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  • To obtain new Razor updates, please reinstall Razor from our new website.

Forgive me....


I don't care what he posts, its always been the same. They manage to win a fight at a spawn and we still accomplish 5-10 more spawns yet he feels the need to post that single win LOL. Makes me laugh when he does that. Where are the videos of you guys getting smacked around?


I would say KVG won. Hz got lucky with one win and he posts the only win on forums lol. I could flood demise forums with his videos of countless losses. What's the point though. You all believe they are actually worth a crap and you believe the dumb crap they want you to believe.

royal kapero2

within this 12 months you been in every guild on the server.... twice! ; ]
You have facts. Cool but can you understand them?
Be thankful I was a bad buddy and I united second category Americans. I received an emisarry and destroyed the whole 2015, so hatred climaxed and we see posts about Hz to this day. You think I weren't an Hz back then?
Be thankful I was a good buddy and I united Spanish, Chinese then added you and Reira. You think I weren't an Hz back then?

Time for a final sentence. I created two numerous groups to keep PvP vigorous.