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1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

el pepino

Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

3rdtemplar;746175 said:
If you consider pvp as you raiding un geared spawners its because you have no skill,

You want pvp go to brit. Join a faction. Do a circle jerk I dont care but killing spawners shows no skill on your behalf.

Half are guild are new players that can hardly afford insurance to go on a spawn much less get raided. So when they have no money to get a descent set of gear you still have no compition. So quit making it out as if your some sports men about it. You just know you cant handle a real pvper so you follow the road of "little man syndrome" and target the ones you know you have a chance of beating.

And as far as money goes if you guys had a brain fart and you took all that time you have spent in making your pvp char. and all the time you sit around waiting on someone elses spawn and just done your own. You would have and make so much more.... ecspecially with muscly soloing them. :) And if its about the pvp just do like I said and go find some real pvpers to try yourselves agianst

Crying like this is pathetic. PvP is the point of UO and has been since its start. (Unless you're some weirdo role player) When you come to Felucia you're free game regardless of who you are or what crap ass gear you are wearing.
Secondly there are plenty of "well suited" players in guilds we beat down everyday so if you're in some pathetic newb guild like you say then just keep your sad little chin up and maybe one day you'll be able to play with the big boys. :cool:


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

I will take the time to reply to this post just because it's hillarious.

3rdtemplar;746175 said:
If you consider pvp as you raiding un geared spawners its because you have no skill,
PvP = Player versus Player, no matter the situation. Skill means nothing to determine this.

3rdtemplar;746175 said:
You want pvp go to brit. Join a faction. Do a circle jerk I dont care but killing spawners shows no skill on your behalf.
Okay, I will remember to not raid your spawns so you can grow filthy rich, have a perfect suit and NOT go PvP, just like so many have done before you.

And hey, who said I haven't tried factions? The only ones who actively played factions were barcode before I joined them and two or three chinese guys. Nobody else had the balls to fight without some sort of protection.

3rdtemplar;746175 said:
Half are guild are new players that can hardly afford insurance to go on a spawn much less get raided. So when they have no money to get a descent set of gear you still have no compition. So quit making it out as if your some sports men about it. You just know you cant handle a real pvper so you follow the road of "little man syndrome" and target the ones you know you have a chance of beating.

Now this gets my vote for the most ridiculous, yet comic, post this forum has had this month.

What the fuck dude? I started PvP'ing agaisnt people much superior to me gear and skillwise and never have I cried about that. Look how much you are whining, crying and vomiting shit that makes no sense.

3rdtemplar;746175 said:
And as far as money goes if you guys had a brain fart and you took all that time you have spent in making your pvp char. and all the time you sit around waiting on someone elses spawn and just done your own. You would have and make so much more.... ecspecially with muscly soloing them. :) And if its about the pvp just do like I said and go find some real pvpers to try yourselves agianst

Took me a month doing BODs to make my starting pvp suit. A suit doesn't haves to be perfect to be usable, y'know?

Let me break it to you, seeing that you are having such a hard time building a suit:

115 Magery - 300k
115 Eval Int - 300k
115 Wrestling - 100k
Divine countenance - 2kk
Heart of the Lion - 100k
2/6 jewel set - 600k for a set with no mods
6 lmc mr runics - Varies, usually 100-600k depending on how good the piece is
SDI lmc mr book - 200-500k

This sums up the grand total of... 4.5kk. Yeah, two brsks.

Xeneize;746162 said:
When i say you are one of them, i mean that one of the guys who licks Biles balls like Lucifall and treat him as good of UO.

You talk so vividly about Bile's scrotum, seems like you have experience in the topic in question. Care to elaborate?


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

ok ok i am still not understanding whats in it for you though because most time yall just come in and raid and never touch the spawn lol. I may be wrong but seems kinda pointless dont ya think. Go kill spawnrs that are no pvp "rules out compition", you dont do spawn "rules out reason for money or scrolls ect ect.", Oh and I can vaguily remimber a dopple dick head killing us and doing exaclty this. Pls respond I cant emagine of excuse you have to justify any bit of this. Other than just to be an ass, I mean what does any of this prove. you can kill noobs, you cant do spawn "which one is it". Pls tell me and I in every way dont mean to sound like a smart ass here. but you really have me puzzled, because the way myself along with alot of others see it, is that your just trying to be asswholes. " which if is the case, that says alot on what kind a person you are" Remimber were all here to have fun, so quit steping on mine. Ecspecially if your not even going to play the game, just do it to be doing it.


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Less scrolls being gathered by other guilds = more money for the scrolls you get

Also, Barracoon hired me as a bodyguard.

el pepino

Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

3rdtemplar;746183 said:
ok ok i am still not understanding whats in it for you though because most time yall just come in and raid and never touch the spawn lol. I may be wrong but seems kinda pointless dont ya think. Go kill spawnrs that are no pvp "rules out compition", you dont do spawn "rules out reason for money or scrolls ect ect.", Oh and I can vaguily remimber a dopple dick head killing us and doing exaclty this. Pls respond I cant emagine of excuse you have to justify any bit of this. Other than just to be an ass, I mean what does any of this prove. you can kill noobs, you cant do spawn "which one is it". Pls tell me and I in every way dont mean to sound like a smart ass here. but you really have me puzzled, because the way myself along with alot of others see it, is that your just trying to be asswholes. " which if is the case, that says alot on what kind a person you are" Remimber were all here to have fun, so quit steping on mine. Ecspecially if your not even going to play the game, just do it to be doing it.

