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Is this what factions have come to?

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To be fair, theres only ONE active SM guy, and his name is clownbaby reality, of shadowlords. He belongs in our group. It's a faction battle. We welcome red SL to fight faction battle with us. Especially Chad. That guy is beast. Counts as TWO people

The DMG guys have characters in eqms, so no need to go there


It is amusing how everyone here argues about who is the better pvper. Real pvp was pre-AOS on OSI, and this server was close to that when it was first established. However, after coming back after 4 years, the pvp on this server is not really pvp. I havn't seen anyone who can fight without pots, or using wands, or even running in a group with less then 6. I am not claiming to be the best or anything of that nature, however, the players balls on this server has seized to exist and has been replaced by infant children who whine and cry about how great they are, yet cannot wipe their own ass. I am Pookie, former leader of LoC, which may or may not mean something, but during my guilds reign, pvp required skill not numbers, lol (emphasis added). Furthermore, you all may hate me for writing this, for which I don't care because it is still just a video game. So go stand in the mirror and ask yourself, "Am I a bitch", if you answer YES to that question (most ought to), then you are properly pvping in all the fashions I had stated above. However, if by some miracle, you answer NO, perhaps you will not run from a 4v4, or even a 6v4 against your favor, maybe, just maybe you may pvp with skills and talent, stay on the same screen as your opponent and learn how to x-heal, even JUST MAYBE leave wands at home for the liches (not likely). To your surprise, you may feel like a new person, one whom doesn't act like a bitch but instead fucks them. Hopefully a few of you will obtain some sense of self-dignity and pride, but probably for most you, you'll just continue being a bitch, because frankly speaking, if your a bitch in a game, your a bitch in real life and for that I pray for you.

- Pookie, LoC


It is amusing how everyone here argues about who is the better pvper. Real pvp was pre-AOS on OSI, and this server was close to that when it was first established. However, after coming back after 4 years, the pvp on this server is not really pvp. I havn't seen anyone who can fight without pots, or using wands, or even running in a group with less then 6. I am not claiming to be the best or anything of that nature, however, the players balls on this server has seized to exist and has been replaced by infant children who whine and cry about how great they are, yet cannot wipe their own ass. I am Pookie, former leader of LoC, which may or may not mean something, but during my guilds reign, pvp required skill not numbers, lol (emphasis added). Furthermore, you all may hate me for writing this, for which I don't care because it is still just a video game. So go stand in the mirror and ask yourself, "Am I a bitch", if you answer YES to that question (most ought to), then you are properly pvping in all the fashions I had stated above. However, if by some miracle, you answer NO, perhaps you will not run from a 4v4, or even a 6v4 against your favor, maybe, just maybe you may pvp with skills and talent, stay on the same screen as your opponent and learn how to x-heal, even JUST MAYBE leave wands at home for the liches (not likely). To your surprise, you may feel like a new person, one whom doesn't act like a bitch but instead fucks them. Hopefully a few of you will obtain some sense of self-dignity and pride, but probably for most you, you'll just continue being a bitch, because frankly speaking, if your a bitch in a game, your a bitch in real life and for that I pray for you.

- Pookie, LoC

Everything done by players in this game is a two way road.
Every single thing. Action and Reaction.

Go play the game and stop this Jesus crap. It didnt work 2.000 years ago, not gonna work now.

- SmilJaniC, EQ/MS.
Please go back to the Buying/Selling/Price Check forums.

This one time in band camp I beat these dudes afk then bragged about it on the forum.

I thought that would be an accurate statement since you are in band and you are bragging about killing someone afk because as soon as they got hit with ms they would of already had a heal up to heal it soon as they got hit.


This one time in band camp I beat these dudes afk then bragged about it on the forum.

I thought that would be an accurate statement since you are in band and you are bragging about killing someone afk because as soon as they got hit with ms they would of already had a heal up to heal it soon as they got hit.
Band? I think you're having a childhood flashback. Like I said, I know they weren't afk and I really don't care what a bank sitter says.


