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UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

I really don't see a PvP problem on Hybrid.. Other then people who don't take the time to learn how to fight complaining about dying. I think bigger problems are what to do on hybrid when u don't feel like PvP'ing.. The PvM system is definitely in need of an over haul.. Also how easy it is to be red is something that needs to be looked into.

I also think faction vendors for resources need to be dealt with also...


Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

Divinity and Hybrid won't share the same exact features because they're both two different gameplay-style-based servers. For instance, Divinity uses no mounts as opposed to Hybrid where they do. These two major differences alone separates two types of play-styles, which was the goal. So, simply put, the reason some changes made on Divinity will never surface on Hybrid (and vice versa) is to ensure a server with its own (and possibly unique) mechanisms, styles, etc.

Notice their UOGamers prefix. If each server had the same features, then there would be no use of having 3 servers.
Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

I cant stand no mounts. not for the fact of people not running in PvP.....BUT the fact it takes forever to get places...ugh wtf.
Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

Ra;1616120 said:
Divinity and Hybrid won't share the same exact features because they're both two different gameplay-style-based servers. For instance, Divinity uses no mounts as opposed to Hybrid where they do. These two major differences alone separates two types of play-styles, which was the goal. So, simply put, the reason some changes made on Divinity will never surface on Hybrid (and vice versa) is to ensure a server with its own (and possibly unique) mechanisms, styles, etc.

Notice their UOGamers prefix. If each server had the same features, then there would be no use of having 3 servers.

The difference is in the era of UO.. T2A v UOR. but that doesn't mean many of the changes made on Divinity shouldn't/couldn't also be implemented on Hybrid as long as they coincide with each specific era. But really what needs to be done on hybrid are things that needed to be done for the past few years. If hybrid only maintains it PvP orientated only status it will die out sooner rather then later.


Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

The difficult thing and i respect that the developers had to do with hybrid was making it easy for a starting player to get into pvp without having to endure a long process of training while maintaining an economy. This is very hard...


Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

The thing is on divinity, it refreshes that new player feel.. Like when you first logged on UO in 97'.. you felt that rush.
Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

xRENEGADEx;1616232 said:
The thing is on divinity, it refreshes that new player feel.. Like when you first logged on UO in 97'.. you felt that rush.

as I did when I started on Hybrid. Thats why we play UO. Its not the sever, its the game.


Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

welkopole;1615931 said:
For the record, UO has always had mounts from day one, they were very costly to buy from the stables (if you were lucky enough to find one for sale at the stables) and even more rare to find in the wild. There was no bonding at the time so when it got killed that was it.
Horses only at first, then lamas after t2a. But they have always been there.

Thank you, I was pretty sure I wasn't crazy on the whole mount thing.


Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

welkopole;1615986 said:
lol yea, 97 UO gave my P133 mhz, 16megs of ram and 28.8 connection all it could handle:D

Heh, my system was so slow [... how slow was it...]; my system was so slow when I started playing ('97) that I remember my guild buying me a horse just so I could keep up to them, and they were ALL ON FOOT.

... and I still lagged behind :)



Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

Winged is the king of bitching on the forums.



(Divinity is better imo, I'd rather have archer syncs than heat seeking pots)


Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

I like Hybrid becasue the UO:R pvp. Thats the only reason why I haven't moved to Div - I like the poison block.
Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

yem;1616489 said:
Winged is the king of bitching on the forums.



(Divinity is better imo, I'd rather have archer syncs than heat seeking pots)

at least it takes an ounce of skill and timing to throw a heat seeking pots then it does to double click someone for an archer sink..


Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

I could count by the time I was 1.

Shit. Difficult. :D


Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

The thing is, before 2001, nobody had really good connections in UO, most people were on dial up, so people mounted ran maybe just a little faster than people on foot, they didnt blaze across the land like goddamned street bikes.

Divinity is awesome. It's not perfect, but it's a good start.


Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

Divinity rocks now, it will get bigger then uogamers! see ya on divinity.
Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

Divinity has brought back the old feeling of UO that we so dearly miss. If you didn't play UO around 97-99 then you don't know what you've missed out on. Everything is worth something on divinity and it means that much more when you earn it/loose it. That old feeling called Adrenaline that rushes straight thru your body and all you OG's know what the fuck I'm talking about. Every town you go to people are populated selling Bone Armor sets and GM weps like it's a god damn Vally wep. Shittt, I didn't think I'd ever get this feeling back but god damn it feels good. I have a small house the size of a shoebox and I feel like a pimp. I think I'll be saving a lot of money in the near future tweaking out on this server. Not to mention I've run into so many old faces that I haven't seen in 5+ years. PvP will take a while to get used to but it's all about respect.

Cheers! ;)


Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

I played back then - and ya it was great. But I don't think Divinity can replicate it for me. If you like it - good for you. But the main problem with UO at that time period was that there was only one really good pvp template.

Hybrid is more fun, even tho mages dominate, you can still make a decent variety that can compete well.

There are some things I would like to see though from Divinity - like dex penalty taken off armor and maybe a few other tweaks.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

Divinity has a much better PvP scene, with old school insta-hit tank mages, med warriors, and townies running around. Archery's even good! Ha. No mounts, no purple potions flying all over the place, just good old-fashioned swords and sorcery.

The economy works a lot better, since you can't skill ball crafting skills and you can't donate for gold. There aren't a lot of GM crafters, and you see people trading a lot more.

There are no PvP-restricted areas. Even the duel arenas are player-enforced, and quite well. Just yesterday I finished dueling a guy, and a pair of PK's jumped me as soon as I got out of the ring. My opponent saved my ass and we got rid of the PK's together, then went back to dueling.

The PvM is a lot harder. Mages can't even wear leather, monsters are a lot more powerful, and you can't just offscreen constantly on your mount.

No stupid neon colors. Actually, not even any black.

Almost nothing is newbified. You drop your rune and your house key, if you're carrying them - and then anyone can loot your house.

That's right - no secure containers. House looting is in, baby!

It basically is '98. Everything from tents to the old school grey font.

Life is hard, PvP is all about skill, and we like it that way. I don't think I'll ever come back to Hybrid as long as Divinity is up.
Re: UOG: Divinity... What's the Big Fuss About?

LKP; said:
insta-hit tank mages, med warriors, and townies running around.
There are no viable townies because there is magery allowed in towns.
Basically once the smoke clears it will be archer mages v hally mages.

LKP; said:
you can't donate for gold.
Yes you can.

LKP; said:
There aren't a lot of GM crafters, and you see people trading a lot more.
This will last another month

LKP; said:
That's right - no secure containers. House looting is in, baby!

In time you will find that to be more annoying than anything.