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Your most embarassing UO moment

Way back in the day, I was constantly having problems with a guild called Blood Forge Clan on Baja. They were pretty much the first guild to do groups and ganks, most of us pk's were solo artists in those days. So in revenge, I borrowed my sisters account, proceeded to dupe the entire BFC clan into thinking I was her, and "won the heart" of the guildmaster and many of the members. After about 2 months of this ruse, I had collected 53 house keys from various members of the guild, including the main stockhouse of the guildmaster. I finally put my plan into action, looted all of them and then "disappeared", only to have my sister squeel who did it. It was absolutely great that I had conned them, but is was horribly embarrassing for everyone to know that it was me in drag afterwards.


back when i played UOR i played alot of test shards.... so i would always make a red for fun.....and one time me and like 8 other reds where standing outside moonglow trying to kill people, and we didnt realize we walked into the guard zone..... just a little bit....

anyway, we attacked a guy and he ran back to town at wich time i said "I bet hes gona come back yelling for the guards..."

whack whack whack whack whack whack and so on....... i got myself and a few others guardwacked..... they killed my every time i tryed to fight with them after that.....lol


ok well when i first started i used to chop wood and make wood shields with nails. After about 3 days of chopping i had 12k spending cash. SO I bought a xbow for 12 k. I thought i was so uber with a vanq xbow, I went to despise as soon as I walk in I lag, can't move, and sipder kills me. I loose my bow and three days of work.


Back when I FIRST started playing UO on Europa..I didn't know how people were taming animals, so I just went up to animals and typed it out. I always wondered how people were typing so fast when they did it until I actually found out.
Back when I first started the game in 97 I think I saw some dude making shields and chopping wood, so I sat there for about 25 minutes trying to attack the tree with no luck, then some dude came up and told me how to do it and made fun of me.
Also talking to the NPC's... who hasn't done that?


my most embarrasing moment was when i thought you could log out anywhere instantly and i logged out while fighting a bird...i died to


tristan said:
Back when I first started the game in 97 I think I saw some dude making shields and chopping wood, so I sat there for about 25 minutes trying to attack the tree with no luck, then some dude came up and told me how to do it and made fun of me.
Also talking to the NPC's... who hasn't done that?

Pretty sad I did that to but my first house, the only bad about that was that you could carry about 15 shields on a noob char so i bought a pack horse. I made one trip and I was all happy. I decide to go deeper in brit forests and a stupid gargoyle kills my pack horse. I swear it's so hard being a newb, that pack horse cost me a few hours of work.

Another sad moment i had was my first loss of house keys, back then if you lost the house keys anyone could go into your house, there were no secure containers. SO if they got the got they looted your house. I really liked those days, I had about 3 or 4 of my houses looted but really it was much more exiting than now.


Back in my noobie days (T2A time), I went throughthe brit sewers to the swamps to kill bullfrogs and giant toads and what not. And there were these two guys there working healing on the poison bubbles on the swamp. Well, I was running from a giant serpent, and stopped to heal about 7 paces from the door. The guy there casts "bless" on me, so I think "cool, he is going to help me" and i stay there and he and his buddy stand behind me and next to me (im against a wall) so the serpent comes in and I realize that I'm trapped and since he "blessed" me I didnt have stamina to push through them and I died and go looted... I was pretty embarrassed at how dumb I was.


Oh man, I remember there was a bug that got me one time. We were chillin at the xroads, me and my freind on our blues. This guy tames a rabbit and tells it to guard dice. I didn;t know he did this. Back then you could tell you pet to guard objects. well he start rolling the dice. I being a big newb go and take a roll, BAM I'm flagged grey to him for using the dice. He proceeds to pwn me. Sad Sad day.


A friend and I were working with a bard to farm the Papua weavers for black sandals, after resing him he asked if my ranger suit was blessed.....I said "no."
Gogarth said:
my most embarrasing moment was when i thought you could log out anywhere instantly and i logged out while fighting a bird...i died to

My first day of UO i made a mage with max int, 10 str on Napa Valley. I was used to diablo where mages didn't need str. I logged on in maginicia, and ran around, stuck on the island. I used my weaken scroll I started with on a rat. Big mistake. After wrestling it for a few seconds, it was kerpwning my 10hp. So I started running... and ran out of stamina.
You are dead.

On Oceania I was fighting a few people in the .One. guild after they decided to gank me while I was inside their moongate villa. This is during the era of turtle mages, so I had GM parry. I was getting swung on by 2 lumberjacks and a mage, plus I was boxed in the corner with no stamina potions. I kept on GH'ing and equipping my shield to parry the blows, chugging pots and whatnot. By this stage I was concussed, and nearly 0 mana. Desperate for an idea to escape, I put reflect up and equipped my shield, and hit the log out button. It seemed like an age to log back in, and when I did, I was standing on the doorstep with 0HP. I quickly GH'ed up, and the day was saved :D
They recieved alot of shit for that, as they were all very decent PvP'ers who posted on the same message boards I did. :p
Phantom16 said:
but yet you still hover around the forums EVERY DAY!!!!, i mean come on man.....

The sad part is he still plays it.
True story... I was fighting him the other day on "Old School PvP"

And the guy who got blessed to stop him pushing through... shit that is smart thinking. I wish I thought of that :D