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Who do You see as Teh 5 Best PvP'ers...

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mm lol bro I was pingin like 560 and u know that I was laggin hardcore...

Im on new comp now u can duel me anytime mate =<


I've been reading on this message about how good Elton John and Wu Gambino on this message board. All I can do is laugh, honestly. I never post on these lame message boards but this calls for a post. Me and Chucky, another c2w member, ran into Wu Gambino, Elton John, and Michael Jackson at their tower. They coming running out we dump on Wu Gambino and he dies. They go back in the house. This time Elton John and Michael Jackson come out of the house, this time Elton John dies. The third time they all 3 come out of the house and Wu Gambino dies, then Elton John dies and Michael Jackson runs away. They maybe cross healed one or two times. We felt kind of bad because we knew that they probably have egos from fighting such shitty pvpers all the time, so we let them dump a few times. Obviously we healed them and laughed in vent about how bad they sync. Needless to say they didn't fight again... they went to trammel to play poker. Very disappointing guys, I thought it would be tough to 2v3 you guys. Anyway, let us hear your excuses.

On a side note, I give them credit for not spamming random thoughts like all the rest of the idiots on this server.

Also, Wu Gambino tell Houdini of Thugs and ReVeNgE that they're my bitches. I mean if you are from that OPP guild we fought on IPY.


I need to make a correction to my post, since I hate people who make excuses and exaggerate, I need to make sure I get it right. Elton John only died once at their tower, the other time he died it was to a huge gank at the graveyard in which one of my guildmates got the 10 kill points. So they gated him out and thats how we ended up at their tower. After he was out of stat the fights begun. Wu Gambino died twice, and Elton John once, and Michael Jackson ran.
ur story is totally correct accept i died 10 times wu died 7 and micheal died 2.5 times

we outnumbered you by 13 people also cant forget that

ya i totally fuckin suck


I hope you're not trying to deny it SIR ELTON JOHN. Although, it would make me laugh. Sure does look like you've been dieing quite a bit, according to your faction points. You had over 100 just yesterday, but not anymore. :(

and yes I'm aware that you guys suck at group pvp... I mean Wu Gambino got sync'd while trying to BOLA... good job Wu, stick to 1v1.

Swanger, do people give a fuck about the other posts in this thread?


What IRC?

I think we'll be playing tonight at around 10 central..

We'd go for a 2v2 outside the pits on foot, or anything else I guess.
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