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Mickey vrs Robocop. No gheal wands

Mickey has more duels than he's claiming. Seems like somebody has been doing some character clean up lately huh?

Not that it matters; he hasn't progressed to the point where he can kill people without double stuns yet. :>

Pat McGroin

Mickey has more duels than he's claiming. Seems like somebody has been doing some character clean up lately huh?

Not that it matters; he hasn't progressed to the point where he can kill people without double stuns yet. :>

That's cool man, you have done nothing but play this game for like 10 years and you're only remotely good at one part of it. And for all the hours you put into alchy you're not that good.

You can't field

You can't do any kind of 1v1 other then alchy.

You can't heal syncs

You have no field awareness.

You as a pvper are not even mediocre.

I will smash you at any aspect of this game and watch you make every excuse in the book.



The plot thickens...

In a vast land of Sosaria, two of UOGamers Hybrid's self proclaimed best PVPers face off in the battle of the century, 6 months ago. After much wait, the almighty Genocide Pete and Mickey Monday have gathered enough wands to face eachother for The Rematch. Somehow 2 of Hybrids best PVPers have only run into eachother one time over the course of an entire year. So much shit has been talked between these self proclaimed greats. However, since the last fight major questions have been asked: "r wands cool?", "r valorites being blessed gay?!1" "y r u stun me and run?". All major questions aside, this fight is going to probably happen, for sure, maybe. In a fight that surely won't materialize for another 6 months, Mickey, running out of NCDs, has no other option but to fight Genocide "Robocop" Pete on a character that will actually be recognized. A loss would mean his self proclaimed perfect record, would be ruined. All of Sosaria has awaited this fight, farmers have slaved for months to gather the greatest wands, legendary blacksmiths have forged the strongest war hammer, and swamp dragons have been armored with only exceptional barding deeds. Genocide equipped with all different styles of 5 charge Greater Heal wands, has trained his macros day and night, and will fight Mickey "Moped" Monday at any moment, maybe. Mickey, only brandishing the finest 20 charge Lightning wands, is ready for combat, soon, kinda. This fight will be videotaped by.. someone, eventually. The land of Sosaria will feel the rumbles of Mickey's Explo-EQ dumps all the way on ice island. It is when this moment finally might eventually kinda happen, that the world will learn Hybrid has gotten kinda gay, and serious changes need to be made to address this item based PVP bullshit.

The End


or is it?
I will smash you at any aspect of this game and watch you make every excuse in the book.
because the rest of your post contains your bias about me not being better than you, I'd like to formally invite you into a set of alchy duels.

Have neon tell me when the best time/place for him will be.

Pat McGroin

because the rest of your post contains your bias about me not being better than you, I'd like to formally invite you into a set of alchy duels.

Have neon tell me when the best time/place for him will be.

What a shocker you asked to do alchy duels and are already making excuses.

That doesn't completely validate everything I just said.. lol

But yes we can do some tonight

Pat McGroin

I don't recall making any excuses.

[QUOTE="Boomshakalaka, post: 4126793, member: 163067"

Have neon tell me when the best time/place for him will be.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like an excuse to me.

P.S. Neon lives in boston which is currently have one of the worst storms in years so I doubt he even has internet right now nor has he dueled in 6+ months so I would definitely not let him duel for me at this point LOL
the first one is a pic of mickey dodging... the rest is just field pvp

though it was 4 v 4 at first it was 4 v 3 in last fight due to rageism
The only death on the side of TB was a guard wack on the last SS

It was a good fight.
Hopefully they can get a little better and we will have more of a challenge next week

It would have been much worse without all the gheal wands.

01-28-2015 19.39.31.jpg 01-28-2015 19.48.11.jpg 01-28-2015 20.18.34.jpg 01-28-2015 20.21.40.jpg 01-28-2015 20.24.13.jpg 01-28-2015 20.42.26.jpg 01-28-2015 20.42.50.jpg
P.S. Neon lives in boston which is currently have one of the worst storms in years so I doubt he even has internet right now nor has he dueled in 6+ months so I would definitely not let him duel for me at this point LOL

he has dueled in 6 months because i beat him last week.