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RFC: Reds and Towns

What do think about the following suggested changes?

  • I like it

    Votes: 355 38.6%
  • I hate it

    Votes: 340 37.0%
  • I like some of it

    Votes: 166 18.0%
  • I don't really care

    Votes: 59 6.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Dream Theater

Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

Mark;1586937 said:

[*]15 second grace period before guards can be called to instantly kill a murderer upon entry to the guarded town.

The 15 second grace period would only apply to being killed simply for being in the region. I think its worth considering because as some people have already pointed out, it sucks getting instantly killed for taking one step too many. While under the grace period any criminal actions would still make you eligible to be instantly killed.

yeah, but maybe 10 secs


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

i think its dumb being guard wacked i think if your red you shouldnt be able to be criminal since u already are for being red not being able to go to towns and cant recall out like blues, blues have it all they can recall ne time attacked or not attacked its so dumb and not fair not to metion there are barely ne red npc to res us. i think if nething give reds some kind of advatage over the blues.


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

a.bully;1587254 said:
Why not allow reds into towns? If they attack blues they are guard wacked instantly anyway....This is a stupid idea and makes absolutely no sense....

If you are red, and you go into town, most likely you will get ganked or left alone...

Leave it how it is.

you kill 2 day old chars at brit bank tryin to start out? hmm... if you want a server full of good pkays, you might want to let them believe this server actually has GOOD pkays, and not just afk killers and miner gankers...

if it wasnt for all the foolish AFK killing, i wouldnt mind reds in town. i enjoy it when rambone or smoker come into town. i wouldnt want to ban them out. but honestly, getting afk killed for no reason other than someone's small penis is stupid.

thats jsut my 2cents

btw, +1 to the no reds being abel to attack in town thing. pure genius.


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

you shouldnt be able to sit afk just log off and stop spammin shit so there you go problem solved


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

hmm i think i like the idea of 15 second grace period, but im not sure what was meant by the Moongates....


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

Blessed_Demon;1586981 said:
You guys are on fucking crack there is no need for these new rules.. Reds cant attack you in tow and thats fair enough, if you see reds and are worried about mass expo eb run off screen <Fuck AFKERs> and you bank sitter bitches learn to pvp or jump off hybrid.

I think its fair for a red to be able to retaliate to blues who attack them outside guardzone then use it as a well "lol you cant come in lolz" haven. However, there are templates that are not pvp friendly as some people dont take into consideration. Blacksmiths, Tailors you get the point. I just find it really stupid people coming in mass exp ebing one of those types of characters. Its sometimes impossible to run off screen with ten people coming in. I just dont understand why people say omg trammy when 5-10 people are ganking one person, perhaps Ill never understand but oh well.

Reds can be allowed in towns just I dont know I have seen too much of that ganking bs that you cant get away from pvper or not, not much you can do with like twenty spells in two seconds flying your way. Thats the only broken part of the system I think needs fixing anyways.


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

I voted, I like some of it, but that isn't accurate. I only like the idea, making reds unable to go in to town. While this isn't IPY, I'd have to go with the old school here, and say reds should be insta-whacked, except at moongates. The 15 second grace period just complicates things; I don't really see a value in it, only some way for people to take advantage of those 15 seconds that strays even farther from how the game used to be.


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

It seems to me that what all these 'hardcore PK's' want is really just to have a nice severe stat loss penalty instead of being banned from towns.

And I'm so down with that.


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

I would SERIOUSLY love to see no reds in town, and no magic in town.

Think of all the pure warriors running around, it would be wicked.

edit; Even if it was just one town, bring back the townie!


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

kalo;1589469 said:
Think of all the pure warriors running around, it would be awful.

I think the best way to deal with reds/murderers in town, is just make it so no offensive spells can be cast on a Blue while in a guardzone, by anyone. This would make it so they could still chase down flagged blues (turned grey to them) and oranges. They would still run the risk of being dumped on in town, and then they could fight back, but wouldn't be able to do so themselves. I personally wouldn't like to see it happen, but I think thats the only middle ground you may find here.


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

How about recreating the bounty system without stattloss. Bounties would give town blues monetary inventive to fight back against reds who have entered town.


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

Red shouldn't be in town, with such a high percentage of people red and no consequences for being so.
No magic in town, seperates the men from the boys. New players make good warriors and can battle in town, without fear of 2-3 spell deaths.


