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1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

3rdtemplar;746151 said:
*neverending non-sense that nobody has the patience to read*

You realize the only reason SOME of us are pricks to most is that there's no PvP otherwise, right?


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

3rdtemplar;746151 said:
I CAN PROMISE YOU THIS..... I will spend every last gold peice in all of my accounts. To collect your ugly head every time i get a chance, just in a hope that it shuts you up. I have never heard of anyone so full of them-selves and so full of shit in all my life. Me, and I would hope many others despise you guys for your over the top ego that makes you look like an idiot. Your tactics are tactless. You say your rez kill for insurance money ok I can think of many ways to better fat'n my bank roll than trying to wait around for a hand me out by prying on non-pvp players insurance money. But readers lets give them a the chance in the dark on this. So ok your not smart enough to make any real money. Ok and your excuse for rez killing is money. Ok now why in the hell would you kill all pets, mounts? JUST TO BE PRICK's right?!? Yeah i figured so. So quit the shit of everyone should show you respect because you deserve none! Ya give none and are meer opertunist to makes someones day a pain. but that is changing and its changing every day. lets see how long you guys last when all hate you and you are no longer picking on a new guild with out pvpers.... when were picking on you just to be pricks.:D OH AND GOOD DAY..

You'd be stupid to not rezkill in field fights or spawn raids when the objective is to eliminate the other team's presence. Killing the pet only prolongs the time it takes them to come back.

el pepino

Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Xeneize;746146 said:
you are one of them. and both of them are trash pvpers.
What?!?! You must have eaten a rotten banana or something thats clouding your mind.... I'm Cucumber Jim........ Not lithium or muscly so sorry to crush your hopes and dreams... :cool:

el pepino

Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Feersum Endjinn;746144 said:
Slightly off-topic so I won't waste a half of page on the text or your time.

I am wrong anyway.


PS I know "cheating" in UO isn't limited to pvp since I do it all the time.

lol? :cool:


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

3rdtemplar;746151 said:
I CAN PROMISE YOU THIS..... I will spend every last gold peice in all of my accounts. To collect your ugly head every time i get a chance, just in a hope that it shuts you up. I have never heard of anyone so full of them-selves and so full of shit in all my life. Me, and I would hope many others despise you guys for your over the top ego that makes you look like an idiot. Your tactics are tactless. You say your rez kill for insurance money ok I can think of many ways to better fat'n my bank roll than trying to wait around for a hand me out by prying on non-pvp players insurance money. But readers lets give them a the chance in the dark on this. So ok your not smart enough to make any real money. Ok and your excuse for rez killing is money. Ok now why in the hell would you kill all pets, mounts? JUST TO BE PRICK's right?!? Yeah i figured so. So quit the shit of everyone should show you respect because you deserve none! Ya give none and are meer opertunist to makes someones day a pain. but that is changing and its changing every day. lets see how long you guys last when all hate you and you are no longer picking on a new guild with out pvpers.... when were picking on you just to be pricks.:D OH AND GOOD DAY..

Dude you should tell this before. I give a lot of Bile´s head to my pet so he stay happy. Next time, i collect them for you.

But bro, dont worry and dont rage about him, everybody knows he haves serious issues in his life thats why he lives for UO. He plays UO for living...


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

3rdtemplar;746151 said:
JUST TO BE PRICK's right?!?

Well thats why there are red players and blue players good and evil thats what has made this game what it is today!

If your looking for an all friendly video game maybe try sims or something.

other than that get use to it there is always gonna be grief from somewhere in this game trust me.


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

el pepino;746158 said:
What?!?! You must have eaten a rotten banana or something thats clouding your mind.... I'm Cucumber Jim........ Not lithium or muscly so sorry to crush your hopes and dreams... :cool:

When i say you are one of them, i mean that one of the guys who licks Biles balls like Lucifall and treat him as good of UO.


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Xeneize;746146 said:
you are one of them. and both of them are trash pvpers.

speaking of grief LOL what did I tell ya another idiot comes along always spamming hot air in every direction with no clue of what direction he is going.

el pepino

Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

My list of the best pvpers of all time from least best to most 10-1:

10. Bugs Bunny
9. Robo Cop
8. Pippy Long Stocking
7. 1980's T.V. star Alf
6. George W. Bush
5. The "I like turtles" kid from Youtube
4. Penny Wise the Dancing Clown
3. The Diaper lady from NASA
2. Samuel L Jackson
1. Macgyver

This is indisputable so don't even try... :cool:


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Mister Dank;746155 said:
those aren't his rules, those have been the rules for 2 mages dueling long before demise existed

stfu.. I one of them too. Stop licking!

