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Your most embarassing UO moment

Your most embarassing UO moment

See the title. I'm asking what moment in your UO playing time (possibly way back) made you feel like an idiot when it happened, but now you just look back and laugh.

Sadly, my moment wasn't so far back. I left one of my characters macroing evaluating intelligence and anatomy near Magincia, and came back to find myself dead.

A mongbat killed me.
Hmm... mine didn't seem embarassing at the time, but now that I look back, it's rather embarassing..

It happened way back when I had first started playing (about an hour after I first logged in), I was running around outside of Britian looking for someone to heal me, and I started yelling at a player vendor because he wouldn't respond.. and someone saw me.


My most embarrassing UO moment was during Pre:T2A. I was killing liches in Covetous with my guy and I died. I was so mad that I clicked "Resurrect with Penalties" on accident.
well, this isnt embarrassing, but once when my uo account was 2 weeks old, i asked a guy if i could test ride an ozzy around brit bank and back, he transferred it, and i ran away, the gm's caught me near brit graveyard after I transferred it to someone, i was suspended.....alot more funny than anything else...(this was when gm's on chessy cared alot about this and it was more harsh punishment...lol, like 3-4 years ago?)


OwnageAnonymous said:
well, this isnt embarrassing, but once when my uo account was 2 weeks old, i asked a guy if i could test ride an ozzy around brit bank and back, he transferred it, and i ran away, the gm's caught me near brit graveyard after I transferred it to someone, i was suspended.....alot more funny than anything else...(this was when gm's on chessy cared alot about this and it was more harsh punishment...lol, like 3-4 years ago?)

lmfao if i was a gm i would hav given you props on that one....* walks away chuckling..test ride* hah


My friend gave me an ostard with the young player exploit back when they weren't allowed out of T2A, when a GM messaged me to get off I ran to a stable attempting to save it. I got a temporary ban for that.


In the many years that I've played, there have been a lot of embarressing moments.

The most recent one was me recalling onto the roof of the Brit bank thinking the rune said 'Brit GY'.

Obviously I was promptly guard whacked and looted.



not embarasing but funniest thing that ever happened to me was probably when i was on my tamer and my dragon got me caught into a corner unable 2 see the enemies... i was brought down by 2 hell dogs and a hell cat
I've had many. A couple nights ago was a good one though. I was PKing and I had this guy redlined, running him down with my q-staff and I cast E-Bolt in case I can't catch up. I do catch up and kill him and right when I'm about to loot another guy comes up. I still have E-bolt pre-cast so I target him...reflected back and I killed myself and that lucky bastard looted me and my kill then took off gray.

Embarassing? My sources say, "Yes."



Before resist was fixed WAY back last year, before the shard wipe. I was at Destard, a red shows up, stands there, I cast exp fs, BOTH reflect and I died from those 2 spells. 95 hp, gone. Was pretty embarassing making his job easy.
Oh, I just remembered one. I had just tamed my first dragon in Wind. Now, being the smart cookie that I am, I recalled out, forgetting that I left the dragon there.

I run back, and get to the dragon again. I get outside the Wind doorway, and being even smarter, instinctively recall again.

I run back again, quite frustrated, and gate the fucker back.

God, I felt stupid.


Probaby when we accepted war with diamonds guild. Then we just wanted to drop one but they didnt call a target..so we failed miserably in a 6 v 4 gank. I thought it was funny but sad at the same time :(
Well... pretty embarrassing for someone else, not me. Back in '99 I made a character on Wakoku with all the Japs, and I'm at the bone wall training macing. This jap turns up, flags grey and starts saying shit to me in Japanese. I ignored him. He starts casting reactive armor on the bone knight I'm fighting, and healing it, which pisses me off, so I run down the corridor away from the bone knight. He's standing directly opposite me saying all this shit in Japanese (this was in stat loss period and he was probably on 4 counts). What he didn't know was I had 99 snooping from macroing dexterity overnight, so this entire time I'm going through his pack finding his keys/runes (no runebooks in this period).

I had 25 base skill in stealing because of my high dex, and during this time period you could steal off reds/greys even if you weren't in the thieves guild. First I steal his keyring - which weighs 0 stones so I go un-noticed. I steal his house rune, and recall off. Being the dumb jap he was, he didn't understand the messages he was getting on his screen, which gave me plenty of time to loot his house and dry dock his boats :D