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Your most embarassing UO moment

One of my embarassing moments that I can think of is when I first found out the dual arena outside Delucia. I proposed a dual to a random guy. 2-3 of his friends were watching us fight. I just had set my macro keys so I didn't know any of them. He chose 7x fight and I didn't know what that meant at all was was trying to cast offensive spells at him which obviously didn't work. He jus stood there laughing at me and telling his friends : "I think the guy doesn't know what he's doing." After a while I just started running around him with a spear while he poisoned my ass and easily killed me.


One of my better memories from the days of yore, has to be when some friends of mine discovered the infamous "ressing-through-the-door-bug" (if any of you veterans remember it?)

Some years back, someone found out that when you stood on the doorsteps of a house, as a ghost and someone ressed you, you could walk 2-3 steps before you clicked "yes" to get resurrected, thus leaving you inside the house. Back then the owner of the house was defined by the one who has the key, there were no secure containers or limited accesses. Once you were inside the party could begin, so when this little bug was discovered, it was exploited to the fullest.
I guess we cleaned out at least 20-30 houses just between ourselves that night.

A friend of mine even got caught red-handed as the actual owner of the house he was looting showed up all of a sudden. Naturally he started with the WTF's... seriously pissed, and my friend, fatigued and all, actually had to drop several items just in order to recall away. The next day the bug had been fixed.... those were the days.
On Pret2a on europa yeeeeeears ago, I was training my first ever char at ice isle, and i was talking to npc's for hours to try and get a gate to a town , then I realised there was a help button :(


this isnt embarrsing but it sucks. i was on hybrid some weeks ago and i had a orc mage come to my house so i could transfer my money to the bank, so i loaded upw ith as much as i could carry (having ym best armor on) and i was like gate to town so he opned a gate i went in and i was imeditaly guard whacked with all my gold. he was like oh your red.



so i was in TS with my crew of big bad ass newb pwnin mufuckas, and then that one enrique iglasias song came on "i can be your hero baby...." so iwasl ike "omg" and istarted singing along wit him and the whole time my (not sure what its called) auto speak? was on so al lthose big bad guys that are all tough heard me and called me a pussy, then i cried.


Not to be a jerk or anything. But I dont believe there is any possible way to get beat down by a mongbat. Unless you some how tabbed out with your macro somehow. Or maybe two mongbats... I mean. Or one of those really strong mongbats you always hear about. But if this truely happened. It would be quite embarassing.


ive been killed by a mongbat.

heh, when i was a n00b some guy was like , minax recruitment enter gate, i was like your in shadowlords :/ so he responded yeah sl is full need to get minax up, so i went in and joined and i got ganked by 6 homos. stat loss sucks

then he was like ill rez, then im rez killed. :/ only way they could get their faction points up..LOL


Well, in as little detail as possible, I was hunting with my friend in Khaldun when it first opened. Outside of uo, he sent me a pic of his girlfriend, and asked me what i thought of her. In game i replyed, "She looks like a rape victim." so with that covered, this small group of tamers come along and we fight for maybe 20 minutes, lots of running and killing. Couldnt ress in khaldun back then either. Finally we narrowed it down to one guy with no pets, and he killed my friend. I chased him outside of Khaldun and we stood outside and dueled. He said many racist things and some funny stuff, so I called a gm since i was pissed that he was getting away with my friends mad loot. He eventually recalls away and a gm shows up at me and my friend's house. Talking to us about vulgar language and a bunch of other shit, and says the punishment will be banning. I said Great, this is great, getting that asshole banned is great.. Then I suddenly appeared in jail, and the gm said "Your not aloud to say Rape.."



trying to steal from a gm on catskills with tokko d.... i stole it too.... [kill. banned 1 week. as he was jailing me a say fucking pussy id own him 1v1.... makes room full of like 100 mongbats and i die and die and die and die. i had a fun week in jail. he saw me later to see how i was then transformed into a mongbat and killed me.

also being on mages and trying to fight with no regs. or paralyzing yourself and thinking the guy hacks or something.

a guy told me to 1vs1 him as i joined so he said ok let me set it up. he says ok you wont go grey no (in town) so i attack him, get gwacked, and loose my 1k ='[.

lastly stealing from people then finding out they are friended to the house im accesed or friended too and getting banned/ klomped
I used to think that if I casted bless on my armour and weapons, it would be blessed. I lost mana everytime I did this, so I figured it worked. People used to actually ask me to do it to their stuff. Then I figured out about 4 months from the day I started, that it was done with item and clothing bless deeds.
back in the day, i was in trammel with some other guy, and we wanted to train, to raise our stats....
(i was so noob i didnt even know what fel was) so we sat outside of town for about half an hour trying to attack eachother.....


Scorpio X

When my brother got me into this game I had no clue about anything, never even read the book. I knew someone playing atlantic but he had already taken up all the character slots so I asked my younger brother about it. He said something about them interacting just having 'differences' i dont remember this is about 5 years ago or so. So anyways I log on pacific telling someone im gona meet him in a certain spot and well... wrong shard. i definately felt like an idiot.

The other was not having aids on me and getting bitten by a snake, not a serpent, the little snakes, got poisoned died :(
Rethus said:
Back when I FIRST started playing UO on Europa..I didn't know how people were taming animals, so I just went up to animals and typed it out. I always wondered how people were typing so fast when they did it until I actually found out.

Hahahaha... thats badass. I did that... with... poker... :'(. "I CALL! I CALL! WTF!"

Anyway, about 6 years ago, I was on my newbie dexer, and some players and I were up in the Minoc peninsula. Well, a red started shooting me with arrows! I was like "OMG WTF! IM SOOO SORRY MAN! I DIDNT MEAN TO ATTACK YOU! OMG!" So I ran around, yelling out apologiese and offering him gold and items in exchange for my life.

Well... it was Gerald the Brigand. I felt like a jackass.
My most embarrassing moment? When i went to best buy looking for Everquest, they were sold out so i chose ultima online. I almost chose ultima: ascesion.

I went to the checking counter, like 4 people saw me buy UO... i now look back on that day, thost 6 years ago, and i am truly embarrassed.

God damn, if only i chose Ascension, i wouldnt have gotten addicted to MMORPGS.


EvilGenius010 said:
Hahahaha... thats badass. I did that... with... poker... :'(. "I CALL! I CALL! WTF!"

Anyway, about 6 years ago, I was on my newbie dexer, and some players and I were up in the Minoc peninsula. Well, a red started shooting me with arrows! I was like "OMG WTF! IM SOOO SORRY MAN! I DIDNT MEAN TO ATTACK YOU! OMG!" So I ran around, yelling out apologiese and offering him gold and items in exchange for my life.

Well... it was Gerald the Brigand. I felt like a jackass.

ha ive attacked real reds as a newb and greys and ran away.. the greys id run to town and be like why arnt guards working ahhh! then i joined irl friends guild and he would always attack me so id try and call guards he, his brother, and his dad laughed at me irl.