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The New Doom Point System *Please Vote*

What is your opinion of the new Doom point system?

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I went in with Alucard a few weeks ago when I came back, and got banes after like an hour. He didn't get jack, and I probably ran Doom for a few 2-3 hour days without any luck in hopes of getting him an arty.

Back in the day (pre-ban), however:
* my chiv archer, Rosie got a TON of arties (like Jackal's, Totem, Arcane, and a Staff) in a few months.
* my sampire, Dr Funkenstein got a few low-end arties in a few months.
* my Fidel Castro dexer got 2-3 low-end arties, and I ran Doom a LOT in the two years he was blue.

so I came back after that time I rage-deleted all my chars in like '09 to
* the one char I didn't delete, a necro I renamed Blac ToTheFUTURE and just got two HoMs in a 1-2 day period while I was afk on 4chan.

Go figure.


I've done way too many rounds of this new system and got nothing, I don't know how many rounds, but enough to not want to go back.

They should double the chance to get one for a start.


Bug Huntress
Before the point system 1 artifact
After the point system 4 artifacts
Before the point system 5 artifacts
After the point system 1 artifact but I have not spent as much time in there compared to before the point system (nor do I plan to) How many frost bringers do I really need?


Ur chance at an arti in gaunt is the same as ur chance at doing a ghist shit.( a poo that leaves nothingg to wipe off. No crock slides on the bowl and is so dense is flushs its self)
How often do u ghost turd?


Well, prior to the new patch, I have gotten around a dozen arties from gauntlet, including orny and hom...so id rather the drop rate not be increased. :)


when I was thinking of coming back is when I saw the point system came in, I spent 6 days 3 hours a day and got 0 drop.

played before the drop system and in the same spam of time I usually got at least one by then.

Made me realize maybe it just ain't time to come back.


Well one side effect of the point system is that doom is now empty. Do I get a lot more points for soloing mobs? The dark fathers are tediously slow on my necro tamer.


Just about everyone's posts have the same theme. "I dont know"

Maybe we could get some sort of transparency/clarification on this system.

These are the things that i personally would like answered/addressed.

1. Do points increase the chance for the monster to drop an artifact for everyone or only myself?
2. Can more than 1 artifact drop per monster?
3. How much of a chance for artifact am I increasing by accumulating points?
4. How are points are distributed by killing a monster?
5. Can you please provide some sort of evidence of this?
6. I have done about 50+ rounds of gauntlet with no success, how much more of a chance do I now have then say someone who has done 0 rounds?
7. Can you please provide any evidence of this?
8. Why are you lying to me?


After between 50-60 full rounds I got my first artifact under the point system (A tunic of fire....boo).
I am currently at about 35 rounds after my first arti. I cant say that this is worse than the previous system but it doesn't seem to have upped my chances any.

I have not voted yet but by the sheer emptiness of DOOM compared to pre-point system, it is not going over well with traditional doom grinders.

Worthy Of Note: I did between 50 and 60 rounds with 1 mob in each room and 1 dark father. Doom seems to be empty so there was never a second mob. I would guess that having a couple more people and doubling the mobs would up it a small percentage(more mobs Vs. Travel time)
I dont really understand all the secrecy behind this code... There's really only 2 possiblities, they either put a super gimp code which is my guess.. or they didn't add anything at all, now i doubt this is the case, however statistically speaking if it is how they say it is, then these 2 are not different and in either scenario this "point system" means nothing.
Undoubtedly many games have struggled with the balance of unit stats, skills, items, and countless other variables. Sometimes finding this balance is a struggle due to the mechanics of the game itself, in the case of the gauntlet point system it is the belief of many, that there is an improportionate balance between the amount of time spent versus the reward. There are a couple key issues to be explored in order to make the appropriate decision regarding the point system. Player expectations, economical implications, time versus reward relationship.
It was the dream of many that once the gauntlet point system was implemented the doom gauntlet would now be a realistic part of gameplay as one would get a drop every couple of trips, giving an incentive to go in and kill these wretched creatures. Once the update went in, the many hopeful flocked gauntlet through the event gate in order to test their luck and be rewarded for their valor of defeating these creatures. However, what became clear was that gauntlet was the exact same as it has been since birth of UOG: Demise. This has left gauntlet barren, with the occasional hopeful mindlessly completing dozens of rounds without seeing anything to show for it. It is clear that the population of Demise wants an OSI drop rate like point system implemented.
Few fear the economical implications of an OSI like point system, while an increased drop rate in gauntlet would create a price fluctuation in certain artifacts, there are many artifacts that are already worthless and help to create a cushion for those more valued artifacts. Also, I believe the demand for these is high enough that it is not through the gauntlet point system itself that the price has shifted, rather through the psychological aspects of a micro-economy. Through the announcement of the point system, this already happened. Items such as the Spirit Of The Totem saw a price decrease by three to four million. Many of the artifacts have seen a devaluation through the implementation of other game mechanics, i.e. Dryad Bow through runic fletching kits, Hunter's Headdress and Jackal's Collar through the stat point cap, Hat of the magi through the addition of champion replica's, Aegis, blade of insanity, tunic of fire, voice of the fallen king, etc.. through runic crafting bumps. The point is, as is there is a very small chance of an artifact dropping, once that chance occurs, there is a very small chance of getting an artifact that is either useful, or valuable. The desire for an OSI like point system is not a cry by the lazy for more items, it's a plea to fix a broken game mechanic.
This broken system requires such a significant time investment that it is not profitable. It is far more profitable to spend all day doing champion spawns, doing bulk order deeds, farming leather, etc. While these are other alternatives to obtain items, for the new inexperience player they are not viable options as there are always players looking to take champion spawns, and bulk order deeds require an initial investment. This leaves new un-geared players, little choice than to go to other shards. This is not balance, and this is a major problem for the long term development of this server. While the veteran players have the necessary items to have a great experience while playing after multiple years, those who are new to the server find little reason to stay as the AOS system is very item based, making a new player's experience frustrating.
I offer my experience with statistical analysis in order to show that this system that was put in place is in no way different than what was done. All that I would require is sample data to run the tests with, ideally a minimum of 100 trials (rounds with 1 person) with 0 luck, 1000 luck on both of the systems both the old and the "point system".

In summation I believe the benefits of an accurate point system far outweigh the negative aspects. This point system would create more balance between all phases of the game with regards of time versus reward, it would give both old and new players an incentive to go to the doom gauntlet, and the economical implications will not be as significant as most people think. Ultimately there are many factors that affect this supply chain, the primary limiting factor being the actual drop system, however secondary factors like players' willingness to sell the higher end artifacts also plays a significant role.


JK, read it.