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Who do You see as Teh 5 Best PvP'ers...

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I can run away from ganks fast and i don't hack. Like i said when i was 56k, i know how to run, when i'm on a decent con, noone (legit) will catch me :>
I upgrade to 2meg in May :D


hrm 5 best eh

well i would say the all around best pvper is elton john, uhm i saw u listed josh as one of the best, im toe to toe with josh in the arena u can ask him yourself, i dont think im in the top 5 but i guess i will post my list

elton john
matsu ki [MIA]
abandon suicide

About half of MDK is better than anyone in those lists. We proved it in tourneys, as well as in the field. No guild was competition to us.

Unfortunately I got a job,and I lift and party. Otherwise no ojs would be out but MDK, shutting down guilds/shard is what we did, we were that fucking good.

When MDK was being lead by me which was what? 2 years you saw no ojs, they all would get owned and log off. Even the elite guilds like Djs started hitting and runing cause heads up they couldnt deal with us.

No guild in uog even deserves a mentioned in contrast to MDK. We had no equal, hell there was even a guild half as good as us. We fought up front, with equal and outnumberd,and at times we outnumbered.

But we never sank as low as EVERY other guild in uog did. Yet fighting fair we owned everyone. Ejin list shows how much of a retard he is, its a list to remind us how bad we rocked all those newbs. thx for being our vicitims.
Ol Dirty Bastard said:
About half of MDK is better than anyone in those lists. We proved it in tourneys, as well as in the field. No guild was competition to us.

Unfortunately I got a job,and I lift and party. Otherwise no ojs would be out but MDK, shutting down guilds/shard is what we did, we were that fucking good.

When MDK was being lead by me which was what? 2 years you saw no ojs, they all would get owned and log off. Even the elite guilds like Djs started hitting and runing cause heads up they couldnt deal with us.

No guild in uog even deserves a mentioned in contrast to MDK. We had no equal, hell there was even a guild half as good as us. We fought up front, with equal and outnumberd,and at times we outnumbered.

But we never sank as low as EVERY other guild in uog did. Yet fighting fair we owned everyone. Ejin list shows how much of a retard he is, its a list to remind us how bad we rocked all those newbs. thx for being our vicitims.

bla bla bla....

1# Ol Dirty Bastard, I may not have come close to being the new age best dueler, but I was by far the best pvpr.
2# Pharoah
3# Daz
4# 0o0o0
5# ViVi


that made me laugh irl

Ol Dirty Bastard said:
About half of MDK is better than anyone in those lists. We proved it in tourneys, as well as in the field. No guild was competition to us.

Unfortunately I got a job,and I lift and party. Otherwise no ojs would be out but MDK, shutting down guilds/shard is what we did, we were that fucking good.

When MDK was being lead by me which was what? 2 years you saw no ojs, they all would get owned and log off. Even the elite guilds like Djs started hitting and runing cause heads up they couldnt deal with us.

No guild in uog even deserves a mentioned in contrast to MDK. We had no equal, hell there was even a guild half as good as us. We fought up front, with equal and outnumberd,and at times we outnumbered.

But we never sank as low as EVERY other guild in uog did. Yet fighting fair we owned everyone. Ejin list shows how much of a retard he is, its a list to remind us how bad we rocked all those newbs. thx for being our vicitims.

lol ok u say u were the best when for one u werent ranked as the best, for 2 when ic was active we owned ALL towns tb never owned any, when we fought u guys odb always died first because your a faggot and we all go for you, there are alot of pvpers who would fucking own ur face in a second, elton john is by far the best all around pvper there are a few hundred people who would and did drop odb 1v1 24/7 because hes a loud mouth faggot who talks more shit then hes worth



odb honestly please dont make us flood this thread with a million ss of u dieing because we all know theres at least that many gg sir
K no name, whatever you say. Sad part is every post of me dieing was a gank lol.

Thats why retards like you and krioss/gm cocksuckers who posted my pic of me getting ganked shows how fucking retarded you morons are, you just make me look better. Everyone in uog dies, all the pics I've seen of me dieing have been in ganks.

Difference between me and you, and gm cocksuckers, like demented jester. I tell it how it is. In fact I've proved it and so has my guild, in the arena as well as in the field.

You aint shit you never will be shit.
Your a fucking NOBODY.
Ps MDK was the first chaos/order war guild as well as the longest lasting. It was #1 whenever the guild was intact,we had a few bannings. Thx to nerds who make a living out of a video game, by so called donations for pixels.

