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Your most embarassing UO moment


fierywater said:
See the title. I'm asking what moment in your UO playing time (possibly way back) made you feel like an idiot when it happened, but now you just look back and laugh.

Sadly, my moment wasn't so far back. I left one of my characters macroing evaluating intelligence and anatomy near Magincia, and came back to find myself dead.

A mongbat killed me.

Mine is simple: When I realized I sucked.


back when i first started playing uo in 97 a few of my friends where playing it already and helping me out...everytime i went out on my own id pick up like 1 blood moss and give it to them thinking it was rare untill one day my friend (in real mind you) decided to let me know not to keep giving them to him...cept he let me know by killing me cuz i was dumb

later that day i was wandering around for a wandering healer thinking that they could heal you..i sat there for about 15 mins after i found him saying diffrent "power words" trying to get him to heal me and it never worked...a red then came up to me and explained all this and healed me...then laughed at me and slaughtered me lol


My most embarassing moment in UO was when I first started Napa, a few years ago, and I had this axe. This was a special axe, you see, one that chopped trees. Oh, woo-eee. Anyway, I was chopping trees, and I kept seeing all of these houses in the woods and everything. So, I was like, "Holy shit, that's so cool; you can totally seclude yourself." So, I literally spent about three days trying to chop down an area large enough to place a house. Meanwhile, I was near another house, and the guy who lived there came out frequently to talk to me. He asked, "Why do you keep chopping in the same area?" To which I replied, "I'm trying to clear a spot for a house."

"Trees never disappear, dude."
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah. You can't build a house over anything (shrubs, trees, rocks, etc.)."

Now that is just fucking dumb of me. I tried to chop down trees for three days in order to place a house. Whatever did I do with that deed, anyway?



When me and my pkill buddies at the time were all stood at britain moongate.. They all began saying to the blues in the guardzone that they "owned them" - Eventually one red got G-Wacked (And i am talking about 15 people), then the other one tried to loot, so he did too, then again to another guy..Until everyone i was with died and were saying "I quit UO!!!!!!" in the party :eek:

The only one who quit was me (When i realised the pkill situation), ill be back tho ;)
nightshark said:
And the guy who got blessed to stop him pushing through... shit that is smart thinking. I wish I thought of that :D
Used to do that with miners at Mt Kendall. Place a couple pets at entrance, bless, rinse and repeat :) GM'd a smith on Drachenfells with all the free iggies doing this for a couple of days straight.


I think one of my most embarrasing moments on gamers has to be when my friend friended me to his house and so I logged out. Logged on next day tried to get out through the only exit, the front door, finding it locked. I din know I could click on myself and click on Leave House, so I was trapped in his house for three days until we both managed to log in at the same time and he told me of my stupidity and I blushed IRL.

A black man (fast & big) said:
I think one of my most embarrasing moments on gamers has to be when my friend friended me to his house and so I logged out. Logged on next day tried to get out through the only exit, the front door, finding it locked. I din know I could click on myself and click on Leave House, so I was trapped in his house for three days until we both managed to log in at the same time and he told me of my stupidity and I blushed IRL.
If you couldn't get out from the inside using the front door, your friend must've built his house wrong. All doors are openable from the inside. :p


U can only open doors outwards if they are locked. U can't open them inwards. Keep that in mind for when u want to keep people out of ur house and the doors aren't right on the front wall by the steps. They have to open out towards the steps if u have them offset. Otherwise anyone can get in.


The other night I recalled to the Brit GY with only recall regs.

I killed one guy with three explos, but then got promptly killed.




fierywater said:
See the title. I'm asking what moment in your UO playing time (possibly way back) made you feel like an idiot when it happened, but now you just look back and laugh.

Sadly, my moment wasn't so far back. I left one of my characters macroing evaluating intelligence and anatomy near Magincia, and came back to find myself dead.

A mongbat killed me.

going in 330k in a poker game and loosing


Mine was probably when some guy told me (when I was a noob/month old) he would gm all my chars witha trick. He said he had to log in to my account and I was kinda like okay! So thats how everyone gotten this good, I gave him the accountinfo and went to bed... in bed I realised what I did... lol, I stepped from my bed ran to login to find out that my password was changed, with creditcard info on it.... *sigh* I'm an idiot yes...

and on the other side of the story:
I later got my password back through e-mail and that password was also the password for his own account, so I kinda stole his account after this all... whehe, funny how things can take a turn for the best sometimes.


Phantom16 said:
but yet you still hover around the forums EVERY DAY!!!!, i mean come on man.....

Apologies for hanging around the starbucks and trammel forums, you know, the ones that are generally unassociated with UO.

Also, before you decide to open your uneducated mouth again; contrary to highly popular belief, the forums, in fact, do NOT = UO.


nightshark said:
The sad part is he still plays it.
True story... I was fighting him the other day on "Old School PvP"

I've got to pass the time somehow. It was either OSP or CS, and CS gets old after awhile.

Also, when I typed that, I meant UOG, not UO entirely.

Oh btw Nightshark, you become the 'best on the shard' yet? You know, even though you lose 9 out of 10 to multiple players on the shard?


Uchiha~Sasuke said:
back when i first started playing uo in 97 a few of my friends where playing it already and helping me out...everytime i went out on my own id pick up like 1 blood moss and give it to them thinking it was rare untill one day my friend (in real mind you) decided to let me know not to keep giving them to him...cept he let me know by killing me cuz i was dumb

later that day i was wandering around for a wandering healer thinking that they could heal you..i sat there for about 15 mins after i found him saying diffrent "power words" trying to get him to heal me and it never worked...a red then came up to me and explained all this and healed me...then laughed at me and slaughtered me lol

i feel sorry for you, on both those accounts but the second is so awsome, ha it brings me memories of my frist time ever going grey...WHACK, i didnt know what happened untill like two days later. It was then i learned not to loot blue corpses in towns lol


When I FIRST logged on, as in the first time ever, I didn't realize NPCs were "non-playable characters". I began to talk at one, and got mad when he didn't answer.

I attacked it and, of course, was guard whacked.

It was only later that I found out the black sandals he (and other NPCs) was wearing fetched a decent price on the market.




Well, My embarassing moment on Catskills was when I was trying to "Vendor Buy" from a player :p I thought they were a vendor.. I was so embarassed I ran out of the shop ..

ON UO Gamers well, it happened not long ago at all. I actually have a post and it's when I believed Ancrist that he was my friend but wasn't :0| I can't believe it.. You know he knew I was friends with Tristan "The PK" htough.. so strange.. You know, Maybe he does sit at the bank looking for prey..