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Who do You see as Teh 5 Best PvP'ers...

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Ol Dirty Bastard said:
When MDK was being lead by me which was what? 2 years you saw no ojs, they all would get owned and log off. Even the elite guilds like Djs started hitting and runing cause heads up they couldnt deal with us.

correct me if im wrong (no corrections needed because i know im right) but you act as if you quit playing and MDK is being led by somone other than yourself at this time which in fact is not true. You are still playing uo under the name MurderDeathKill and yet there are still tons of oranges out i RARELY see anyone other than DAZ out on the field and he is 99% of the time solo. so plz STFU and eat shit :+/

woot made 2 peoplees top 5 list

for mine

1: ODB
2: ODB
3: ODB
4: ODB
5: ODB

now for my top 5 list (note the first list was worst pvpers on shard who talk mad shit and still refuse to duel)

1: Hyru
2: Daz
3: a puppet
4: Myself (gotta say it) :p
5: Ryan with the 1337 [kill :D

Edit: As of now ODB cant come here saying "oh i dueled you and owned you" heres a few screen shorts for ya all

I rarely post in fucken retarded threads like this, but I have to laugh when ODB spouts off anything about how hard he owned let alone his sorry ass fucken guild

MDK got shut the fuck down countless times when they joined factions, don't even get me started.

You didn't even phase the server, your a bunch of cock holding, slap each other on the ass, e-thugs that don't own shit.

And, why the fuck is ODB not perma banned, he's the only person I know of that makes me want to reach through my screen and beat the fucken stupid out of

Ol Dirty Bastard said:

1# Ol Dirty Bastard, I may not have come close to being the new age best dueler, but I was by far the best pvpr.
2# Pharoah
3# Daz
4# 0o0o0
5# ViVi

1. ODB... Well since I taught you how to even fight in UOR, I do not know how you consider yourself the best, but whatever. I still will never forgive you for failing to heal on 6 straight combos, and refuse to ever side with your sorry ass again. That and the fact that you lie about everything. So far this kid is a multi millionaire who invented UOR dueling, yet never played in UOR on Chesapeke and was hardly considered good in preuor there (he was Cloud -S-).

What other lies has he told? Oh yeah...I got kicked from old MDK too, despite the fact I logged off for three months and logged back in and was still on the stone, and said the words known as "I resign from my guild." Somehow I got kicked for being a shitty crosshealer despite us never losing one member to death when I grouped with MDK.

Lest we forget the fact Murder Death Kill was an old pk guild on Chesapeke, and this assclown was in -S- the Shadow Syndicate, which was the punching bag of the shard.

2. Pharoah-Pharoah was actually pretty good

3. Daz...who?

4. OoooooooO...Taught this guy alot about dueling also, and how to combo better. He was getting pretty good and seemed like a real cool guy.

5. Vivi... Again I ask who?

The best duelers in your guild were Pharaoh, and Pancho Villa and you were a long third Cloud. You cannot call in group fights or crossheal for shit. You lie about guildmembers and fights. Your list goes to show what an asshole you were for not including Pancho on it. He probably got sick of your bullshit like I did.


thats not true :/

открытия ваш нацистский фагджит. Вы любите поднимать это в заднице Гитлером. Вы задержаны и веселы.

lol flamed :/
ok your right ODB only dies 100,000 times a day not 10 million like the russians did. Hitler owned the russians and the winter owned the Germans


Ol Dirty Bastard said:
People in game ask for my autograph, they respect me.

I actually laughed Alan Alda style for a good 5 mins.

I'm not even going to bother flaming you, it's a waste of fucking time.


hitler ownd his dog in the ass :/ either way it was the russians who marched into berlin and kill all the nazis, but your grandpa was part of third reich and he got h is balls blown off.
All I know, is more russians died in WWII then all hte other contries combined. I took a tour bus from Berlin to Moscow, and I shit you not, I tripped over a dead body every 10 steps, I hope none of them were your relatives, I would jsut like to thank the Germans for helpin the US win the cold war by eliminating have of the stupid ass Russians, because if they still had the 20 million that the Duetch Bags killed, Russia might have tried to go big, good thing they didn't or your ass would not be posting in this forum, no what I mean VERN!


Revelations said:
All I know, is more russians died in WWII then all hte other contries combined. I took a tour bus from Berlin to Moscow, and I shit you not, I tripped over a dead body every 10 steps, I hope none of them were your relatives, I would jsut like to thank the Germans for helpin the US win the cold war by eliminating have of the stupid ass Russians, because if they still had the 20 million that the Duetch Bags killed, Russia might have tried to go big, good thing they didn't or your ass would not be posting in this forum, no what I mean VERN!

Rev your actually right for once.

World War II Fatalities

Country Military Civilian Total
Soviet Union* 8,668,000 16,900,000 25,568,000

China 1,324,000 10,000,000 11,324,000

Germany 3,250,000 3,810,000 7,060,000

Poland 850,000 6,000,000 6,850,000

Japan 1,506,000 300,000 1,806,000


DementedJester said:
Russia are more of a reason for Germany losing WWII than America. Now shut the fuck up.

Thats true as well. Russia burned all of there houses and crops as Nazi Germany advanced into the Soviet Union. Causing the Nazis to starve and retreat back to Berlin. The death toll for the Soviet Union would not have been as high if the country was able to make weapons for all of its soliders.


See: Enemy at the Gates, it gives you a pretty good idea how it was for Russia.

Hitler made a mistake in attacking when he did, the best move would have been to attack them before he invaded Poland, he would have had support as he would have been "quelling the Communist threat."


DementedJester said:
See: Enemy at the Gates, it gives you a pretty good idea how it was for Russia.

Hitler made a mistake in attacking when he did, the best move would have been to attack them before he invaded Poland, he would have had support as he would have been "quelling the Communist threat."

Great Movie. Ed Harris was awesome and Rachel Weiz's white ass was awesome too.
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