Out of all the years we owned I cant really say I ever earned respect for another guild, or individual who wasnt a friend of MDK. Guys like Tempest/symptom who I earned respect for were loners.

No one in uog outside of MDK is top 5 or deserves respect, no one is good enough unfortunately. Lack of talent is why MDK never even met the 2 recruit per month recruit allowance.

The haters, the lovers all asked to join mdk at one point. Unfortunately all got denied. Uog at the momment houses no skilled pvprs( left overs).

People in game ask for my autograph, they respect me. Just like the wannabes, who got owned by MDK, i learned theres a bit of everything.

In the end I allways win, why? Because I can

top notch

Ol Dirty Bastard said:

1# Ol Dirty Bastard, I may not have come close to being the new age best dueler, but I was by far the best pvpr.
2# Pharoah
3# Daz
4# 0o0o0
5# ViVi

word to 0o0o0o0o thats the only peson ive lost a fair 5x too on this shard so far



if you want i can post 20 other movies of you guys getting the shit beat of you.

OBD your nothing but a noob


Check back what I said would happen to this thread.

Egotistical kids bragging about how fast they can click buttons. Wow. Good game and congratulations for besting me at real life sir!


DeathJesteR said:
Best tank mage Ironfist Max
Best Heal mage Valkyr
Best Dexxer Any failed mage who has a fast computer and adrenaline and farms relentlessly on a tamer to afford pots and weapons
Best Guilds Immortal & Old Tru (wish Tru was around to fight when we were on)

Other then Valkyr and Ironfist Max noone really stood out to warrant being in my top five. Anyone who has dueled them can attest to this. They are the only two people I would actually want to see duel eachother five times. As far as field fighting goes I would throw in Eraxor and Temptest. Both were not "the best" at dueling but could hold their own. Eraxor was the only one who gave me good one on one fights as a mage in the field (that was during timed potion macro combos though). When I could get Wu Gambino alone he put up a good fight in the field, but not in the duel arena. All the other people I listed were either in a guild with me at one time or friends from Chesapeke.

Graham was really good on Chesapeke but I havent played with him here yet on UOgamers. I am sure he is good here though. Immortal should be back in full effect soon as I have talked to Rza lately, and he gave me and my friend a loan after our house was drylooted. Anyways hope to see you guys in game, and some organized guildfighting this time around. :)

Tru no longer exists, lover.


elohdee said:
These threads get more and more dumb by time progression, can you people stop making these, seriously, they mean nothing and waste silly space on the forums,

I laugh at your list tbh, ejin...... but hey, as you said in topic, who "you" see as the best,

I'm sure we will see 500 more of these threads as uogamers goes on, as the past 500 have already gone,

But seriously can we stop these noobie threads : (

someones upset because they arnt being recognized on an online videogame forum.
what a dork.


Ol Dirty Bastard said:
About half of MDK is better than anyone in those lists. We proved it in tourneys, as well as in the field. No guild was competition to us. .

If i remember correctly the last tourny you played in, i knocked you out first dump.
Before you guys stoped pvping and only farmed gold on tamers i remember PF dominating you routinly to the point where your entire guild would fight with 30 of each reg and no pots/pouches

Ol Dirty Bastard said:
Unfortunately I got a job,and I lift and party.

Thank you for making everyone who read this post aware of the fact that you work at mcdonalds only lifting frenchfries off the ground and then sucking them into your vacume like mouth. Im sure the parties at chuck e cheese are outrageous, please send pics because we really do care.

Ol Dirty Bastard said:
When MDK was being lead by me which was what? 2 years you saw no ojs, they all would get owned and log off. Even the elite guilds like Djs started hitting and runing cause heads up they couldnt deal with us.

Don't lie, you guys sucked.

Ol Dirty Bastard said:
No guild in uog even deserves a mentioned in contrast to MDK. We had no equal, hell there was even a guild half as good as us. We fought up front, with equal and outnumberd,and at times we outnumbered.

Then tell us why nobody recognizes your guild as a decent group of pvpers? Is it some big conspirocy that everyone is in on but you? Everyone just forgot how good you were?
No, you just strait up suck dick.

Ol Dirty Bastard said:
I'm retarded and i still think I have a Vortec turbo on my eclipse.

I couldnt agree with you more.
*vortec dosnt make turbos :{*
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