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^<V Forum Game

Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - I'm pretty sure he wants to sleep with drakull.
< - Is sorry to say, I am not Drakull.
V - Really REALLY wants to talk about something other then drakull.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Is in love with me.

< - Is definately not too young to drink. And the above knows it. :)

V - Is also in love with me. And Drakull.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Admits to his secret man fetish involving paragon dancer and Drakull

< - Wants to Go find some Buttpirates and Ravage their apples

V - Will give me all their post counts :D


Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ need a kasa and a hol
< borrowed him a hol :\
V will die today from a giant cow shot on his head.


Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ Lies. I never die, and his character is a shemale.
< Pwns irl tbh kthx but lags hardcore and cant heal thru most mages.
v Is a pvper.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Has been killed by me in PvP

< - Wishes he was PvPing right this moment

V - Is going to come to Brit Gate and PvP with me
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Is cool for naming his characters after Starcraft characters.
< - Does not want to subject himself to the pwnage he will receive if he goes to Brit gate.
V - Will gladly duel Eskesheir.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Only made the statement about me having a girlfriend because he's jealous, because he wants to date me.

< - Just cracked his neck and now feels like he BROKE his neck.

V - Wonders what the name "Dingus" really means.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Has a name meaning "a gadget, device, or object whose name is unknown or forgotten."
< - Is going to go play Super Metroid.
V - Needs a hug.
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - Accepted Kill's hug with many thanks and grattitude, just won't tell anyone.

< - DOES watch arrested development, and is sick of hearing Dingus tell me I should watch it, when I clearly have already stated many times, that I DO!

V - Should watch Arrested Development.


Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ Is a cool guy who can read other people's mind.
< Is having super high ping atm.
v Will say something about me.


Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ has a eletronical devices eating lil bro
< has a new teethbrush
V looks like a coconut
Re: ^<V Forum Game

^ - is offended by Nish's Statement
< - Is laughing that his miniheal/cure macro heals nishs deadly poison so often
V - Will be taking a dirt nap this weekend from my Fresh and Tasty 70 all resist suit :D