Its a game. If I'm bored and alone maybe I don't want to waste my time on a spawn solo. So I'll just run in kill your whole guild and then go make a sandwich. :cool:


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Crying like this is pathetic. PvP is the point of UO and has been since its start.

Raiding spawns has been around forever that means you have to find other ways to get gold

m'god yall sound alot alike neither of you has good reason why you do it but both have the same answer. "do yall sleep together as well?" or is this a conjical thing?

and el epino I still dont consider you a big boy lol, just some joker with a false ego.
the reason i say this is you talk alot of shit but its all ways the one in the corner you have to watch "hes the dangerous one" sadly alot of your guildmates are awesome pvpers but I think your living off there name.

el pepino

Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

3rdtemplar;746188 said:
Crying like this is pathetic. PvP is the point of UO and has been since its start.

Raiding spawns has been around forever that means you have to find other ways to get gold

m'god yall sound alot alike neither of you has good reason why you do it but both have the same answer. "do yall sleep together as well?" or is this a conjical thing?

and el epino I still dont consider you a big boy lol, just some joker with a false ego.
the reason i say this is you talk alot of shit but its all ways the one in the corner you have to watch "hes the dangerous one" sadly alot of your guildmates are awesome pvpers but I think your living off there name.

I created this guild and have been playing UO since beta. I don't need to live off anyone's name and as for my false ego.... Unlike nerds like you I don't really give two shits about UO so for me there is no ego tied into the game. I don't have to sit on a forums for hours whining about how people won't let me have fun. Ego for me would come from some sort of worldly accomplishment on my part but I wouldn't expect some role playing, D&D, sob sack to know anything about that.


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

3rdtemplar;746183 said:

King of the Hill is a PvP option in some FPS games, and you just have to stay there waiting for people to come so you can kill them. Raiding is kinda like that, you work your spawn and have to defend it, and we, the attackers, try to kill you, get your scrolls and leave. Got it now?


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

LMAO I have a job and cant sit around in dungeon for 11years waiting for spawners to come. lol

As far as role play, D&D, sob sack youll have to tell me about it cause im clueless

and if no ego is attached, then why are you so pride to be able to kill spwnrs. puss

el pepino

Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

3rdtemplar;746195 said:
LMAO I have a job and cant sit around in dungeon for 11years waiting for spawners to come. lol

As far as role play, D&D, sob sack youll have to tell me about it cause im clueless

and if no ego is attached, then why are you so pride to be able to kill spwnrs. puss

I never boasted any pride. Simply responded to your cries on the forums.
Notice this thread wasn't started by a Barcode member? :cool:


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

3rdtemplar;746195 said:
LMAO I have a job and cant sit around in dungeon for 11years waiting for spawners to come. lol

Good. I play this game maybe two hours a day. No one sits there waiting for people to come, they check spawns periodically.


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

a-e-i-Own-you;746201 said:
This game would still be legendary if it weren't so broken

Wait till you get ML archer runics and see people two shooting 150 hp mages. Enjoy it while it's good!


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

el pepino;746166 said:
My list of the best pvpers of all time from least best to most 10-1:

10. Bugs Bunny
9. Robo Cop
8. Pippy Long Stocking
7. 1980's T.V. star Alf
6. George W. Bush
5. The "I like turtles" kid from Youtube
4. Penny Wise the Dancing Clown
3. The Diaper lady from NASA
2. Samuel L Jackson
1. Macgyver

This is indisputable so don't even try... :cool:

You suck... you forgot the number one.
Chuck Norris


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Lucifall;746202 said:
Wait till you get ML archer runics and see people two shooting 150 hp mages. Enjoy it while it's good!

cant wait for that...

Mister Dank

Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Xeneize;746169 said:
stfu.. I one of them too. Stop licking!

Hybrid Uo was only mages because that was the only template u retarded idiot... With years, Necromancer, Ninja and other habilities were updated, and a good pvper should be able to understand how stop other habilities.

In this days, if you ask for duel somebody u have to duel it with his normal template.
U cant say: Hey duel me, im better than you, but dont use necro, ninja, etc etc....

you have no valid point at all

couple things to consider:

Mages still dueled with the rule set limiting them to magery YEARS after AOS and SE were released.

Hybrid is not where those rules were created, lol.


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Xeneize;746149 said:
You cant put Bile in 1v1 top list. because he only 1v1 with his rules, that are: JUST MAGIC, NO NECRO, NO DP, NO BLOAD OATH, NO NOTHING...

5x mage duels show the ultimate skill level to be honest..

3rdtemplar;746175 said:
If you consider pvp as you raiding un geared spawners its because you have no skill,

You want pvp go to brit. Join a faction. Do a circle jerk I dont care but killing spawners shows no skill on your behalf.

Half are guild are new players that can hardly afford insurance to go on a spawn much less get raided. So when they have no money to get a descent set of gear you still have no compition. So quit making it out as if your some sports men about it. You just know you cant handle a real pvper so you follow the road of "little man syndrome" and target the ones you know you have a chance of beating.

And as far as money goes if you guys had a brain fart and you took all that time you have spent in making your pvp char. and all the time you sit around waiting on someone elses spawn and just done your own. You would have and make so much more.... ecspecially with muscly soloing them. :) And if its about the pvp just do like I said and go find some real pvpers to try yourselves agianst

You guys really need to relax.. it's Fel, you were killed. Big deal. Shit happens. You have to start somewhere. Blah blah blah.