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Yo %i

Crab Man

Whoa who? Me? I don't have many but here's one, hehe. I'm so famous even admins calling me out now.

I wasn't in it the full time but I thought that was a pretty good fight. Hope to do it again sometime!

My personal favorite part is when your yelling at the "Him" that is dead lol

pepeuneto why do u have 2 acc here ? dont u wanna peopel to find out u are a marcondes as well ??? OHHH NOOOO !! LET ME CORRECT THIS , WERE A MARCONDES!! thre is no such thing as MARCONDES[HZ] HAHA!! great person u are my friend , great person. next time u try to hide some shit dont talk in mumble when someobody will post the video in youtube . dumbass. hahahaha good luck in hz bro! i really wish , hz is very organized and shit and u will get a lots of items and bla bla . !!! items in a online game is more important then friendship for u . good call pepeu!!! and oh thanks for help us kill hz yesterday . 2 faces !!!! btw i forgive u brother!!


I guess someone has taken my forum name into the game now well not me to bad he running my name and can't get his own lol


you still havent realized this thread isnt actually about you that is sad. it took me about 30 seconds or less to figure out it was a troll thread. The title say the name of whoever is looking at the thread for me it says "yo Exillion". Then people used the same trick throughout the thread

get trolled harder pal lol you probably fall for the why do they call it xbox 360? so you can jump up turn 360 degrees and walk away


thats akward someone use me nickname in game. Who is that looser and why u use my nickname??!! ;/
My chars are: Elvil[ZS], Lilu[ZS], Bloo. i recon there is 2 post about that looser at forum. I dont have any connections with that guy. and whole situtation pissed me off. Can i somehow change my forum name ?


I'm confused similarly. What's this??? I don't understand these threads. Has someone been using my forum name in game?
Of course, I am not related to that person at all. and I've never made red name character.
Please let me know who the key person is? (the person's guild and forum name, exact character name etc.)