make it possible to train a jack rabbit to have 10,000 hit points and 300 dex *grin*

They can't hurt you but they sure would be annoying to mages disrupting all the time.
I mean... if someone was actually insane enough to train a jack rabbit untill it had 10,000 hit points

haha, wow, i'm glad i got in here before the inferno of flames start

but there should be the occasional uber animal, it'd just be funny, attack the bunny and oh god! it hits for 50 damage! and has 10,000 health!! but no, it definately would not be tameable, lol
make it drop an item no one will be able to get, like a mantle or other article of clothing that says I got da bunny, or something catchy

recall for bonding is to help tamers not lose track of pets, basically bonding gives you two benefits, ressurection, and recalling instead of gating everywhere, everything else you really can do anyways


Everyone and their mother has a godamn tamer on this shard. Only thing i hate about this shard... Tamers are not a pvp class and people use them to be overpowered in pvp and pvm. Looking at the results being "its fine the way it is" does not surprise me. EVERYONE IS A TAMER, what do you expect? IPY removed bonding and skill gain was hard which is why you rarely saw a tamer, but if someone was to make a pvp tamer you could at least kill the godamn pet.
huapua said:
Everyone and their mother has a godamn tamer on this shard. Only thing i hate about this shard... Tamers are not a pvp class and people use them to be overpowered in pvp and pvm. Looking at the results being "its fine the way it is" does not surprise me. EVERYONE IS A TAMER, what do you expect? IPY removed bonding and skill gain was hard which is why you rarely saw a tamer, but if someone was to make a pvp tamer you could at least kill the godamn pet.

that means te skill was rendered useless, the people who became tamers didn't realize how much it sucked untill they already were a tamer....
bonding is the only reason the follower limit works


The shard used to be fun enough before factions and before people started to whine about how tamers are overpowered in PvP. Duh, of course they are. The simplest solution would be to leave them the way they are and disable pets for PvP altogether. Make them not attackable in PvP and make them refuse to attack other people. I hate how coders are trying to make tamers "in line" with PvP demands and totally screw over the profession, making tamers worthless for PvM, which is their main purpose. It'll only stop if nobody ever plays a tamer anymore. This sucks!


Tamers arent good for pvp, if someone has 2 mares, para them and take out the guy.., most tamers are useless out in a large area
Meister said:
The shard used to be fun enough before factions and before people started to whine about how tamers are overpowered in PvP. Duh, of course they are. The simplest solution would be to leave them the way they are and disable pets for PvP altogether. Make them not attackable in PvP and make them refuse to attack other people. I hate how coders are trying to make tamers "in line" with PvP demands and totally screw over the profession, making tamers worthless for PvM, which is their main purpose. It'll only stop if nobody ever plays a tamer anymore. This sucks!

thats the worst idea i've ever heard for solving the pvp tamer issue!

people just suck, there is no excuse for losing when you can cast spells at the speeds that they get, OSI mages were more then capable of defeating a tamer (after the bonding patch of course, lol) with the long timers that they are supposed to be, if they could then why can't all of you?
k im sick of people saying this is unfair that is unfair just if you dont like it then boo who go cry to your mommy i dont give a shit.And removing Bonding is gay because taming a ww is hard as hell with the chance of pk ganking of other monsters attacking you and it takes awhile to tame one so it should be a reward in its self to have be able to bond pets and if un bonded pets are a waste of time to do cuz they will die in a gank when you get ganked and personlly i hate to train my pets if you lore my mares and ww there not perfect and im fine with it it just means i dont like to be like other peolpe thinking perfect pets makes you great and and thing i got that needs to change and i know this isnt the place for this so i be posting it in trammel but to get back to what i was rambling about pets are fine how they are and luring is just gay if dexxers and hybrids have a problem with bolaing then boo who its your fault for sitting there when your being attacked by a tamer if you see a name with bonded on top run your ass off cuz its a sign of a tamer coming and possbly a bola one to and i think people need to just stfu and leave other shit alone cuz they get owned by tamers and shit a tamer is easy to kill just fucking para the pets and dump on the tamers and the pets cant be used cuz well the tamer is dead and cant say the famus words of hate ALL KILL yes i relize ALL KILL = NO SKILL but the only reason i got a fucking tamers is for when i need money and i do really bad and when im pking and where out numbered by abunch of fucking hybrids and red killing reds so i get my mares or ww and they run away cuz they know whats happing to them when i say all kill but just because its seems un fair doesnt mean it is and abunch of fucking 10 year olds are crying like lil bitches doesnt mean its un fair it means they suck and need a new hobby like some people here so god just if its actually somthing that it REALLY unfair and just not a pain in your side then yes change it but not a tamer god people you should know better

Vash-Assian of RED
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