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Quick story

Pat McGroin

Tyler is still the only person in the history of ultima online to get his fake wizard items looted by someone that knows him in real life.


I wonder if he woke up that day like "fuck this nerd i'm gonna take his shit because he won't do anything about it"



Outkast KBR

Tyler is still the only person in the history of ultima online to get his fake wizard items looted by someone that knows him in real life.


I wonder if he woke up that day like "fuck this nerd i'm gonna take his shit because he won't do anything about it"



Bro this isn't funny, you have posted it like 40484 times. No ones laughing either, now the one of you getting butt fucked on the slip n slide. That's funny.

Pat McGroin

Bro this isn't funny, you have posted it like 40484 times. No ones laughing either, now the one of you getting butt fucked on the slip n slide. That's funny.

It's hilarious. I couldn't imagine being such a little bitch that my real life friend would choose my fake wizard items over being real life friends with me

Pat McGroin

I'm at docks ready to go, come at me bro

oh and in case you forgot


What's hilarious after you put your picture up on skype Mike came into call and goes. " I have this guy named Outkast on my skype, have you seen him? That guy looks like a straight up birth defect"

Everytime anybody would get into call it would start like this. " hey guys did you know Outkast was a calvin Klein model"


Outkast KBR

#1. I've never had a single picture up on skype. As if you and your kissy face pose should be talking about anyones looks.
#2. No idea who mike is, and my name isn't outkast on skype.

GG though brah.

Outkast KBR


Ask anyone on here who actually has my skype. Not some scrub on the internet who runs a ebay store.
Anything else you want to make up?
Hey Pat, I am still waiting for you to post the picture that Nick ( Nick I suppose being that faggot Klavideisel whom I don't even know besides him being a newbie in a newb guild I was in +20) sent you of me that you claim to have. It seems like soon as someone gets under your skin you try to make up lies to try to embarrass someone.

This should be the new UOG Hybird front page.

Get2birds.. Im only gonna say this one more time....
I'll say this as often as needed, i wasn't ducking your alchy duels, wanted to do more than alchy duels as the character i was on wasn't an alchemist. Best of 3: 5x, 7x standard and alchy. I'll even do all 3 of those duels on my 5x tactics stun if you want. Or all 3 on my alchemist.