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IhurtFatKid Hz


For someone who supposedly "can't stop laughing" you seem pretty angry reef, your statement is just peppered with insults lol... :lol:
On another note, didn't we already touch on the topic that MB does in fact spend time with his family? I believe so. He spends a lot of time with them actually, more than you do yours I'm positive of that. Actually when MB's in channel you can hear them in the background most times.. Usually laughing and having a great time, seems like a very happy household to me...

Here's a thought, maybe if you weren't such a shitty guild leader (always bailing and running away when your people die) you might have enough success to one day obtain MB's level where people would pay you for your services... Then you could spend all the time you want with your family.... If you weren't so focused on insulting and tearing him down.... Just sad and bitter in my opinion.... :mad:
If you watch mb videos hes playing the game while his family is in the background having fun without him so hes not actually spending time with them but playing this game instead while they are having fun.
why would anyone pay you money to run a guild full time? the fuck you do for everyone? stay in guantlet all day and when an orny pops out you all roll on it? this games so old. So boring anymore.. everyone in your guild must be straight nerds to pay IRL cash for this shit. This guy Told me last month on here that he paid over $400.00 on clash of clans app. the fuck is wrong with you people. you dudes who sit here and play this game 24/7 (MB supposedly) actually have the decency to say your a good parent? how the fuck? I play this game once in a blue moon anymore because i have kids and a girlfriend i rather be apart of every second of every day. when shes working and kids sleeping im playing with my animals. lol. I know kris (reefer) is a good father. you people can bash on him all you want in this stupid game but in REAL LIFE this dude transcends more than half of you. everyone wants to put in there two cents on this thread "trying" to get the dude mad but lets be honest. all he has to do is click the x in the top right corner and alllll of you are erased from his thoughts and on to his REAL LIFE not even looking back twice because he knows what he has outside this shit is worth more than any of you. <3
why would anyone pay you money to run a guild full time? the fuck you do for everyone? stay in guantlet all day and when an orny pops out you all roll on it? this games so old. So boring anymore.. everyone in your guild must be straight nerds to pay IRL cash for this shit. This guy Told me last month on here that he paid over $400.00 on clash of clans app. the fuck is wrong with you people. you dudes who sit here and play this game 24/7 (MB supposedly) actually have the decency to say your a good parent? how the fuck? I play this game once in a blue moon anymore because i have kids and a girlfriend i rather be apart of every second of every day. when shes working and kids sleeping im playing with my animals. lol. I know kris (reefer) is a good father. you people can bash on him all you want in this stupid game but in REAL LIFE this dude transcends more than half of you. everyone wants to put in there two cents on this thread "trying" to get the dude mad but lets be honest. all he has to do is click the x in the top right corner and alllll of you are erased from his thoughts and on to his REAL LIFE not even looking back twice because he knows what he has outside this shit is worth more than any of you. <3



Paragraph breaks.


For someone who supposedly "can't stop laughing" you seem pretty angry reef, your statement is just peppered with insults lol... :lol:
On another note, didn't we already touch on the topic that MB does in fact spend time with his family? I believe so. He spends a lot of time with them actually, more than you do yours I'm positive of that. Actually when MB's in channel you can hear them in the background most times.. Usually laughing and having a great time, seems like a very happy household to me...

Here's a thought, maybe if you weren't such a shitty guild leader (always bailing and running away when your people die) you might have enough success to one day obtain MB's level where people would pay you for your services... Then you could spend all the time you want with your family.... If you weren't so focused on insulting and tearing him down.... Your just coming across sad and bitter in my opinion.... :mad:
I'm going to stop you at you saying he spends more time with his family than I do, he literally just said he plays UO for 10-14 hrs a day... Are you fucking kidding me? Are you just as pathetic?


I'm going to stop you at you saying he spends more time with his family than I do, he literally just said he plays UO for 10-14 hrs a day... Are you fucking kidding me? Are you just as pathetic?

