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IhurtFatKid Hz


Ya but that 10-14 hrs a day has breaks spread throughout it here and there... Hes got an open MIC most times, so we sometimes get to hear what's going on in his background. They without a doubt are a happy family, sometimes when she's not at work, we hear his wife laugh as we are killing your guild while you run away. Like that time we killed your pathetic crew while you ran through terra trying to get away, teleporting back in the tunnels just to get killed by all the spiders. She was there watching for that one, we could barely hear MB over her laughter.
It was really funny lol.
You know, It really doesn't matter what you say anyways because you definitely cant deny the fact that he actually IS home with his family more than you are with yours. He really does spend way more time with them than you do yours. Give it up reef, MB is just better than you are all round.
Makes plenty of money, spends more time with the fam, gets paid to do what he loves, better at pvp/running a guild, and to top it all off as if that weren't enough he simply isn't some delivery boy like you busting his ass pulling manual physical labor....
You just wish you had the success he's got, Hell to be honest I wish I had the success he's got, but don't worry maybe you'll get there some day.... There's still time to turn things around.

I can resume this entire post with a single image: :poop:


I literally LOL'd out loud lol

So wait.... You laughed out loud out loud?
That some kind of super laugh or something?
So its safe to assume there must not be a written or verbal test of any literacy sort required to pass to be able to drive those UPS trucks huh? Now its my turn to LOL'd OL!! :lol:

Jackie Moon

reefer wasn't.it less than a year ago u weren't even allowed to see your kids? I would bet that you finally got a job making 11 an hour which was a big change from your usual 8 or 9 and its such a big difference you say 20 out of excitement.. Alvin pls quit getting hard for people that earn money becuz you have been in university for 10 years with no chance of making your own money ever


reefer wasn't.it less than a year ago u weren't even allowed to see your kids? I would bet that you finally got a job making 11 an hour which was a big change from your usual 8 or 9 and its such a big difference you say 20 out of excitement.. Alvin pls quit getting hard for people that earn money becuz you have been in university for 10 years with no chance of making your own money ever
i work and about to graduate second faculty;]

...i respect people who make money, regardless they clean the streets or do some big business, i am sorry you dont - perhaps its a cultural difference ; i also have some respect for what you do, even thou you are nobody at the military - doing some minor checks or repairs or whatever, after years of being unemployed yourself...
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reefer wasn't.it less than a year ago u weren't even allowed to see your kids? I would bet that you finally got a job making 11 an hour which was a big change from your usual 8 or 9 and its such a big difference you say 20 out of excitement.. Alvin pls quit getting hard for people that earn money becuz you have been in university for 10 years with no chance of making your own money ever
Why wouldn't I be allowed to see my kids? And pretty sure i've been at FedEx for more than 2 years lol. Some people are just retarded lol.


The internet...................................

........................................................where everything is possible

Even 3 dollar an hour raises

While driving a truck

For a parcel delivery service

In less than 10 months

YAY internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You do realize, I get nice raises each year while on salary, I hope you also know that FedEx is all sub contracted, so techincally I don't work for FedEx. I work for my boss who is contracted through FedEx. So Yes, I did go from 17-20 in about a year. So yeah, my boss can pay me what ever the hell he wants to. And most people are making more than me. Shit if you go on the FedEx Express website, they start you out at about 17.50 an hour...

Jackie Moon

Alvin very wrong. I was no one of great rank in the military yes but my Job was good. Getting an allowance for watching my little pony with ur sister does count alvin as work so I apologize.


Alvin very wrong. I was no one of great rank in the military yes but my Job was good. Getting an allowance for watching my little pony with ur sister does count alvin as work so I apologize.

The lack of detail in ur statement about ur position in the military says to me your not proud of what you have acheived in ur work

I feel sorry for you


kidding yourself
you realise marines lose every exercise held against aussie troops
And our special forces had to go to the middle east and do what American retards with rifles armed forces couldnt do
retraining these clowns must cost me a lot of tax money


kidding yourself
you realise marines lose every exercise held against aussie troops
And our special forces had to go to the middle east and do what American retards with rifles armed forces couldnt do
retraining these clowns must cost me a lot of tax money
Sounds to me your tax money is going more towards getting real men to come fight for your yellow belly cowarding country....