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Who do You see as Teh 5 Best PvP'ers...

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Who do You see as Teh 5 Best PvP'ers...


Elton John

Wu Gambino



-in no order =\


Craftus Alotus, Keeper, angry midgets, Salty The Pirate and Karl Fessbaggler
Every one of em is a mule but could like totally rez kill anyone on yer list..

top notch

iight dis isnt duelin dis just field battlin drinkin pots ganking magic weps and whatnot


wu gambino


lil wyte

elton john

soon to be u r sofa kingdom once i cop da new comp

Best tank mage Ironfist Max
Best Heal mage Valkyr
Best Dexxer Any failed mage who has a fast computer and adrenaline and farms relentlessly on a tamer to afford pots and weapons
Best Guilds Immortal & Old Tru (wish Tru was around to fight when we were on)

Other then Valkyr and Ironfist Max noone really stood out to warrant being in my top five. Anyone who has dueled them can attest to this. They are the only two people I would actually want to see duel eachother five times. As far as field fighting goes I would throw in Eraxor and Temptest. Both were not "the best" at dueling but could hold their own. Eraxor was the only one who gave me good one on one fights as a mage in the field (that was during timed potion macro combos though). When I could get Wu Gambino alone he put up a good fight in the field, but not in the duel arena. All the other people I listed were either in a guild with me at one time or friends from Chesapeke.

Graham was really good on Chesapeke but I havent played with him here yet on UOgamers. I am sure he is good here though. Immortal should be back in full effect soon as I have talked to Rza lately, and he gave me and my friend a loan after our house was drylooted. Anyways hope to see you guys in game, and some organized guildfighting this time around. :)
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