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Who from atlantic plays here?


Re: Old Atlantic Players

My list is accurate. Destruc founded AoD in summer '97 before the game was even released. I'm talking about the days of Inner Circle and Babbamonkey. Belial, HolyCrusader, Hera, Lotos, Nick of Time, Seth, Spindle, Skuviel, Pendragon and about 2 dozen others all joined in early to mid '98. If you roleplayed, I think you were KOS to the original AoD lol.
Re: Old Atlantic Players

Ehh i was on atl for from way b4 T2a b4 t ramm was ever even thought of...play till about aos or sumthing around 3 months when faster casting and shit like came arouund then it tstart sucking bad
[email protected] ← msn Trentdfsfl← aim
Re: Old Atlantic Players

Donalbain;1831397 said:
My list is accurate. Destruc founded AoD in summer '97 before the game was even released. I'm talking about the days of Inner Circle and Babbamonkey. Belial, HolyCrusader, Hera, Lotos, Nick of Time, Seth, Spindle, Skuviel, Pendragon and about 2 dozen others all joined in early to mid '98. If you roleplayed, I think you were KOS to the original AoD lol.

Ahh well yes, I joined along with holycrusader, belial and Nick right after the AMT leader Tiffric was "assasinated" for speaking too much about the "e-bay gold selling operations"... there wasn't much people in the guild in those days, we were usually 3-4 people parties, I played everynight and mostly hanged with Mastakilla, Hera, Belial and Nick...

For me AoD was a kind of protest agains the game mechanics which in my opinion had my two best friends in the game killed IRL (Jenny *who also protested the gold selling actively* and Tiffric, may they rest in peace), mind you I could never proove that, but my story seems to support these facts. Especially that I am the one who has found the most terrible bug on the servers, but never got banned like many others who did little mischief compared to me.

I could walk around abusing my bugs (which were way overpowered btw, I could fire 4 e-bolts in one spellcast, empty your whole backpack in one click, GM poisoning and an array of skills in one click, dupe millions in one click creating an endless pile of gold that if you stepped on you'd crash), the bewildered players reporting me to gms continuously, but not one ever came. Then I joined the OeS then the FoA and became a seer, then casted Armageddon by myself.

I never touched one cent of real money, I always despised those who did... I let my account decay with all that was in it after EA fired us seers and made me a stupid companion.

Very long and intricate story, you wouldn't even beleive me if I told you.


Re: Old Atlantic Players

I dont even remember my characters name.... Maybe Deadpool... All i remember is that this one tamer had a log cabin in the desert right by the mine and shrine, helped me get started. Wondering if he plays here
Re: Old Atlantic Players

XwXSpaWnXwX;1837397 said:
I dont even remember my characters name.... Maybe Deadpool... All i remember is that this one tamer had a log cabin in the desert right by the mine and shrine, helped me get started. Wondering if he plays here

Ahuàëynjgqxs will know the guy you're talking about. He'll even write you an essay about it.


Re: Old Atlantic Players

Eclipse - Sephiroth 99-03? Not sure, played from start of T2A til maybe a year and a half into UOR, but as OSI came up with more trammy stuff, I just faded out.
I read this thread form start to finish I love it, the4stargenerals that posted back near the middle somewhere is my bro. We both played Sephiroth and Eclipse, hes already gon over the whole history but just seeing all these familiar players is crazy. I actually remember multiple battles with a few people posting here and many others that were named by you all.
Heres a few that posted that I definitely had multiple pvp run ins with:

Gizmo, Hades (KaK) 97-01
Static X
Death Disco
Minlu, ZaphodBee or Charade

I cant figure out which one of you I hated the most... :D
I think it mighta been Gizmo/Hades, he had a few more Wins from the many times we went at it. Static X was a close second, just on hatred level, the Win/loss ratio was balanced. *Sigh those were the days when OSI PVP was on point.

I had many run ins with alot of other guys that have been mentioned like ALchemie on Glow, Happy Gilmore, Plat Drag. S!S, EB, DI, CC, and any pvp/war/red guild lised that was active during that time.

Also Konnan I think we were in a guild together, it was the first guild I joined when I started had guild colors it was like black and gold or something close to gold. I couldnt remember the name for my life but if you left in the early 00-01 then it was def you.


Re: Old Atlantic Players

Also Trinsic Borrowers were one of the 1st people guilds to pk me when I was brand new. Thanks guys, popped my pvp cherry. I kept a log in that little scroll in the paperdoll of who I would seek out for revenge once I mastered pvp and built up my char. By the time I did that tho most TB was fading away, but I got with a couple of em that were still hanging on to UO.
Re: Old Atlantic Players

WOW... alot of you are saying youre people you arnt..

Im Honor, Morph, Astro, Fargo, Ippon, GAMBIT, Cecil, Mephisto, Zaphoed Bee and many many more.. Just because you bought an account from me doesnt mean you are me :/


Re: Old Atlantic Players

I played UO way back in the days and quit shortly as soon as AoS came out, my characters were Anduin along with Anubis i forget what my other ones were but i use to hang out mostly in minoc and bucs den, i use to hang out with Ramirez, Pappagiorgio, Ecliptik, Fargo aka ippon both were the same person


Re: Old Atlantic Players

oblivionuog;1827764 said:
Don't see many people I knew back then...

McKenna aka Abbadon and his guilds WOT and EVL never to be seen again.

All the SSJ bastages gone, as far as I know.

I think some F@T might be around...

Iceman and XL for life ;)

I remember Geo Sith from around the Chaos Shrine

Remember Hot Dog, Dracula and some other dude from 911 (I think). They were all firefighters irl

Don't remember anyone else worth mentioning off the top of my head really.


Kane Dragonfang

People I remember playing with alot are Iceman and Cinder the guy he gave the stone to when he left to the army and ex SSJ Gandalf/Lone Wolf running around with full bless set clothing and armor during server wars was the shit..

Remember fighting alot you guys from EB F@T(fuckin Keith man) S!S(kenny) SSJ(gohan sir sid) Atl reg reppo



Re: Old Atlantic Players

Krathzilla;1938321 said:

Kane Dragonfang

People I remember playing with alot are Iceman and Cinder the guy he gave the stone to when he left to the army and ex SSJ Gandalf/Lone Wolf running around with full bless set clothing and armor during server wars was the shit..

Remember fighting alot you guys from EB F@T(fuckin Keith man) S!S(kenny) SSJ(gohan sir sid) Atl reg reppo


Gohan is a pizza face


Re: Old Atlantic Players

Testament;1772779 said:
I remember an undead RP guild based on Ice Isle in a player-run town called Caina. I think the guild was Order of the Ebon Skull, and their GM was named Azalin.

I was in this guild and enjoyed my time spent in it very much. My fondest memory was of being a wraith with my buddy Leshrac. We RP'd a lot, and we actually spent more time dead than alive. We were lightning fast fencers back when fencing was woefully in need of a nerf due to the insane speed and damage. Nothing could stop us if we had spears.

But our main role was to be spies. We would infiltrate enemy guilds as ghosts (invisible) by walking right through the doors of their castle/keep/whatever and listening to their battle plans etc. It was just a mighty good time all around. If I could do it again, I would.

If there are any members from Order of the Ebon Skull playing on Hybrid now, I'd love to hang out and reminisce. My character's name was Uvatha.


Re: Old Atlantic Players

I used to play on Atlantic as Questar and Outkast. From about 98 I believe until 2003-2004. I remember playing with people such as Mystical, Iceman, Karou, Caius Larigius, Cinder and i'm sure a lot more that I just can't think of right now. I'm seeing a lot of familiar names on here.