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Don't touch me


You said that the last time we dueled.

Than you got smashed again.

You think you got better by dueling kids who are absolute trash?

You didn't...
i suck? but you still lose to me...lmfao, difference between me and you... you say everyone sucks..but get a few wins then quit..but STILL LOSE TO THE PERSON YOU SAY SUCKS, real cute.

Pat McGroin

i suck? but you still lose to me...lmfao, difference between me and you... you say everyone sucks..but get a few wins then quit..but STILL LOSE TO THE PERSON YOU SAY SUCKS, real cute.
You really think winning 2 out of 100 means anything?

You are delusional...

Pat McGroin

@Pat McGroin has been trying to convince the UO world that he is good at alchy for years.
he has literally been non stop arguing with people on this forum for 6 years. There are apparently less than 10 active players left and he is still driving hard lol

he's got some built up testosterone

Says the guy who has 20 forum accounts and as soon as someone mentions his name he makes a new one...

Lol this virgin needs to give it up already

"Looting this corpse will be a criminal act!"

I had to flag this kid before he could run into the pits. I was naked and he had full wands.


damn, the guy who farmed rank number one..still losing to people he says sucks... real cute, real fucking cute nigga.



Well, cool
ole mickey puts on the exact same show for everyone else.. boom he does the exact same shit to me lmfao.. but when he get's a couple wins he will literally quit and hide like a bitch and crutch on wands like there is no tomorrow, literally he won't go on the field without 30 charges of light and 10 g heal..


but when there are video's and screenshots on him losing to both of us.. he will just want to continue arguing and saying he's better..blah blah blah, what a fucking girly girl. literally scared to die on a game..


Yea I just find it funny how @GeneralLeeObiKanobiKBR calls him out on his shit and fatboy mickey gets all upset and emo. Would lay any money this 40 year old lives with his mom.
From what I hear from a good dude that doesn't have a fake ass ego on a game..u were pretty good, If you were as good as he says.. you could log in now and still stomp mickey, why not man? he'd be hiding...yet from another person. it'd be funny to watch...again
From what I hear from a good dude that doesn't have a fake ass ego on a game..u were pretty good, If you were as good as he says.. you could log in now and still stomp mickey, why not man? he'd be hiding...yet from another person. it'd be funny to watch...again
largely because mickeys gay crew are the only people playing. Like the last time I played, I could only kill mickey/dwayne/neon just so many times until i end up bored out of my mind. If people came back, and the server had something to do/offer, then I could see myself playing again. Until then I'm just hunting headshots in CSGO.


it's sad... when he actually has competition he dodges at at every moment, until he has the odds in his favor..would be awesome for yall to come back, I haven't seen yall in action. if yall think about it.. bring you a little crew... tech brings his crew...i bring my crew.. pat bring his crew.. and so on.. would be fun as hell. I understand hybrid has a few changes needed to be done.. but have some faith in ryan and krrios.. and us players get the ball rolling..