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The Official Mickey Munday Vs Long Dong Silver Best Of 11 For 1 Mil

i just care about juicy kyna pics

but since mickey loses so often to relatively new duelers that I'm unaware of, it's hard to tell from the forums if dueling is getting more active or what

but mickey, besides you getting bent over irl, what do you mean there was nobody competitive during my era? interested to see who you think couldn't play, because in 2010-2011 quite a few healthy prime duelers were active. Even on the field there were really decent pvpers. Let's see if you can name any or if you just want to spew shit out of your ass.
Nelson you do realize the difference between 200 fps and 3000 fps means absolutely nothing on a game this old? You're fps will not help you in any way in the pits lol.
i just care about juicy kyna pics

but since mickey loses so often to relatively new duelers that I'm unaware of, it's hard to tell from the forums if dueling is getting more active or what

but mickey, besides you getting bent over irl, what do you mean there was nobody competitive during my era? interested to see who you think couldn't play, because in 2010-2011 quite a few healthy prime duelers were active. Even on the field there were really decent pvpers. Let's see if you can name any or if you just want to spew shit out of your ass.

Who's beating me again? All I have seen is 1-2 screen shots in comparison to my normal 15+ of each person who talks shit. Including you scrub.

Did you not see the screen shot of Cody telling me he beat you 3-0 on a scribe and you rage quitting? I'd take his word over yours any day. Josie was really good in his day and he has no idea who you are. Chase and neon are both A LOT better than you. I know you won one set of duels against Mike for money but I have watched him wreck you hundreds of times and both of them can heal ebolts lol.
Like I said, you were decent at alchy. But for the hours upon hours of doing nothing but alchy duels you were simply average.
Who's beating me again? All I have seen is 1-2 screen shots in comparison to my normal 15+ of each person who talks shit. Including you scrub.

Did you not see the screen shot of Cody telling me he beat you 3-0 on a scribe and you rage quitting? I'd take his word over yours any day. Josie was really good in his day and he has no idea who you are. Chase and neon are both A LOT better than you. I know you won one set of duels against Mike for money but I have watched him wreck you hundreds of times and both of them can heal ebolts lol.
Like I said, you were decent at alchy. But for the hours upon hours of doing nothing but alchy duels you were simply average.

I've never dueled chase before that I know of but I can say with certainty that neon whistle isn't even worth mentioning. He's average nothing more.
Did you not see the screen shot of Cody telling me he beat you 3-0 on a scribe and you rage quitting? I'd take his word over yours any day. Josie was really good in his day and he has no idea who you are. Chase and neon are both A LOT better than you. I know you won one set of duels against Mike for money but I have watched him wreck you hundreds of times and both of them can heal ebolts lol.
Like I said, you were decent at alchy. But for the hours upon hours of doing nothing but alchy duels you were simply average.
I saw a picture you posted from 2011 or 2012 that was heavily marked on and probably taken out of context, if it was even cody. regardless, that's not what my initial question was but it's funny you thought of taking a screen cap that long ago.

Josie was never a top player. He got his name from playing with cody and spending all day every day scamming people. But you wouldn't know that because you never even played during this time.

And i beat neon 3 times for money duels, two on his characters and one on yours. There was even a set where you planned on not paying up, and he gated me into his house and told me that I was better than he was but he just wanted to duel me. I respected him for that and haven't had a real problem with him, without you trying to nose your way into the conversation, which he is much better than you. But so is everyone it appears.

idk what to say about chase. The only time he was really good was when they had moved the server into his backyard and he was pinging 5 and I had taught him the trick to potkicking and he was abusing it really hard. But this was pretty much in mid 2013? Past when I really played competitively anymore, and just played the game for poker. But this past feb, he was in the champ of brit matches and I beat him twice. Didn't even know it was him until it was pointed out to me by a friend on skype.

And kidding yourself aside, if you had any respect for yourself or for others, you'd quit trying to be so delusional all the time.



mickey, you did one money bet with me and now ur done? hmmm, i'll be around tonight if you change ur mind, money is not an issue..
This is why I love this game lol.

You keep saying I'm delusional?

Let's recap shall we.

1. Tyler, Nelson, Kris, Long Dong.

Between the four of you I have probably posted 100+ screen shots in the last 2 threads alone of me smashing you.

