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Forgive me....

Anthony File




you tried your best to destroy both of this guilds - luckyly Zulu remains unbeatable no matter what ; ]
It's true. MB and his gang of misfit retards have tried time after time to demoralize and destroy their competition only to fail and create a monster of legendary proportion that brings death and destruction to their doorstep...literally ROFL. They cower behind their walls because they build houses to fight like men. KVG doesn't fight from a house nor do they attempt lowball tactics such as spies and scammers. Those people belong in HZ with the rest of demise filth. Liche lorded or not, what I say is true and their actions prove it time and time again. At this point they can only get worse while they get smacked around because we all know they can't get any better or it would have happened already.


I don't care what he posts, its always been the same. They manage to win a fight at a spawn and we still accomplish 5-10 more spawns yet he feels the need to post that single win LOL. Makes me laugh when he does that. Where are the videos of you guys getting smacked around?

You guys usually spawn when nobody is around, if you get raided you scatter and only appear hours after, how are those 5-10 spawns worth braggin about?

Zulu if you have endless videos of you beating hz why don't you post them? Pvp videos are always appreciated by everyone.


You guys usually spawn when nobody is around, if you get raided you scatter and only appear hours after, how are those 5-10 spawns worth braggin about?

Zulu if you have endless videos of you beating hz why don't you post them? Pvp videos are always appreciated by everyone.
You are so full of shit. I counted 10-12 spawns we did and finished last night while plenty of Hz were online. Loop and DA were also running around Brit gate. Unlike Hz we aren't terrified of spawning even if we are outnumbered. I rarely see you guys step into a spawn with less than 80% of your active members there including your one and only leader. My videos are for the pure souls to watch. You don't deserve to witness the master at work.


You have to remember retard. Most of us have jobs, college and family that consume a large portion of our lives. We don't get to play UO all day long. Hence the UO night life. So while you guys jerk off on your coloring books and wait for people to spawn during peak hours of the day most of us are at work.

Anthony File

You forgot to add the part where I had enough time to leave to drop off scrolls, restock and come back to res Zulu without you looting his corpse and in front of you I might add, at which point you called in the shit squad and we ran around Destard dropping them while you left them to die over and over after eventually getting dropped yourself. This was a KvG win lol, learn to raid with your buddies and next time you might accomplish something.
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Yea he missing about 20 mins of that video lol. Starting to act like MB only showing the parts you want people to see. Congrats on killing my spawner you ran like a bitch from my pvper.


Yea he missing about 20 mins of that video lol. Starting to act like MB only showing the parts you want people to see. Congrats on killing my spawner you ran like a bitch from my pvper.
I heard you can't last 2 mins with him in the duel pit... Video that.

royal kapero2

You forgot to add the part where I had enough time to leave to drop off scrolls, restock and come back to res Zulu without you looting his corpse and in front of you I might add, at which point you called in the shit squad and we ran around Destard dropping them while you left them to die over and over after eventually getting dropped yourself. This was a KvG win lol, learn to raid with your buddies and next time you might accomplish something.
Yea he missing about 20 mins of that video lol. Starting to act like MB only showing the parts you want people to see. Congrats on killing my spawner you ran like a bitch from my pvper.
Yes. Short after I killed M', my screen freezed for 20 seconds and I almost died to monsters, don't know what happened on screen. So you got him up.
And yes. At one point I had 0 refs and 0 stamina, I needed to retreat. You died and we died but the fun will never perish.

Good fight anytime.