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Who do You see as Teh 5 Best PvP'ers...

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grape-soda said:
well i would say the all around best pvper is elton john, uhm i saw u listed josh as one of the best, im toe to toe with josh in the arena u can ask him yourself, i dont think im in the top 5 but i guess i will post my list

elton john
matsu ki [MIA]
abandon suicide

Then that would mean that, when I try, I'm pretty good too considering I beat you far more than you've beaten me, and on all of your characters (grape soda, bulletproof monk, and a dueling monkey). Thanks. You just pulled me up a notch.

-looks at all of your heads he has kept to prove how lame you are-


Ol Dirty Bastard said:
About half of MDK is better than anyone in those lists. We proved it in tourneys, as well as in the field. No guild was competition to us.

Unfortunately I got a job,and I lift and party. Otherwise no ojs would be out but MDK, shutting down guilds/shard is what we did, we were that fucking good.

When MDK was being lead by me which was what? 2 years you saw no ojs, they all would get owned and log off. Even the elite guilds like Djs started hitting and runing cause heads up they couldnt deal with us.

No guild in uog even deserves a mentioned in contrast to MDK. We had no equal, hell there was even a guild half as good as us. We fought up front, with equal and outnumberd,and at times we outnumbered.

But we never sank as low as EVERY other guild in uog did. Yet fighting fair we owned everyone. Ejin list shows how much of a retard he is, its a list to remind us how bad we rocked all those newbs. thx for being our vicitims.

That's interesting because I remember three of my guild members (including myself), destroying seven MDK. How odd. They must've crashed, though, because under fair circumstances we are no match. Damn.


now for my top 5 list (note the first list was worst pvpers on shard who talk mad shit and still refuse to duel)

1: Hyru
2: Daz
3: a puppet
4: Myself (gotta say it) :p
5: Ryan with the 1337 [kill

Sasuke, you're a faaaaaaaaaggggg for not mentioning me. :-p


i agree ryan is a good 1337 pvper :p

SS-Obergruppenführer Felix Steiner (1 Dec 1940 - 1 May 1943)
SS-Obergruppenführer Herbert Gille (1 May 1943 - 6 Aug 1944)
SS-Oberführer Edmund Deisenhofer (6 Aug 1944 - ? Aug 1944)
SS-Standartenführer Rudulf Mühlenkamp (? Aug 1944 - 9 Oct 1944)
SS-Oberführer Karl Ullrich (9 Oct 1944 - 5 May 1945)

my relative is one of those, 5th ss wiking divison.

Riptide TcD

a few that i dont think should be on the list

El Oh Dee- no always recalls from me on the field and I mean always and I am not that good.
Graham- good yes but I saw a no namer drop him several times straight never losing to him at the pits befor he gave up mounted his ethy and recalled.
Hyru- Everytime I have ever fought him he bolas me and remounts i use ethys on most my chars then he chases me around with a beefed up war hammer and tosses explos constantly and i have never sen him pit fight so cant really say how he does there. He's only killed me once with his bola tactic everyother time I lived and he ran outta explos or something cuz he left.
I think Wu gambino Wu wei Geox Tempest all look pretty sharp from what i have seen so far but i havnt played here that long and irl stuff makes it hard to get on much. Just my thoughts Have fun all.

Elton (even though he'd always get caught off guard by my dbl explosion combos =)

Ironfist Max

The rest of P F will make up the other 2 slots.


Riptide TcD said:
El Oh Dee- no always recalls from me on the field and I mean always and I am not that good.
Graham- good yes but I saw a no namer drop him several times straight never losing to him at the pits befor he gave up mounted his ethy and recalled.
Hyru- Everytime I have ever fought him he bolas me and remounts i use ethys on most my chars then he chases me around with a beefed up war hammer and tosses explos constantly and i have never sen him pit fight so cant really say how he does there. He's only killed me once with his bola tactic everyother time I lived and he ran outta explos or something cuz he left.
I think Wu gambino Wu wei Geox Tempest all look pretty sharp from what i have seen so far but i havnt played here that long and irl stuff makes it hard to get on much. Just my thoughts Have fun all.

Who are you?

First off, I'm never on the field, unless with urinal or others.

Secondly, I dont recall in group fights

and Third, Me and urinal only recall 4v2, or we kill you 2v2,

Which comes to the last thing,

how can I recall if im never alone to see you?

The irony :(

someone dreams about chasing me I think :[
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