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1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Lord Dean

Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

hahaha, i may be pumped a bit from watching them run like babies lithium,... but i don't fear or respect anyone under your guild banner, if you would have rolled in with your entire guild i would have been laughing even harder. come on man a spawner is an easy kill for any crappy pvp toon, you guys sit there and claim that your so good, and claim that everyone runs away from you and fears you. i just don't see it buddy, no one is running, no one is shaking in their boots at the sound of barcode. it takes you guys that long to take out a measly group of spawners that should have been an easy meal for any half decent pvper.

i don't speak for the guild, and i hold all responsibility for what i say or do. in time you will fade away like all the other pvp raiding guilds have in the past. your a bunch of little babies who gloat and lie, and act like your the baddest thing to ever set foot in to demise. so, pardon me that i get a little pumped up watching your guys run away non stop and take so long to kill off what should have been an easy appetizer if you were as good as you say.

pardon me for enjoying watchng your boys run for their lives over and over when they gloat they are so good and never run from a fight and yadda yadda yadda, now i finally bid a good bye to this little post as i'm tired of your lies and cries


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Bile;745960 said:
Only when the fallacies aren't too 'out there'.

lmfao, idk i kinda enjoy reading it all, it is too funny. cause then it leads to wars and ahhhh...


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

idk but honestly, i just got killed by bile, just chillin at coon, didn't even bother healing, shit im too damn lazy to even cast on the spawn. ahh i need to get myself a suit and quit being so damn lazy.


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Come, my white-faced guildies,
spawn well in order, get your weapons ready;
Have you your mages? Have your your sharp edged axes? $pawners! O $pawners!

For we cannot tarry here,
We must march my guildies, we must bear the brunt of danger,
We, the youthful sinewy players, all the rest on us depend, $pawners! O $pawners!

O you players, UO players,
So impatient, full of action, full of many pride and friendship,
Plain I see you, UO players, see you tramping with the foremost, $pawners! O $pawners!

Have the elder guilds halted?
Do they droop and end their hunting, wearied, over there beyond the forums?
We take up the pvp, and the spawns, and the scrolls, $pawners! O $pawners!

All the past we leave behind;
we debouch upon a newer, mightier world, varied world,
Fresh and strong the world we seize, world of labor and the march, $pawners! O $pawners! (Left original due to awesomeness)

See, my guildies, resolute guildies,
By those swarms upon our rear, we must never yield or falter,
Ages back in ghostly millions, frowning there behind us urging, $pawners! O $pawners!

O to die advancing on!
Are there some of us to droop and die? has the hour come?
Then upon the march we fittest die, soon and sure the gap is fill’d, $pawners! O $pawners! (Left original due to awesomeness)


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Looks like I missed all the fun. Does lord mars = Mary Kay? PVP is about strategy and tactics, you don't stand there and take spells from 5 guys, especially in Destard surrounded by dragons. Nice of wesmiley to get so elated over one guy dying that he recalls to the base leaving his guildmates to be slaughtered. The fact that Bile and Morana got 6 scrolls and 60k+ makes them the winner. I also like the fact that in this instance and the last few times I've raided Rikktor, the ghosts stand there laughing saying we can't finish the spawn ourselves. No, we just don't care. If you can't solo Rikktor on a necro mage, you suck.


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

MusclyBarbarian;746025 said:
Looks like I missed all the fun. Does lord mars = Mary Kay? PVP is about strategy and tactics, you don't stand there and take spells from 5 guys, especially in Destard surrounded by dragons. Nice of wesmiley to get so elated over one guy dying that he recalls to the base leaving his guildmates to be slaughtered. The fact that Bile and Morana got 6 scrolls and 60k+ makes them the winner. I also like the fact that in this instance and the last few times I've raided Rikktor, the ghosts stand there laughing saying we can't finish the spawn ourselves. No, we just don't care. If you can't solo Rikktor on a necro mage, you suck.

aww. how sweet of you. well i didn't get elated.. i got hungry. got some food.. plus i wasn't gonna stick around for the spawn seeing how i have done 5 spawns today? err yesterday (haven't been to bed yet)


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Muscly talks like he were experienced and full of ability.
Get real dude.... you are one of the worst players in your guild so stop trying to teach lessons... you know shit....

And if you cant finish a Rikktor you really suck.


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Lithium66;745954 said:
Trust me if barcode comes in, in numbers there will be no mistake what happened and xenieze Ill give you an A for effort on your protecting a spawn speel!!!! Just cant wait to actually see you do it

A new noob big mouth kid.... U never kill nobody... If Bile is offline, Barcode really suxs soooo much... When Bile is on, its little more dificult but still you cant kill us... and btw meatshield, look how Biles fights. He is never in the front row, he is always in the back failing trying to xheal, and when one Barcode dies, Lucifall and Bile are the frist that run to the brit laberinth.

Dude, first kill some guys by your own, then start talking


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Seer;746053 said:
Muscly talks like he were experienced and full of ability.
Get real dude.... you are one of the worst players in your guild so stop trying to teach lessons... you know shit....

And if you cant finish a Rikktor you really suck.

Agreed!, Cant believe how Muscly and Lithium are talking like awesome pvpers just because they kill some noob spawners...

btw BILE are you recruiting real pvpers or just forum pvpers?


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Whats funny and Ironic in all this is I don't ever recall saying Im a badass or Im a god or anything like that!!!! The only thing I have said is I have been around a long time and if I was to cut my age in half I would probably still be older than most of ya.

But when people run their mouths like they are some god and put me in a category that opens this up for me to speak so blame yourselves for inviting me into here.

I have played in huge guilds in osi and ran top 3 guilds in osi on atlantic and lake superior in the hey day and trust me I have done nothing but egg other guilds on to strive to get better so we do have competition to make it more fun.

I have watched alotta people cry zerg,meatshields we suck etc etc etc....
But what I love the most is hypocrites LOL it tells me we are winning because they forgot what all they said about us and became so desperate that they did everything against their principles to beat us!

I am not speaking about every guild or every person either if the shoe fits wear it if it dont have a nice day.

Far as D.C, guild goes and xenieze the one time you did a harrower and had 18 people in vent and screamed victory LOL I can say this we have never ever had that many people in our vent at one time and can honestly say if 18 barcode ever logged on at any one time you would see zerg. But it hasnt happened so nuff said.

Shit talking others is all in fun and keeps the rivalries going and thats what makes a shard grow and rivalries get bigger and thats all that matters to me game wise the rest is just pixels.


Re: 1 Doppleganger vs. 5 Spawners

Xeneize;746060 said:
Agreed!, Cant believe how Muscly and Lithium are talking like awesome pvpers just because they kill some noob spawners...

btw BILE are you recruiting real pvpers or just forum pvpers?

I was not even there first of all so get your facts straight. Seems to me your the only forumn pvper here.

And btw your the one talking like your somn special kid! You need a hug? Mommy forget to feed ya? whats buggin son I can help.

Or maybe its you just needin a spankin again that usually puts kids in check.