It is amusing how everyone here argues about who is the better pvper. Real pvp was pre-AOS on OSI, and this server was close to that when it was first established. However, after coming back after 4 years, the pvp on this server is not really pvp. I havn't seen anyone who can fight without pots, or using wands, or even running in a group with less then 6. I am not claiming to be the best or anything of that nature, however, the players balls on this server has seized to exist and has been replaced by infant children who whine and cry about how great they are, yet cannot wipe their own ass. I am Pookie, former leader of LoC, which may or may not mean something, but during my guilds reign, pvp required skill not numbers, lol (emphasis added). Furthermore, you all may hate me for writing this, for which I don't care because it is still just a video game. So go stand in the mirror and ask yourself, "Am I a bitch", if you answer YES to that question (most ought to), then you are properly pvping in all the fashions I had stated above. However, if by some miracle, you answer NO, perhaps you will not run from a 4v4, or even a 6v4 against your favor, maybe, just maybe you may pvp with skills and talent, stay on the same screen as your opponent and learn how to x-heal, even JUST MAYBE leave wands at home for the liches (not likely). To your surprise, you may feel like a new person, one whom doesn't act like a bitch but instead fucks them. Hopefully a few of you will obtain some sense of self-dignity and pride, but probably for most you, you'll just continue being a bitch, because frankly speaking, if your a bitch in a game, your a bitch in real life and for that I pray for you.

- Pookie, LoC
didnt you use a lumberjacker in 7x standard tourneys?
Band? I think you're having a childhood flashback. Like I said, I know they weren't afk and I really don't care what a bank sitter says.

I like how you assume I'm a bank sitter because I don't wager mils vs someone else in a pit or my pvper isn't a well known douche like you who tries to scam people with a deco kasa because he's poor. You also sound like you're a little jealous of my bank inventory. Maybe if you applied your pot/wand spamming to poker you might actually afford something in game.

I have played UO and it's many facet's. Just because you are only good at one facet of this game (pvp) doesn't mean you are any better or less then another player's opinion. I should be the one making fun of you because you suck at pvm/scamming and poker.

Sit down, play the game and quit trying to pretend you're a badass when everyone knows what you look like irl.


I like how you assume I'm a bank sitter because I don't wager mils vs someone else in a pit or my pvper isn't a well known douche like you who tries to scam people with a deco kasa because he's poor. You also sound like you're a little jealous of my bank inventory. Maybe if you applied your pot/wand spamming to poker you might actually afford something in game.

I have played UO and it's many facet's. Just because you are only good at one facet of this game (pvp) doesn't mean you are any better or less then another player's opinion. I should be the one making fun of you because you suck at pvm/scamming and poker.

Sit down, play the game and quit trying to pretend you're a badass when everyone knows what you look like irl.
I don't care how much money you have. I really don't because I have plenty of it myself. I know your a bank sitter because you're always there. I'm so bad at poker that it has gotten me 150mil+, a castle/18x18, 50mil+ in stock, and over 100mil in rares. Dueling/fielding for money doesn't make you a PvP'er. I don't use pots really unless I alchy duel. Also even though I have a lot of gold I still do PvM when I get bored. Look for me at Titan Valley, my name is Blond Beard. AND BTW HOW THE FUX DID YOU GET THAT PICTURE OF ME?
I don't care how much money you have. I really don't because I have plenty of it myself. I know your a bank sitter because you're always there. I'm so bad at poker that it has gotten me 150mil+, a castle/18x18, 50mil+ in stock, and over 100mil in rares. Dueling/fielding for money doesn't make you a PvP'er. I don't use pots really unless I alchy duel. Also even though I have a lot of gold I still do PvM when I get bored. Look for me at Titan Valley, my name is Blond Beard. AND BTW HOW THE FUX DID YOU GET THAT PICTURE OF ME?

Since you see me all the time at the bank, what is my bank sitters name?
I like how you assume I'm a bank sitter because I don't wager mils vs someone else in a pit or my pvper isn't a well known douche like you who tries to scam people with a deco kasa because he's poor. You also sound like you're a little jealous of my bank inventory. Maybe if you applied your pot/wand spamming to poker you might actually afford something in game.

I have played UO and it's many facet's. Just because you are only good at one facet of this game (pvp) doesn't mean you are any better or less then another player's opinion. I should be the one making fun of you because you suck at pvm/scamming and poker.

Sit down, play the game and quit trying to pretend you're a badass when everyone knows what you look like irl.

Simon if you are so bad ass, what do you look like. :/
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