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^<V Forum Game

Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - is too violent for his own good
< - would much rather be kicked in the leg.
V - Puts anthrax on their cornflakes in the morning.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Has probably been kicked BETWEEN the legs.
< - Was wondering why that white powder didn't add much sweetness to their cereal...
V - Figured out how to make an excuse for missing work/class using nothing more than a few inches of PVC pipe and a dead puppy.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - is just as good at this game as I am. haha

< - Wasn't KICKED between the legs, but instead was hit with some PVC pipe between the legs, after he tried to defend his now dead puppy Sparky from a horde of Lizardmen.

V - Probably thinks I'm insane.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Regardless of reason, was put out cold from the blow to his manhood nonetheless.

< - Doens't think above is insane, KNOWS above is insane. Also, apparently has "worldly knowledge" and "composes it into large paragraphs."

V - Will likely make a joke about me an *my* manhood.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - This "worldly knowledge" really just means "I spin a globe in circles and say 'Wherever my finger lands, I will live when I grow up!' "

< - Didn't make the afformentioned joke about the above's manhood, for the sole reason, that it was assumed I would. I wanted to though...

V - Played Spin the bottle with himself, and somehow ended up pointing the bottle at a cat that was running across the road. Let your imagination do the rest.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Likes to play with the new "Tickle Me Elmo" doll regularly for the sole fact that it tickels him, and he can giggle like a fool.

< - Doesn't really like Elmo. Just pretends to, so he can get closer to Big Bird.

V - Has an infatuation with the word "Fork."
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ Knows Lots Of True Facts About Me :p

< Thinks The "Tickle Me Elmo Doll" Has An Awsome Name

V Says "Deltaco Is Yummy To Me Tummy" Alot
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Supplies me with the deltaco that is yummy to me tummy

< - Is bored, tired, and sicker then Hannibal Lectre

V - Likes to stick barbies all over him/herself and call themself a "chick magnet"


Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Has picture of same from a Halloween party.

< - Wants to see picture.

V - Has been camping the I Love You house for 10 Weeks.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Sticks pencils into people's brains
< - Wonders why people don't play this game much anymore
V - Keeps at least 17 doughnuts with him/her at all times.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

KillemallCFH;218319 said:
^ - Sticks pencils into people's brains
< - Wonders why people don't play this game much anymore
V - Keeps at least 17 doughnuts with him/her at all times.

^ - Only wonders why people don't play this game, because he has a pencil stuck in his brain, damaging the part used for logical thinking.

< - Loves this game. And was disapointed when people stopped playing. Its fun! Usually trolls the game while eating all those doughnuts.

V - Is afraid to say the words "I Love You" in fear that the person they are saying them to will eat them.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Has an equal distribution of numbers and letters in his name.
< - Has a VELVET fetish. (Nylon... Phh...)
V - Strokes his/her mousepad with a glove made from orange peels.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

KillemallCFH;218474 said:
^ - Has an equal distribution of numbers and letters in his name.
< - Has a VELVET fetish. (Nylon... Phh...)
V - Strokes his/her mousepad with a glove made from orange peels.

^ - If backwards his name spells HFCllamellik, which I like better. Say it with me... hffclamellik
< - borrowed said glove from above poster and found a strange white sticky substance inside... :/
V - Is probably thinking I just crossed the line.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Makes me feel bad because he thinks I'm hfclLAMEllik
< - Is currently devoid of underwear.
V - Only borrows money from banks with tellers that have mono-syllabic first names.


Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ Has an obsession with Drakull
< Participated in the 9/11 attacks
v Have an intense fear of Judiasm