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

i hate the reds end the facte that the can go in town.
its not supose to be, end I ave benne kill too meny time in town.
whit out ataking them. in Ocllo for a starte i caled Guards end i was kill befor the Guards shose op??????? its supose to be the haven place, the place for newubie ???? the thing im started to be real frustraided is that its not onlie the Pks ou kill. A lot of fuking looser juste steal end kill you whit créature, or juste fuck whit you.

In this serveur every personne hou plays is a fuking imbécil.
One i gave a Ridebole lama to a man, i juste give it to himme juste for a great action to be frendly. the fuking imbécile juste kill it for funne end juste ditche me.
everie one is a asole end no one exeption. i tote i fonde somme one one dais i traille to take whit him end he whas nice at firste but dont worrie his a asole too. he juste waite ontile the créature juste atake me end after that juste kill me by behande.
End now said that im not rite ????????????????????????????????
Why can a Plays this game ???? Why can a have funne ???????????
end dou you reale think its gone insiste me end oteur to came to your server ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Why not helping in stede of killing ???????????????????????????????


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

Being red is the most profitable profession in the game. Period.

Being restricted from slaughtering blues in the middle of a guarded town, with no guards able to be called on you, is really NOT that bad.

Considering Paralyze lasts nearly forever, and Exploding Potions follow your target like a homing missile endlessly, if you can't ensure your target's death before they get over the town line, you need to reconsider whether or not you should be a PK in the first place.

I'm yet to see a red PK that isn't a mage on Hybrid, so there should be no problems with reds managing their way to Buc's Den to bank.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

Zieen;1587010 said:
You misunderstand. I'm talking about when a red attacks you outside of town, you can't retreat into town. Many of my friends have complained about being attacked by a red while they were mining and whatnot and running into town only to be pursued and killed (because they couldn't call the guards since the combat was initiated outside of town).

That's not how it works at all.

If a red deals damage to a blue in town, he gets guard whacked. Period. It doesn't matter where the combat started, as long as the red initiated it. I have no idea what server your friends are playing. Maybe they don't know how to spell "guards," or maybe they don't know where the town lines are.


Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

LKP;1589788 said:
That's not how it works at all.

If a red deals damage to a blue in town, he gets guard whacked. Period. It doesn't matter where the combat started, as long as the red initiated it. I have no idea what server your friends are playing. Maybe they don't know how to spell "guards," or maybe they don't know where the town lines are.
Wow, now that is a lie! If that was true I wouldn't mind Reds in town. I've been chased into guarded towns and killed in the middle of them myself, always by reds that first attacked me outside the town borders and proceeded to follow me in.

If this is not supposed to happen, than perhaps it is a bug in the game mechanics. And yes, I certainly know how to spell "guards". ;-)


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: RFC: Reds and Towns

Belanther;1587114 said:
In all out honesty, the only change I think we should see is a Tramme/Felucca type deal, Trammel being towns for blues, felucca being towns for reds...
yeah I said it, u can go in trammel as a red, or felucca as a blue
if anyone attacks anyone in guards, boom wacked
why not just do that form of a change, then reds could sit in town all day and not have to worry about being killed by another red (same as a blue does)
hell, why dont we just get rid of ALL TOWNS and just have shops, no guards anywhere...
then red tamers wouldnt have to worry about getting their mares boated because blues gank them, cuz reds surely cant come into towns and gank blues and bring their mares out and boat them, which is all occlo and bucs is, pure pvp towns in which most tamers get their mares boated at, red or blue...
BTW- i got reds and blues so im looking at it in two perspectives. and whoopi ive been on UO about as long as its been out, and i quit osi cuz they made stupid changes that ruined the game, which is basically what this poll is having us vote about... adding trammel basically on a "pure pvp type server"

I'm pretty sure this is the worst idea anyone has ever had, but it's so difficult to read I can't be sure.


By the way, Mark, I don't think 80% of the people who've viewed this thread are thinking about whether the changes would be good or not. I think that 80% consists of people who don't have forum accounts and don't care enough about this one issue to make them. You did send out a link to the 1000 players on the shard, and we all know the forums are a very small minority of the players. Factor in the fact that each of us only gets one vote, and I know I've checked up on this thread 3 or 4 times to see how the voting is going.
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