Ya but that 10-14 hrs a day has breaks spread throughout it here and there... Hes got an open MIC most times, so we sometimes get to hear what's going on in his background. They without a doubt are a happy family, sometimes when she's not at work, we hear his wife laugh as we are killing your guild while you run away. Like that time we killed your pathetic crew while you ran through terra trying to get away, teleporting back in the tunnels just to get killed by all the spiders. She was there watching for that one, we could barely hear MB over her laughter.
It was really funny lol.
You know, It really doesn't matter what you say anyways because you definitely cant deny the fact that he actually IS home with his family more than you are with yours. He really does spend way more time with them than you do yours. Give it up reef, MB is just better than you are all round.
Makes plenty of money, spends more time with the fam, gets paid to do what he loves, better at pvp/running a guild, and to top it all off as if that weren't enough he simply isn't some delivery boy like you busting his ass pulling manual physical labor....
You just wish you had the success he's got, Hell to be honest I wish I had the success he's got, but don't worry maybe you'll get there some day.... There's still time to turn things around.


Ya but that 10-14 hrs a day has breaks spread throughout it here and there... Hes got an open MIC most times, so we sometimes get to hear what's going on in his background. They without a doubt are a happy family, sometimes when she's not at work, we hear his wife laugh as we are killing your guild while you run away. Like that time we killed your pathetic crew while you ran through terra trying to get away, teleporting back in the tunnels just to get killed by all the spiders. She was there watching for that one, we could barely hear MB over her laughter.
It was really funny lol.
You know, It really doesn't matter what you say anyways because you definitely cant deny the fact that he actually IS home with his family more than you are with yours. He really does spend way more time with them than you do yours. Give it up reef, MB is just better than you are all round.
Makes plenty of money, spends more time with the fam, gets paid to do what he loves, better at pvp/running a guild, and to top it all off as if that weren't enough he simply isn't some delivery boy like you busting his ass pulling manual physical labor....
You just wish you had the success he's got, Hell to be honest I wish I had the success he's got, but don't worry maybe you'll get there some day.... There's still time to turn things around.
Jesus, all I see is a delusion.


Lol If you have a wife and a family and your a good man you should be at work atleast 12 hours a day, and then there's 3 hours for your kids and wife, then u play UO for a hour or 2 before bed, then you have maybe a night to urself on the weekend if u get a weekend,
And if ur not working those kind of hours ur not providing wat u could and letting ur family down,
And if ur wife works then ur not a man


Every man be quiet, SHUT DOnkeys

I demanding to knew!
How can mb created $ from uo??? Speciality mobs? What??
Rumouring about hz truethness? In bed with Amreeka governemente?cult of greater Satani?
How possibility he can created richyness, only the one men?


Man this thread is something. I am not part of the big boys pvp club but I feel I need to say my peice
You folks need to give the man, slugworth a break.Even a racist fool such as him shouldn't get attacked because he is poor. I am broke too, make 25/hour and I am not afraid to say it.
It get's hard sometimes, but we get by... in the end I know I have an honest job and I am essentily to the communitay like slugworth.
To mb, grow up man, not anyone can get payed to play like you, show some respect bro.


Every man be quiet, SHUT DOnkeys

I demanding to knew!
How can mb created $ from uo??? Speciality mobs? What??
Rumouring about hz truethness? In bed with Amreeka governemente?cult of greater Satani?
How possibility he can created richyness, only the one men?


U hz? Not afraid of it. I fear no evil
My home is under protect, got them blessed each yearly

Evil eye can't be, won't do, fight in my presencing


Every man be quiet, SHUT DOnkeys

I demanding to knew!
How can mb created $ from uo??? Speciality mobs? What??
Rumouring about hz truethness? In bed with Amreeka governemente?cult of greater Satani?
How possibility he can created richyness, only the one men?

Bad Mutha

Seeing as most of you have been playing here as long as me, I don't understand the forum shit talking anymore.

I live in my own house, because my parents were rich and I inherited their money. I have nothing to do but play all day or go to school, and I have plenty of money that I didn't even have to earn, AND I have an awesome collection of screenshots.

I win.

Amen my brother, QFT