Hybrid Uo was only mages because that was the only template u retarded idiot... With years, Necromancer, Ninja and other habilities were updated, and a good pvper should be able to understand how stop other habilities.

In this days, if you ask for duel somebody u have to duel it with his normal template.
U cant say: Hey duel me, im better than you, but dont use necro, ninja, etc etc....

el pepino

Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Xeneize;746169 said:
stfu.. I one of them too. Stop licking!

Hybrid Uo was only mages because that was the only template u retarded idiot... With years, Necromancer, Ninja and other habilities were updated, and a good pvper should be able to understand how stop other habilities.

In this days, if you ask for duel somebody u have to duel it with his normal template.
U cant say: Hey duel me, im better than you, but dont use necro, ninja, etc etc....

I guess you never played on OSI...... what a wannabe scrub... :cool:


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

el pepino;746170 said:
I guess you never played on OSI...... what a wannabe scrub... :cool:

You played on OSI, you played on Hybrid, You play on Demise, you spent lots of days playing UO, but guess what... U STILL SUCK .

what a pity


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Lucifall;746154 said:
You realize the only reason SOME of us are pricks to most is that there's no PvP otherwise, right?

If you consider pvp as you raiding un geared spawners its because you have no skill,

You want pvp go to brit. Join a faction. Do a circle jerk I dont care but killing spawners shows no skill on your behalf.

Half are guild are new players that can hardly afford insurance to go on a spawn much less get raided. So when they have no money to get a descent set of gear you still have no compition. So quit making it out as if your some sports men about it. You just know you cant handle a real pvper so you follow the road of "little man syndrome" and target the ones you know you have a chance of beating.

And as far as money goes if you guys had a brain fart and you took all that time you have spent in making your pvp char. and all the time you sit around waiting on someone elses spawn and just done your own. You would have and make so much more.... ecspecially with muscly soloing them. :) And if its about the pvp just do like I said and go find some real pvpers to try yourselves agianst


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

3rdtemplar;746175 said:
If you consider pvp as you raiding un geared spawners you suck,

You want pvp go to brit. Join a faction. Do a circle jerk I dont care but killing spawners shows no skill on your behalf.

Half are guild are new players that can hardly afford insurance to go on a spawn much less get raided. So when they have no money to get a descent set of gear you still have no compition. So quit making it out as if your some sports men about it. You just know you cant handle a real pvper so you follow the road of "little man syndrome" and target the ones you know you have a chance of beating.

And as far as money goes if you guys had a brain fart and you took all that time you have spent in making your pvp char. and all the time you sit around waiting on someone elses spawn and just done your own. You would have and make so much more.... ecspecially with muscly soloing them. :) And if its about the pvp just do like I said and go find some real pvpers to try yourselves agianst

Greeting for Barcode! They finally success on a RAIDING a COON!!

They still so pissed because we roll their status scrolls, because, as usual, you fail defending it, so they need to go and raid some guys that are just starting to play UO... And the more funny part es that they made a thread about it lol... Amazing!

el pepino

Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Xeneize;746174 said:
You played on OSI, you played on Hybrid, You play on Demise, you spent lots of days playing UO, but guess what... U STILL SUCK .

what a pity

I rock you quite effectively and the guild that I have formed has always rocked yours.... So You saying I suck is like the mouse calling the elephant small.... Also this obsession of yours with "Licking" should be addressed with a shrink or counselor of some kind... Its probably not safe for you to be around animals or small children until you have gotten help. :cool:


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

3rdtemplar;746175 said:
If you consider pvp as you raiding un geared spawners its because you have no skill,

You want pvp go to brit. Join a faction. Do a circle jerk I dont care but killing spawners shows no skill on your behalf.

Half are guild are new players that can hardly afford insurance to go on a spawn much less get raided. So when they have no money to get a descent set of gear you still have no compition. So quit making it out as if your some sports men about it. You just know you cant handle a real pvper so you follow the road of "little man syndrome" and target the ones you know you have a chance of beating.

And as far as money goes if you guys had a brain fart and you took all that time you have spent in making your pvp char. and all the time you sit around waiting on someone elses spawn and just done your own. You would have and make so much more.... ecspecially with muscly soloing them. :) And if its about the pvp just do like I said and go find some real pvpers to try yourselves agianst

Raiding spawns has been around forever that means you have to find other ways to get gold and suit your characters just like we had to its called working your ass off in tram.
If you try to make your gold in fel well its never been easy because of raids and pvp etc..

By the way we do spawns every day on our own and sometimes raid while people are still spawning just how it goes, so get use to it.