When you all played I know for a fact you were all on sallos and kept your death screen shots turned on but magically now you have no screen shots of me dying to any of you. I would like to think you're all trolling and not completely retarded, but I really believe you guys have legit convinced yourself that all the bull shit you are spewing out of your mouth is real.

Tyler, they're is a reason you have never been associated with any good players or guilds for that matter. Josie, Neon, And Chase are levels above you in every aspect of this game. If you really need clarity to help bring you back to reality I will get in contact with "old school" alchy duelers and have them clarify that you were in fact garbage. (assuming they know who you are since josie doesn't remember you and cody said the only reason he remembers you is because he made you rage quit after dying 3-0 against his scribe.)

You can talk all the shit you want about real life but at the end of the day you're just some fat nerdy kid who still hasn't got his dick wet and lives with his parents. You use the internet as your platform to try and be an internet bully, but we all know what you are so nobody takes you seriously. I feel so bad for you, that even if I saw you irl, I wouldn't beat your ass for all the shit you talk. I would just do what every body else does.

Point and laugh at the fat kid.. Your real life friend told us ALL about you dude. You can't lie to me :/

How many babylon 5 t-shirts do you own btw?

You can keep calling me delusional, but so far I am the only person who has backed up what he has said with evidence.

Kris: [ I have a life but some how manage to respond to EVERY forum post with in 2 minutes of each other ]

Tyler: [ I lost all my baby fat after I was a legal adult, I did this by sitting on my computer all day questing on WoW and trolling the uogamers forums]

I am done posting on here, it's a legit waste of time and most of you won't even have the balls to login to back up any of the shit you talk. ( and yes we all know you have time to set macros to login)

Later nerds
This is why I love this game lol.

You keep saying I'm delusional?

Let's recap shall we.

1. Tyler, Nelson, Kris, Long Dong.

Between the four of you I have probably posted 100+ screen shots in the last 2 threads alone of me smashing you.

When you all played I know for a fact you were all on sallos and kept your death screen shots turned on but magically now you have no screen shots of me dying to any of you. I would like to think you're all trolling and not completely retarded, but I really believe you guys have legit convinced yourself that all the bull shit you are spewing out of your mouth is real.

Tyler, they're is a reason you have never been associated with any good players or guilds for that matter. Josie, Neon, And Chase are levels above you in every aspect of this game. If you really need clarity to help bring you back to reality I will get in contact with "old school" alchy duelers and have them clarify that you were in fact garbage. (assuming they know who you are since josie doesn't remember you and cody said the only reason he remembers you is because he made you rage quit after dying 3-0 against his scribe.)

You can talk all the shit you want about real life but at the end of the day you're just some fat nerdy kid who still hasn't got his dick wet and lives with his parents. You use the internet as your platform to try and be an internet bully, but we all know what you are so nobody takes you seriously. I feel so bad for you, that even if I saw you irl, I wouldn't beat your ass for all the shit you talk. I would just do what every body else does.

Point and laugh at the fat kid.. Your real life friend told us ALL about you dude. You can't lie to me :/

How many babylon 5 t-shirts do you own btw?

You can keep calling me delusional, but so far I am the only person who has backed up what he has said with evidence.

Kris: [ I have a life but some how manage to respond to EVERY forum post with in 2 minutes of each other ]

Tyler: [ I lost all my baby fat after I was a legal adult, I did this by sitting on my computer all day questing on WoW and trolling the uogamers forums]

I am done posting on here, it's a legit waste of time and most of you won't even have the balls to login to back up any of the shit you talk. ( and yes we all know you have time to set macros to login)

Later nerds

Right on que!
As far as I'm concerned the hierarchy of alchy skillz For the people involved in this thread:

Tyler > general lee > Nelson = mickey > neon

If you consider fielding/non alchy Mage templates I'd throw vizeroths name in there somewhere. Probobly between lee and Tyler.
Mickey has posted one picture of me. It was a one and done. He talks about duels being lucky, but only has the balls to ever duel me when I'm unaware of who he is.

Anyways, I used sallos but don't have screenshots turned on. I don't see a point of ever having my photos stocked in the thousands of killing screenshots.

However, here is one where I am literally bare naked, with nothing but pots and regs, while you had full gear and used a gheal wand twice with several lightning charges during your dump.

Back in february, the last time I played, chump.
